
Making Connections






"Yaaaaaah! Byunghun! Why are you running?!" Chunji sceamed as he chased me down the halls of school.

I was getting tired of running and was breathing hard. This has been happening for a week now, Chunji bugging me at school. We haven't had a tutoring session since our first one and now he's trying to get together again. I haven't had a quiet day of school since I've met Chunji. Other students thought Chunji was crazy for hanging around me, especially his fan club but he still didn't leave me alone. He would always just ignore them and continue talking to me.


I tried moving my legs faster but being the non-athletic person I am, I could tell he was catching up fast. Remembering the alley incident I decided not to enter any tight space but ran outside where I could find more hiding places. I made it outside and i started dashing in a random direction. The ground was slightly wet from last night's rain shower and right when I set foot on the damp surface...


"Damn it"

I got up and stumbled on the ground again. I felt a sharp pain from my ankle and I sat on the ground and rolled up my pant leg to look at the damage. It didn't look so bad.It was slightly purple and a tad swollen. My knee was also scratched and blood was trickling down. Yeah...It wasn't that bad. I tried getting up again until I heard Chunji's voice. He finally found me. I thought. He always found me.

"Byunghun! I finally found you! How many times have I told you stop runni— What happened?!"

I flinched as he grabbed my ankle. But was caught off guard when I felt myself being lifted off the ground. Chunji was carrying me.

"L-l-let me go!!" I yelled while clawing at him and thrashing around.

He ignored my threats and violence and began walking. I tired myself out and slumped in his arms. I gave up. I was tired. Unconsciously I layed my head on his shoulder with my face in his neck. I heard him chuckle and we entered the building. I heard gasps and whispers. I looked up to see people pointing at us whispering. Embarrased, i began struggling against Chunji's grip. He just tighted his hold on me.

"Stop moving so much. You're going to hurt yourself more!" He scolded

I was suprised at the older's outburst and stopped. He was so serious and I had never seen Chunji like this. I was kind of scared but didn't say anything. We entered the nurse's office and it was completely empty. He sat me down on one of the beds and began searching for bandages. I watched silently and watched him rummage through the cabinets.

"Ah! Here they are!" he proclaimed proudily

He kneeled in front of me and started with my knee. He grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol and cotton and brought it up to my wound. When they finally touched I hissed. He rubbed my thigh trying to calm me down, but it only made me feel flustered. He then held up my ankle and gently started wrapping it up with a bandage. He finished and looked up from where he was kneeling and smiled at me. My face heated up and I bashfully looked away. He got up and sat next to me. I felt his soft hand caress my cheek.

"Are you stil hurting?" he asked concern laced in his voice

I was dazed by his smile, his kindness, the warmth of his hand and sat there with eyes glued on my lap. He was so gentle and different from everyone else. I was then in my own little world. didn't notice anything happening around me. I didn't notice Chunji's face subtly getting closer to mine.

"There you are!" Niel barged in the room.

Suprised, I got up fast. I looked at Chunji and noticed he was frozen.  Why do he look so lost? I thought. I walked (kinda limped from the ankle) to the door, but looked back at Chunji before doing so. I took a deep breath

"Thanks for helping me Chunji....even though it was kind of your fault though. You can come over this weekend to tutor." I mumbled before I left with Niel





Looks like I had another tutor session with Byunghun. I mentally fist pumped.

I sighed. I was so close to kissing Byunghun. I layed myself on the bed to ponder my thoughts. He was so cute. I just couldn't control myself. I couldn't believe myself having such thoughts about Byunghun. If it wasn't for Niel, I would've kissed him.

I really did want to be friends with him, but mabye I wanted to be more.






Just wanted to say that Chunji and Ljoe have been kind of hanging out that past week. More like chunji following Ljoe around the whole time but still they've been around each other. As friends though. Just wanted to clear that up ^^

Thank you readers for taking the time to read my story. I love you guys!

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Argh. It's been soooo long!! I'll have to reread this so I can write the next chapter.. That's right... I'll be trying to update a chapter as soon as I can ^^


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Chapter 14: Yea where are u authornim ??? TT im so glad i came across this i love evey part of it ...and how could u say it was bad it was so sweeeeeeeet....plz plz update sooon ...
BunnyPie #2
Where are you author-nim? T.T
I just found this amazing story and I fell in love with it!
Please update soon!!!~ ^.^
Chapter 14: Ahhhh! OMO! This story is so cute!! Update soon
ally-chan #4
Chapter 14: update soon~
Chapter 14: MOST. ADORABLE. FIC. IVE READ. IN A REALLY. LONG. TIME. Absolutely Amazing! Keep up the great work and please update soon! ^^ <3
Maychunji143 #6
Omg! Your story is so good I Love this fic it always makes me smile! It's so good I always get excited when I see it updated!^u^ I can't wait till you update again ByeXD
How can you say this chapter was bad? O.o
It definitely wasn't! u.u
In fact it was soooo cute *_*