4. Goodbye China

Over the rain (sequel to And then, the rain cried)

„About that...the CBC Blood test shows that his blood cells are healthy. It’s a miracle!” the nurse said with excitement in her voice.

„So the targeted therapy worked. Hmp. Lucky kid. I though i lost him.”the doctor said shaking his head with a warm smile on his face. The doctor exited his office and headed to Chanyeol’s room. He knocked at the door and entered cautiously.

„Hello there, lucky kid." He said when he spotted Chanyeol sitting half up on the bed. The machine beside his bed was beeping along with his heart, in a costant rhythm.

His head was dizzy and he looked confused at the talking figure in front of him.

„Hello? Do you hear me?” the doctor asked waving a hand in front of him.

„Yes... Am i alive?”Chanyeol managed to ask.

„Yes. You are alive and even better. The targetted therapy worked. Your cancer was successfully cured.” Chanyeol’s face didn’t betray any emotion. He was staring at the doctor as if he grew 3 heads.

*The cancer was what? I’m healthy now? Is this a dream?*

„And it’s not a dream if this is what you’re wondering.”the doctor said grinning. „As soon as we’ll do some final checks on you, you’ll be able to leave the hospital, lucky kid.”

„I ...will live?” Chanyeol asked incredulous.

„Yes, that is if you don’t want me to put some cyanide into that IV.„ the doctor tried to joke but chanyeol’s face was too stunned to show any sign of amusement.

„Looks like you need to rest. I’ll come back later. For now, sleep tight.”The doctor waved his hand and left the room.

As soon as the doctor left Chanyeol brought his hands to his face and took a better look. He curled his fingers inwards and created a strong fist.

„I’m alive...i’ll be able to be with Song Yi again. I’ll meet hyung as well. I’m alive!”Chanyeol finally exclaimed with tears in his eyes. „Song Yi-ah, just wait for me, i’ll come back soon.”

3 days later, Chanyeol’s health state was confirmed and was getting his things ready to leave the hospital.

„Ready to go out and fight the world, tiger?” the doctor that was in charge of Chanyeol smiled from the door frame.

„Oh, doctor, i didn’t see you coming.”Chayeol bowed respectfully.

„I’ll miss you kid. You really are one lucky kid, you know?”the doctor spoke patting Chanyeol’s back.

„It’s because you are a great doctor that i’m alive. Thank you, sir.”Chanyeol bowed 90 degrees.

„Ayyy~~ i did nothing. It was your wish to live that made you get through everything.”the doctor smiled.”You must have thought about someone while fighting the cancer, didn’t you?”the doctor grinned with a knowing look on his face.

Chanyeol’s face turned crimson.

„Awww...kids these days...Take care on your way back home. And don’t forget, if any problem occures, don’t hesitate to look for me. Got it, kid?”

„Yes sir, thank you very much. Thank you.” Chayeol repeatedly bowed.

„Tsk tsk, i’ll miss that kid.”the doctor said to himself while walking on the coridor.
 Since Chanyeol’phone was left at home, he couldn’t call in advance to announce he’s coming, so he just took a taxi and headed towards the airport, deciding to call Baekhyun as soon as he gets to Korea.

„Goodbye China and thank you.”Chanyeol bowed 90 degrees in the airport towards the night view of the city. People were looking strangely at him, as he seemd to be bowing to the air, but he didn’t care. He was happy. For the first time after kissing you, he was happy. Truly happy.


Hey everyone! sorry that it's a pretty short update >< i'll update again tomorrow ^^

Okay, so Chanyeol's healthy!

And i just wanted to let you know that all these targeted therapy treatment and Cancer treatment center from China are real, and people were cured as a matter of a fact. So, miracles do happen! hehe

Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing~~ ^^

Thank you new subscribers: 


&    gure321




See you around!


Disclaier: Gif not mine. :3


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Chapter 8: haha as I said, second time i'm reading this. I'll say this again. YOU'RE AWESOME! this was the most touching story I read, here, in AFF ^^
minniscule #2
Chapter 8: Aww, happy ending! <3
Chapter 8: awww~! He's really a cute guy~! :))
Okay girl, can I take Baekhyun now? You love Chanyeol and I'm happy for the both of you! So, i'm askin' to take baekhyun with me since I love him~ :3 Mwahahahahha.
amazing story~ <3
because of your stories.. i now like Chanyeol & Baekhyun.. ^_^ aside from Kris,, of course.. :p great story,, author-nim..!! :)
pbcccc #7
chanyeol is so so so cute
I love the ending! It's so sweet! But I'm sad that it already ended. T^T Thank you for the wonderful story. I hope you make another one.
Bugsbunnee #9
Ahhhhh!!!! Yay !!!!! Happy ending!!!!
AznPride6767 #10
Honestly, this is like one of the only stories where I read the sequel. And I definitely do not regret it. I LOVED this sequel. Made me cry and laugh :). Daebakkk ! <3