Chapter 15~

Water disasters bring maknaes together

Minzy Pov

SHINee oppas came and currently all of us were seating on the sofa, well, 2 sofas. My unnies were starring at SHINee oppas and SHINee oppas were starring at my unnies and there is only a word to describe which is awkward...

Taemin oppa then cleared his throat and asked, "Hey, do you guys have any ideas on what we should do about the party?" Taemin oppa sure rocks! He is the one and only guy here who takes initiative to ice-break the awkwardness in the air. He is super awesome! However, no one actually listened to him. And before I could even blink, a fight had broken out between Jonghyun oppa and Onew oppa. All happens because both were sitting side by side, directly opposite Bom unnie.   

Jonghyun oppa pushed Onew oppa on the ground and started kicking him till Onew oppa face bruised, his lips bled a little. Onew oppa then stood up and pushed Jonghyun oppa away and hit him hard on his chest. We, 2NE1, gasped. Basically, my unnies knew nothing at all about the crushes and they were all curious while Minho oppa held tight on Onew oppa and Key oppa held tight on Jonghyun oppa. In the end, we ended up splitting into 2 groups; Taemin and I one group and my unnies and his hyungs another one. Afterwards, Key oppa helped Jonghyun oppa to clean the wound whereas Minho oppa helped Onew oppa to clean his wound.

Taemin oppa and I then went to the other side of the living room to discuss about the party leaving the older ones alone. Taemin oppa and I sat on the floor while discussing and we laughed and played. Spending time with Taemin oppa made me so happy and comfortable, as he gave me a feeling that I never felt before which is love. But as much as I wanted to deny that I don't love him the love-love, lovers, way, I can't. I love him, only Taemin oppa makes my cheeks burn, my heart beats faster, only Taemin oppa...

"Hey Minzy, next time we plan this party, we should not allow my hyungs meet your unnies," Taemin whispered to me before bidding goodbye. I nodded my head in agreement, I don't want Jonghyun oppa and Onew oppa to injure again, they are a group and I can't allow fans to get upset just because of some relationship problems right?

The following meeting I had with Taemin oppa, instead of planning the party, he brought me to somewhere else- the beach. 

That very day, Taemin oppa had picked me up as early as 4 am. It was quite early as my unnies were all still sleeping. "Minzy, wake up, we had reached the destination," Taemin oppa said, shaking me gently. I opened one of my eyes unwillingly and was surprised that Taemin oppa brought me to a beach somewhere far and isolated where the sun was shining brightly. I know I am safe yet somehow in danger as I am safe from the media, in danger from Taemin oppa. I am all alone with Taemin oppa, a guy, who knows what he might do to me. "Taemin oppa, why are we here?" I asked. "We are here to play!" Taemin oppa exclaimed.


"Play what?" I asked. Taemin oppa did not reply but pulled me out of his car, towards the current of the waves. Taemin oppa then splashed me with a handful of the sea water. "Yah Taemin oppa!" I exclaimed and splash some water on him. Soon, Taemin oppa and I were playing catching along the seashore. After playing with Taemin oppa, Taemin oppa gave me a new set of clothes, "Thanks Taemin oppa!"

Before I can go and change, Taemin oppa hugged me tightly. "Minji, I love you so much," Taemin oppa said. Feeling weird that Taemin oppa is acting strangely I asked,"Oppa, why are you acting strangely?"

"Nope! I am not behaving strangely!" Taemin oppa said and walked away.

We then spent the entire afternoon touring around the beach, finding the beach distinct features and what activities there should be.  We also rent a chalet to stay for the night as it will be too dark to go back. Our dinner is simple yet fun. Taemin oppa and I barbecued the fishes that we had caught earlier with a beautiful view of the sunset. The sky was red with a mixture of little blue, what a beautiful sight…

"Minzy," Taemin oppa called me while barbecuing the fishes and I replied, "Eh?"

"I love you Minzy. I thought the constant feeling of getting fast heartbeat whenever I am near you is just more concerned about you but I am wrong... Only you will give me this feeling, the feeling of love... The feeling where Krystal, Sulli or any random girls can't give me but only you can... The feeling which can make me as if I am floating in the air. The feeling where as if I could make my cheeks feel warm, warmer than any heat from the Sun. The feeling which can make me smile foolishly," Taemin oppa said.

Really? Unable to believe this fact I asked Taemin, "Taemin oppa, is it real?"

"No, it is not. Obviously it is real! Pabo Minzy! Can you be my girlfriend?" Taemin oppa asked. I nodded my head and then hugged Taemin oppa tightly and said, "I love you oppa!"  

We then spent the night enjoying the presence of each other.

The next day, Taemin oppa and I then returned Seoul. However, we still did not tell anyone that we were dating as it’s our first time going through an relationship so we would wait till when our relationship are more stable before we announce our relationship.

I really wished that there will never be the day to the party so I can meet Taemin oppa as much as I want as I can with the excuse which is meetings for party planning. If only I can stop the time, I would stop at these days. Soon, the weeks past by quickly and before we knew, it is only a week before the grand party. I sighed. But then, I am allowed to meet Taemin oppa daily and they don't really care that I spent almost 24 hours with Taemin oppa well at least I only have to handle the teases from my unnies, nothing much to be afraid of.

Our venue for the party had already decided, the venue is a spacious ball room with a indoor swimming pool. Taemin oppa and I had already planned everything and everything is in order. I sighed at the fact that this will be our last meeting for the party. Taemin oppa then send me back to YG entertainment after the preparations. Taemin oppa and I entered YG's room together. 

"Sajangnim, we had already done with the preparations and planning for the party," Taemin oppa said. "Erm... Papa YG... we have something to... tell you," I stuttered. Taemin oppa nodded his head in agreement that we should at least tell Papa YG about our 3 month relationship.

"Please allow us to date, we had been secretly dating for 3 months now..." Taemin oppa and I said at the same time, hoping Papa YG would approve our relationship.

Papa YG was surprised by our news totally as his expression was totally priceless. However, his reply made me scared. If he disapproved us then we will...

"Take good care of Minzy. However if you ever make her cry, you will be sorry and you won't allow to date her," Papa YG said.

I was surprised at his answer, I smiled. No words could ever express how happy I am now.  "I will," Taemin oppa said. "I will help you tell Soo Man about this but if he disapproves, then both of you won't be able to date," Papa YG said.

Taemin oppa and I nodded. Just as we were about to happily leave his room he said, "But this will only be valid if Taemin passes the YG dating test! Being the maknae of 2NE1, Minzy will have to get extra protection from us and the judging will be stricter," Papa YG said. We then left his room, sadly. Seriously? Papa YG is such a troll! The moment I opened the door from Papa YG's room to exit from his room, my unnies were already screaming mad.

"Yah! Minzy! Why did you not tell unnies?" Bom exclaimed. "Mianhe unnies," Minzy said.

"Mianhe noonas, it was my idea not to tell all of you first because I want to get approval from the elders first," Taemin oppa said and did a little bow.

"Aw... Even apologizing also so sweet! Both of you wanted to take the blame to apologise!" Dara commented. Dara unnie's comment made both Taemin oppa and I blush a little.

"Erm.... Can I know will the test be easy?"Taemin oppa asked.

"We had just been informed that we will test you in one of the segments whereas Big Bang oppas and Se7en oppa will test for the second round and Minzy family will test you the last round. Then you will only get approval from Papa YG. So, we don't know how hard it will be, but if you want, we could make it easier for you," Chaerin unnie said and winked at Taemin oppa.

"Thanks!" Taemin oppa made a bow. "Be back here tomorrow at 7 am, you must do the test fast! Because the party starts at 5pm and we have to prepare at 3pm, whereas you have to prepare at 1pm because both of you are the main in-charge of this event. It's not gonna be easy especially when encounter the guys in YG entertainment," Dara unnie said.

Later that evening,

In 2NE1 dorm,

I was in my room messaging Taemin oppa, lying on my bed, when I heard my unnies conversation.

Bom unnie who most likely be eating corn and said, "I wonder who will be the most protective guy of Minzy tomorrow?"

"Jiyong oppa?" Chaerin unnie guessed. 

"Maybe... Minzy is his favourite maknae," Bom unnie said.

"Maybe... Only maybe…" Dara unnie said and emphasised on the word ‘maybe’, she continued her sentence, "But what about Seunghyun?"

"Don't you even allow him to be protective of Minzy!" Bom unnie said.

"Why? You like Seunghyun oppa right?" Chaerin unnie teased Bom unnie. 

Really? Is that so? Then if Bom unnie likes Seunghyun oppa, means that Onew oppa and Jonghyun oppa fought for nothing... If that is the case then... Will they bash Seunghyun oppa? I don't wish it to happen!

"No!!!!" Bom unnie exclaimed.

"Stop denying, it’s clear! After the dating test for Minzy, Seunghyun will take the dating test for Bommie!!!" Dara unnie teased Bom unnie.

"Stop teasing me!!!" Bominator unnie exclaimed.

"Fine! But you know what, Daesung oppa told me he likes someone whom maybe is Minzy from the way he describes it. His descrpition is a girl who have short hair, dance very well, is cute and have a dog which dog name starts with letter 'D'," Chaerin unnie said.

I know almost everyone that Daesung oppa knows and there's no one he knows that qualifies these description other than me...

I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep, I hate the fact that I never know that Daesung oppa likes me, I see him almost every day and now I know why he teases me. But now, knowing this fact hurt me more...

Just then, my phone vibrated- a message from Taemin oppa.

┌From: Taemin

To: Minzy

I miss you~  ┘

I smiled. Then, I heard Chaerin unnie said, "Papa YG messaged me that we are going to have an emergency meeting to plan on tomorrow's dating test!"

"Minzy! Be good at home!" Bom unnie said before leaving.

I nodded my head. 

After a while I heard the door bell ring, I supposed that suppose to be my forgetful unnies again... When I opened the door... I was surprised and rooted to my spot...

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Chapter 13: Waaah, it's good. Update soon :)
LoveyDoraemon #2
Chapter 2: I like the poster :DD
LoveyDoraemon #3
Chapter 1: It was nice! ^^
Chapter 16: Who was it??? Daesung? Update soon
Chapter 15: I want a confession LOL
Update soon ^^
Can't wait!!
Chapter 14: Hahaha they are so crazy!!
Chapter 14: Why didn't Taemin say that he liked Minzy :( Please update soon!!!!!
Chapter 14: Waaaaah.. Jiyong oppa. the best mood devour.. gwahah. Taemin oppa.. Minzy unnie.. Fighting.. How adorable to be together.. >_<
NimNim96 #9
Chapter 14: Wow! Amazing story! But I do think that Bom should end up with Onew because, Jonghyun always gets the girls:(
Chapter 13: Taemin you know you like her!!awesome jiyong!!