
Making Connections





I couldn't move. My hands clenched the hem of my shirt. Something boiled up inside of me. What was it anger, sadness, frustration? I had no idea. I lowered my head down slowly so my eyes met the floor. From the corner of my eye I noticed Chunji trying to approach me.

"Byunghun?" he asked hesitantly

He reached out and grabbed my hand. I felt panic well inside me. How did he even know that my parents, well just my umma was dead? My Appa? I don't give a where that bastard is.

"Yah! Byunghun!"

His shout brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up at his face. His eyes were filled with worry and regret. Probably regret for asking such a question. I probably shouldn't have but I got angry. I just couldn't control it. I grabbed the mosaic glass lamp that was close by and threw it on the ground in a rampage. Chunji's eyes widened. I was breathing hard and fighting back tears. Why was I so weak? I felt the warm tears slowly stream down my face. I covered my face with my hands in an attempt to hide myself from Chunji.

"L-leave! J-just go." I sobbed. I was an emotional wreck.

Suddenly a pair of warm arms engulfed me in a tight embrace. Chunji was hugging me and gently my back. The feeling was so secure and I couldn't help but clutch his shirt and cry into his chest. He was now brushing my hair with his hand and shushing me.

"shh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry" He whispered trying to soothe me.

I couldn't respond my throat was now only letting out the sounds of hiccups and gasps. I gripped tighter onto him as if he was the only thing left keeping me sane.

My anger subsided to a now calmer feeling. I was sitting on the floor now, dragging Chunji with me. He didn't let me go and still continued his warm caresses on my head and back. I leaned my head on his chest not looking at him. I was sitting on his lap straddling him. We stayed like this for a while until I finally gathered the courage to look at him. I avoided his gaze. 

"How d-did you know t-that my parents are d-dead?" I asked in a quiet voice

He shook his head and hugged me tighter. His embrace was so comforting and warm. I inhaled his scent, getting intoxicated by it.

"I'm sorry Niel told me. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm sorry." He apologized again.

Niel told him? I thought I told him to never tell! He must've really trusted Chunji.

I gripped onto Chunji's shirt until my knuckles turned white. Chunji was so kind and thoughtful. He made me feel happy. Made me feel like I was somebody. 

"Why are you here still? Why are you always being so kind?" I mumbled

This reminded me of the day I first talked to him. He had said he wanted to be friends. I placed my head on his shoulder and waited for the same answer. Nothing. He didn't respond. I brought my head up to say something but was interupted when a pair of lips connected with mine. Chunji was kissing me! I didn't move, beause I was frozen with shock. Why is he kissing me?

Chunji broke the kiss and looked at me in the eyes. His stare was so deep and passionate that I had to look away. My face flushed and I held my face in my hands to feel  it heat up. Chunji took my face with his hands to get me to look at him. My heart was beating like crazy.I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Byunghun...I don't want to be friends" He told me bluntly.

My heart literally stopped. My mood darkened and I felt like crying again. I was suprised at how affected I was by this. I pushed him away wanting to part from his embrace but he held me down.

"Just let g—"

"I want to be more than that. I really like you!"

I stiffened. Did I just hear him right?

I noticed him lean in. I didn't move. I didn't want to. His lips brushed against mine gingerly. He pulled away and kissed me more. I slowly started responding back, unsure of what was going on. He held my cheek bringing me closer. I kept my hands on his shirt. I broke the kiss gasping for air. My face was red.

"I love you"

I didn't know what to say. My heart was now exploding in my chest.  I was at a loss of words. Chunji was so honest and he just proclaimed his love for me. I hugged him back nuzzling into his chest not saying a word. I was too embarrased. I heard his beautiful laugh.

"I really do" he said

I sighed. If Chunji was being honest, I guess I should too. I looked at him. His eyes were smiling. he caressed my cheek. I trusted him.

"Chunji would you—would you listen to my past?"








I AM SO SORRY! i keep saying I will reveal his past but I don't! But it will appear next chapter!! (hopefully)

I'm sorry for such a short chapter too! OTL I'm just apologizing like crazy today!

I really hope you liked this chapter. It was kinda difficult to right. >.<

Chunji confessed to Byunghun! wooohooo! FINALLY! and they kissed *swoons*

Thank you for reading! And Thank you PrettyNoonaLove for the idea of LAMPS being thrown!


Thank you for subscribing and commenting! You guys make me really happy!


Please continue to read~


Love you!




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Argh. It's been soooo long!! I'll have to reread this so I can write the next chapter.. That's right... I'll be trying to update a chapter as soon as I can ^^


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Chapter 14: Yea where are u authornim ??? TT im so glad i came across this i love evey part of it ...and how could u say it was bad it was so sweeeeeeeet....plz plz update sooon ...
BunnyPie #2
Where are you author-nim? T.T
I just found this amazing story and I fell in love with it!
Please update soon!!!~ ^.^
Chapter 14: Ahhhh! OMO! This story is so cute!! Update soon
ally-chan #4
Chapter 14: update soon~
Chapter 14: MOST. ADORABLE. FIC. IVE READ. IN A REALLY. LONG. TIME. Absolutely Amazing! Keep up the great work and please update soon! ^^ <3
Maychunji143 #6
Omg! Your story is so good I Love this fic it always makes me smile! It's so good I always get excited when I see it updated!^u^ I can't wait till you update again ByeXD
How can you say this chapter was bad? O.o
It definitely wasn't! u.u
In fact it was soooo cute *_*