3. Move on

Over the rain (sequel to And then, the rain cried)

The sun was tingling your eyelashes and you flicked your eyes open.

“Chanyeol!” you supported your upper body on your elbows, looking around you. You were on your bed. It was just a dream. Just another dream. You turned your head to the side trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to escape your eyes. That was when you noticed that you were not alone in the room. Baekhyun’s hand was overlapping yours and he was resting his head on the bed, while the rest of his body was laying on the cold floor. Your heart sank.

*He’s been here all night…* Teardrops rolled down your face in guilty and gratitude. You squeezed his hand trying to wake him up.

“Baekhyun Oppa…Wake up…” he shifted in his sleep and his eyebrows furrowed.

“Wake up…”you said again slightly shaking him. He opened his eyes and looked directly at you. His face was pale and he looked tired. Tired from watching you sleep almost the entire night. The expression on his face softened in recognition.

“Sorry, I fell asleep here.” He said taking his hand away and cleaning his non-existent drool. You looked at your hand that he had held and for a second, you felt that your hand turned cold. It felt empty without his hand in it. But it was already frozen, since Chanyeol’s hand last touched yours. The image of the two of you holding hands for the first time invaded your mind. You were the one that took his hand, on the rooftop. You were the one that accepted the idea that you will end up hurt if you follow your heart. You were the one that promised not to give up on him, but still…you are the one backing down, running away, hiding from the truth.

“Oppa, do you think Chanyeol would be mad at me if I smiled in his absence? Wouldn’t it be wrong for me to be happy without him? Wouldn’t I be selfish?” you asked as tears ran down your face.

“If you were in Chanyeol’s place, would you be mad at him if he was smiling without you? Would you blame him for moving on? Would you?” he asked sitting on your bed and looking you in the eyes. You shook your head in shame.

“Let me ask you one thing. Do you regret meeting Chanyeol? Do you regret saving him that time? Do you regret loving him?”

“NO! Of course not. How could i?!”you turned rigid at his question. What was he trying to say? Of course you’ve never regretted saving him…loving him.

“Then stop acting like you do…At first, crying seemed right to me. You loved him, he left this world, you were hurt. But, Park Song Yi, get a hold of yourself! Don’t stumble over the things of the past. Be happy that it happened, be happy that you met him, be happy that you experienced love, and move on…Don’t live a life of regrets…”Baekhyun sincerely spoke holding both of your hands.

“I…I…I will move on. I will show him that I’m strong and I don’t regret meeting him. I’ll …move on.” *it’s selfish, it’s unfair and it’s painful, but…* “I don’t want to be a burden for you, oppa.” You said looking down.

“You’ve never been one, and you’ll never be. I’m here for you.” He said and pulled you into a warm hug.


After Baekhyun left to work you decided to clean up your mind and heart. You started looking for the box from Chanyeol and you finally spotted it in your desk’s drawer. You opened it. The content inside was untouched. The crumpled half of the letter, stained by rain, the pink earring and his silver watch. You brushed your fingers against its bracelet and sighed.

“Chanyeol-ah, I’m moving on now. Please be happy wherever you are.” You took back your hand and placed the cover back.

*Tick.* the hands of the watch suddenly moved.

You placed the box back in the drawer and closed it with a deep breath.

“I’ll smile for you. I won’t disappoint you.”

You left the room to take a shower.

Back in the box, the hands of the clock were moving regulatory. Although, there was no glass lid to protect them, time was being counted once again.


*Beep ~beep ~beep*

“Doctor! Doctor! He’s pulse is back to normal!” a nurse screamed in chinese. Right before unplugging the machine, Chanyeol’s pulse returned. The doctor scrambled back inside and started to examine Chanyeol’s body. He opened his eyes to check his pupils and looked for the rest of his vital signs.

“He’s alive…”the doctor proclaimed incredulous. “After being in a coma for a month, and after the heart attack a moment ago, he’s alive. It’s a miracle! Bring him to the examination room. We must make another checkup.”

“Yes, sir.” the nurse bowed and started to prepare moving the patient.


“Sir, both the electrocardiogram and the electroencephalography are showing a perfectly working system.” The nurse responsible for the examination reported.

„What about the cancer tests?” the doctor asked while looking through the papers.

„About that...”


Hello~~ ^^ 

How are you guys? 

TA-DAH~~ Chanyeol's alive!  keke

Thank you very much for your suppport! You are the best! TT

Thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting! ^____^

Have a great day everyone~~ 

See you at the next chapter!


Disclaimer: Gifs not mine. Peace~ (:


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Chapter 8: haha as I said, second time i'm reading this. I'll say this again. YOU'RE AWESOME! this was the most touching story I read, here, in AFF ^^
minniscule #2
Chapter 8: Aww, happy ending! <3
Chapter 8: awww~! He's really a cute guy~! :))
Okay girl, can I take Baekhyun now? You love Chanyeol and I'm happy for the both of you! So, i'm askin' to take baekhyun with me since I love him~ :3 Mwahahahahha.
amazing story~ <3
because of your stories.. i now like Chanyeol & Baekhyun.. ^_^ aside from Kris,, of course.. :p great story,, author-nim..!! :)
pbcccc #7
chanyeol is so so so cute
I love the ending! It's so sweet! But I'm sad that it already ended. T^T Thank you for the wonderful story. I hope you make another one.
Bugsbunnee #9
Ahhhhh!!!! Yay !!!!! Happy ending!!!!
AznPride6767 #10
Honestly, this is like one of the only stories where I read the sequel. And I definitely do not regret it. I LOVED this sequel. Made me cry and laugh :). Daebakkk ! <3