1. Just another dream

Over the rain (sequel to And then, the rain cried)

I got out of the building and started to run as fast as I could. It was raining. Raining cats and dogs to be more precise, but rain did not bother me. It was something else.

My throat started burning and I felt my lungs going to explode soon, but I had to run. I had to go there and stop him. I had no idea why I was so willing to stop that unknown guy from the top of the building ready to jump and take away him life. I’ve never seen him before in my entire life, yet here I am running from my room in order to stop him. What shall I say? What if he’s actually not going to do anything and just got out to take some fresh air? What if I am only imagining things? But then again, why would he get out in the rain…at night…and why would he climb on the edge of the block… I must get there before it’s too late. My thoughts washed away as soon as I got in front of the respective building. I pushed the door open and I started to climb up the stairs. My legs felt numb and before reaching the last level I stumbled and the stairs. I was standing there, trying to catch my breath and trying to stand up, the door of the rooftop was right in front of me. With my last energy I managed to stand up and my hand reached for the doorknob. My heart was beating at an uncontrollable rate. I had to stop him. I must stop him. I will stop him. I squeezed the doorknob and pushed the door open. A cold shiver ran down my spine at the view of the damped boy wearing white tshirt who was ready to push himself of the edge.

“Stop!” I yelled at him. He stood there frozen when hearing of my voice.

He turned his face towards me. A heartfelt smile evaded his lips and, without breaking the eye contact with me, he pushed himself off the edge.

“NOO!!! CHANYEOL!!!” I opened my eyes to find myself on my bed. Droplets of sweat were covering my forehead and my heart was beating fast. I tried to catch my breath.

“It’s just another dream…”I sighed. It’s been about 3 weeks since I read Chanyeol’s letter and ever since, there is not a single night that I have another dream, other than this one, in which I fail to save him. Is it because I unconsciously feel that i should have let him do what he wanted to do from the beginning? Is it because I feel guilty that I didn’t ask him the reason why he tried it sooner?  Was he trying to tell me something through my dreams? I wiped away my tears and I pushed aside the blanket. The blanket we used to put over us when we were cuddling. The blanket that does not make me feel warm like it used to when we both were under it. The blanket that makes me tear up every time I look at it. And is not just the blanket; ever since Chanyeol’s gone, every little thing around me reminds me of him. I just can’t stop thinking about him, wandering if he’s fine where he is now. What if he’s not smiling anymore? What if his eyes are sad? Who is going to comfort him? Why did he have to go so soon? I fell numb beside my bed, hugging my knees to my chest.

“You are so unfair…” I muttered under my breath. Tears fell uncontrollably as I was sobbing. Again. Some say that the pain of losing someone will gradually disappear and your heart will feel at peace again. Then why don’t I feel any better? Every day feels the same: hurt, alone, sad, helpless, dead.



Like Chanyeol. My eyes were red and my cheeks were stained with hot tears. I buried my face in my knees hoping that hiding my misery would make me feel better. Between my sobs I heard a faint click.

The front door opened and Baekhyun stepped inside my apartment.

Narrator's POV                                           

“Hey”. Baekhyun came into your bedroom and saw you on the floor. “What are you doing? Come on, let’s eat.” You still didn’t move. You were ashamed of yourself. Ever since Chanyeol had been gone, he’s been taking care of you. He became like your guardian, he checks on you every day, making sure that you eat enough to be able to last for the day. He’s always there when you fall, helping you up.

“Come on, I brought bindaettoek.” He said crouching beside you. He knew very well what was going on. Every morning was the same, he would come to your apartment to only find you crying. Every day. He was afraid you would get sick from all the crying and poor feeding.

“Song Yi-ah, are you okay?” he said patting your shoulder.

“Why? Why does it hurt so bad?” you managed to say between your sobs. He put his hand under your chin and made you face him.

“I know it hurts. I know how it feels, but think about Chanyeol; do you think he’d be happy seeing you broken like this?” More tears escaped your eyes. He was right, but you just couldn’t help it. When Chanyeol left, he took a part of you. A big part. He took your heart. Entirely.

Baekhyun’s slender fingers wiped away your tears and cupped your face.

“Think about yourself too. Chanyeol wouldn’t be happy to see you like this. And neither am I.” he said the last part so softly that your ears couldn’t pick it up. “Now let’s eat. I’m starving.” he said taking your hand in his and helped you stand.

“Go wash yourself. I’ll go lay the table.” He smiled and ruffled your hair. “Don’t let me wait too long~~” he said in a cheerful voice and exited your room. You were standing motionless feeling like a zombie.

*He’s trying so hard. Baekhyun Oppa is trying so hard to make me feel better. Chanyeol would be mad at me for treating his friend this way.* you thought and decided to go washing.

Baekhyun heard the water running and smiled to himself.

*Song Yi-ah, don’t make it harder than it already is.* he’s smile faded away at the memory of his best friend.


“Hyung, I decided to do it. I’ll go for the targeted therapy.” Chayeol said one night when both of them were watching TV.

“Mwo?” Baekhyun asked surprised.

“I’ll just risk it all. This is the only chance I might have. My only chance to be with her. The only chance to stay around hyung as well.” Chanyeol cracked a smile and diverted his attention back to the TV.

“Chanyeol. That- that is a bit too much of a risk, don’t you think?”Baekhyun tried to resonate the chances

“But that may be the only way I can be with her… I want to give it a shot.”

“Wh- what if it doesn’t work as planned?” baekhyun asked trying to convince him

“Then hyung, I’ll ask you a favor. Promise me you’ll take care of Song Yi for me. She might get hurt, so please, take good care of her for me. Mm?” chanyeol asked with pleading eyes.


“Please hyung.”

“A-arasseo.” Baekhyun eventually gave in. “But that won’t be needed, because you’ll come back safe and sound. Got it?”

“Thank you Hyung. You are the best.”chayeol threw himself at baekhyun giving him a brotherly hug.

“Yah! Get away from me. I’m not Song Yi.”Baekhyun said annoyed by all the touching.

“Aigoo~~ Our Baekhyunie hyung needs himself a girl. We must find you a sweet girl when I’ll come back. Remember our EXO days? I bet Kai still knows lots of pretty girls. I’ll give him a call when I return.”Chanyeol said winking.

“I don’t need a girlfriend, living with you is enough.” Baekhyun said shaking his head. “It’s like being married and having a kid as well, you kiddo!” baekhyun laughed.

“Hyuuung~~ I’m a grown up man now! Look at this!” said Chayeol pulling up his shirt to show his hyung his well-defined abs.

“Oh, my innocent eyes~~ “Baekhyun screamed in a high voice, turning his head to the side.

“Song Yi-ah~~ something is wrong with Chanyeol, what if he’s not straight???“ he ran to you and hugged you with his eyes shut  when he saw you frozen on the spot at the sight of chanyeol’s abs. Your cheeks were turning a shade of red and Chanyeol’s eyes widened more than the usual. He pulled down his shirt and scratched the back of his head embarassed.

“You-You came?”

*end of flashback*

You came out of the bathroom and sat in front of Baekhyun at the table.

His warm smile extended and he urged you to eat.

“Eat lots Song Yi-ah. Don’t let Chanyeol down.”*and don’t let me down. I already lost my best friend, I don’t want to lose you as well.*



Annyeong readers~~ ^^

Here's the first chapter. ^^ i hope you won't be disappointed in me...TT

Thank you very much for reading,subscribing and commenting! 

Shout out to my dear subscribers:



See you around~~ 

Ade ^^

DISCLAIMER: Once again, GIFS are not mine. ^^

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Chapter 8: haha as I said, second time i'm reading this. I'll say this again. YOU'RE AWESOME! this was the most touching story I read, here, in AFF ^^
minniscule #2
Chapter 8: Aww, happy ending! <3
Chapter 8: awww~! He's really a cute guy~! :))
Okay girl, can I take Baekhyun now? You love Chanyeol and I'm happy for the both of you! So, i'm askin' to take baekhyun with me since I love him~ :3 Mwahahahahha.
amazing story~ <3
because of your stories.. i now like Chanyeol & Baekhyun.. ^_^ aside from Kris,, of course.. :p great story,, author-nim..!! :)
pbcccc #7
chanyeol is so so so cute
I love the ending! It's so sweet! But I'm sad that it already ended. T^T Thank you for the wonderful story. I hope you make another one.
Bugsbunnee #9
Ahhhhh!!!! Yay !!!!! Happy ending!!!!
AznPride6767 #10
Honestly, this is like one of the only stories where I read the sequel. And I definitely do not regret it. I LOVED this sequel. Made me cry and laugh :). Daebakkk ! <3