So Can You Do It?

Making Connections



So tired. I thought as i walked through the door of the apartment. 

"Umma...I'm home" I murmured. 

Silence was the only response. I sighed. I walked up to a photo of my Umma and picked it up gingerly smiling sadly. Finding my way to the couch, I sat.

"Umma, I'm home. I had a pretty crappy day today" I chuckled bitterly "and now I have to get a tutor. Can you believe that? Ugh Stupid math..."

I looked at my feet, my hair falling to cover my eyes.

"Oh and I almost got in another fight today. Damn thugs trying to start something." I gritted my teeth "but luckily Niel was there to stop me."

I put the frame down and paused. My breathing began to hitch and I went into a crouching positon with my head on my knees. Memories suddenly flooded my head and I hugged my knees in tighter.


If it wasn't for him she'd still be here. He's nothing to us.


I reached for the photo again and clutched it in my hands.

"Nothing...that's all I am to anyone." i said softly. "it's just so...painful."


*** (the next day at school)***




" Eeeeee!!!! Chunji oppa is looking so good today!"

"Wow! He is so handsome!"

"I wish he would go out with me!"

I cringed at the squealing of girls as i walked into the school. It was just way to early in the morning. But I smiled at them and waved anyway. I  walked down the hall and saw Changjo and Ricky dancing to Shinee's Sherlock. They began hopping around and I burst out laughing. They were good dancers, but they were just being so silly. They turned around to find the source of the laughter and beamed at me.

"Hey Chunji!" they yelled.

I jumped next to them and put my arms around their shoulders.

"Nice dancing skills, but why not dance seriously for once?" i joked

"yah! we can dance! We just don't wanna make people jealous of our moves." Chanjo said with a proud voice.

"whatever you say" i laughed


Finally the last period of the day! I sat down in my usual seat, waiting for the teacher to begin the math lesson. I looked back to glance at Byunghun. I was curious to see how he was after what had happened yesterday. He looked so down today. Not saying that he looked happy before, but he looked sad.  Like he was about to cry kinda sad. I wonder what happened.

"Chunji please answer question 21." instructed Mr. Choi.

I was completely blank.

"huh what did you say?"  I asked earning a few giggles from classmates.

"Nevermind." he said disappointed

He then went on deciding to skip me. I sighed. I was so distracted. After I saw the way Byunghun stood up to those bullies and the way he stuck up for his friend really piqued my interest. he must not be as bad as a guy as everyone thinks. Right? I sighed and tried to focus on the material being taught but all I could think of was the blonde.  (yes i made him have blonde hair for this ^^)   



 I got up but was stopped when Mr. Choi placed his hands on my desk. I stopped and looked at him in confusion. What does he want?

"uhh...If this is about how I spaced out in class today, I'm terribly sorry sir. I won't do it ag—"

"That's not the reason why I'm talking to you Chunji" He interuppted

"Okay...Then what is the reason sir?" I asked slowly

"Well, as a teacher I want all my students to pass this class, but a student doesn't seem to be pulling through" he paused.

I knew where this was going. I was asked to be a tutor all the time by other teachers. And of course I accepted all of thier requests. I did like helping people but I just wasn't feeling like tutoring someone now. I was about to about to refuse but was interuppted by Mr. Choi again.

"You see, Lee Byunghun isn't really doing so great and I was hoping you could help him out."

I looked up at him immediately after he said the name

"Lee Byunghun?" I asked more interested now

"Yes. So will you do it? I know he's quiet and he won't ask for help himself so I'm asking myself." He asked with desperation in his voice.

Byunghun, huh? I pondered the thought.

"Sure I'll tutor him" I replied back with a smile.

He sighed in relief and patted my back.

"So i guess you should just approach him first to figure this out. Ok?"

I nodded. Tommorow I was going to start communicating with Byunghun. I grinned at the thought and walked out the door.




hey! so how's it so far? Getting more interesting? I hope so >.<

So Chunji is finally asked to tutor Ljoe ^^ I wonder how Ljoe will feel about this...

Thank you for those who subscribe and comment~

Please look forward to the next chapter!





I've started to like B1A4 now XD they are such cuties





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Argh. It's been soooo long!! I'll have to reread this so I can write the next chapter.. That's right... I'll be trying to update a chapter as soon as I can ^^


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Chapter 14: Yea where are u authornim ??? TT im so glad i came across this i love evey part of it ...and how could u say it was bad it was so sweeeeeeeet....plz plz update sooon ...
BunnyPie #2
Where are you author-nim? T.T
I just found this amazing story and I fell in love with it!
Please update soon!!!~ ^.^
Chapter 14: Ahhhh! OMO! This story is so cute!! Update soon
ally-chan #4
Chapter 14: update soon~
Chapter 14: MOST. ADORABLE. FIC. IVE READ. IN A REALLY. LONG. TIME. Absolutely Amazing! Keep up the great work and please update soon! ^^ <3
Maychunji143 #6
Omg! Your story is so good I Love this fic it always makes me smile! It's so good I always get excited when I see it updated!^u^ I can't wait till you update again ByeXD
How can you say this chapter was bad? O.o
It definitely wasn't! u.u
In fact it was soooo cute *_*