Tutor session #2

Making Connections




So Byunghun's parents are dead huh? I was walking to his house and the memories of yesterday graced me with its presence. Niel didn't really tell me anything else after that and now I was curious. I walked into the building of his apartment.

I didn't realize until now that we were alone last time I had visited. i wonder if he's lonely. I lived by myself too so I understood the feeling. When waking up every morning without the comfort of company was a really depressing feeling. But there was no way I wanted to live back with my parents. I wanted to ask him about his past, but was afraid to at the same time. What if it was a sensitive subject? What if he got angry at me and didn't want to see me ever again? As I got closer and closer to the door of Byunghun's apartment my heart beated in my chest harder. finally I faced the wooden door of Byunghun's apartment.

Knock knock

Waiting, I leaned against the wall next to the entrance.  Should I really ask? Was it really any of my business? I ruffled my hair in frustration. I stared at the white wall of the empty hallway and thought to myself. When was he gonna open the door.? I looked at my watch and noticed I had been waiting for a long fifteen minutes. I knocked on the door again. I grasped the door knob and just like that it opened. I was really going to have to talk to him about locking his door later. I intruded his apartment locking the door behind me quietly. It was a nice place for one person. It was big and spacey and very clean, but it was empty and had little decoration except a couple of painting that hanged on the bare wall. It made the whole place seem lonesome.

Plopping myself on his couch, I relaxed. It was early in the morning, 9:33am to be exact. What was I doing so early at his house anyway? Oh yeah, I wanted to "tutor" him the entire day. Thinking about it now, the tutoring to me was just an excuse to get closer to the boy.

I sprawled myself on the plush seat and sighed. For a good twenty minutes I layed there wanting to give the blonde in his room enough sleep before I woke him. I stood up and lazily walked towards the door that was pressumably his bedroom. I was about five steps away when I heard a muffled cry behind his door. I quickened my pace in concern and resisted the urge to barge into the room. I opened the door and rushed to Byunghun's side. his faced stained in tears and his breathing was hitched. He was crying in his sleep. I his face and watched as he flinched slightly but nuzzled into my touch halting his tears. I smiled. He looked so... innocent. I crouched so I was closer to his face and caressed his rosy cheeks. I noticed his long eyelashes and small beauty mark underneath his left eye. His golden hair was messy but in a cute way that made me want to run my fingers through his locks. My eyes landed on Byunghun's lips. They looked so soft. I slowly inched foreward wanting to place mine on his. With little space between us I felt his warm breath on my face. I was hovering over him when he suddenly opened his eyes. He froze and his face reddened from the closeness of our faces. He suddenly pounced away quickly to the head of his bed and pointed at me.

"Y-yah!! W-wh-what are you doing in my room!? And why are y-you always showing up when I'm sleeping!!?"   he stuttered.

I could tell he was embarrased and I sat on his bed with him. I approached him slowly. He backed away looking like a frightened kitten but didn't move. I placed my hand gingerly on his head and messed up his blonde hair. He stiffened up but later relaxed.

"Well I came over to tutor. You really need to lock your door! Someone could have entered your place and rob you!" I scolded

He pouted unintentionally and my heart bursted. I glomped on him, fully wrapping my arms around him. I felt so comfortable around him even though we had only really known each other for a week and could tell, even though he didn't show it, he was too. He tried pushing me away but I stood my ground and didn't let up. He sighed and placed his head on my shoulder. I hummed in happiness. Although he wasn't crying anymore I felt his leftover tears slighlty soak into my shoulder. A frown replaced my smile. I pulled away and looked at him straight in the eyes. 

"Why were you crying?" I asked with a small frown.

He quickly rubbed his eyes as though he had not realized he had been crying. I grabbed his wrists and wiped the stray tears with my own hand. He bashfully slapped my hand away. I saw the blush in his face reappear. He got off his bed and hastily ran to the bathroom. I chuckled at his shyness and laid on his bed getting comfortable. The door opened revealing a more refreshed Byunghun. He walked to one of his drawers pulling out clothes.

"Get out"

I turned to my side and proppd my self up with my elbow.

"Huh? why?" I asked

"Because i'm going to get changed now. So get out of my room" he retorted. He seemed to be loosing his patience.

"I dont wanna. Just change. I'll  try not to look" I smirked

His face flushed for the umpteenth time this morning and he threw the closes thing next to him. Fortunately it was just a small hair brush.

"Get the out of my room now!" he yelled

Raising my hands up in defense, I got up and chortled.

"Fine fine. I'll wait in the living room"

"Yeah whatever" he mumbled.






I waited until Chunji left my room.

I had another dream about my past. Anger welled up inside me. I grabbed a pillow from my bed and threw it across the room. Why can't I just forget? I pulled on my hair frustrated. i couldn't believe Chunji caught me crying. I mentally kicked myself. How foolish I must've looked. I felt rude for not answering him but I didn't want to say the reasom. It was too hard on me. Hopefully he won't mention it again. 

I pulled on some snug dark jeans and wore a white t-shirt with a simple design on the front. I brushed through my tangled hair with my fingers hoping it would at least tame the mess. After changing I went to the living room to accompany Chunji. There he was just sitting on my couch surrounded my towers of textbooks and paper on the ground. I frowned at him and sauntered slowly towards him. He didn't see me coming for his back was to me. I slowly creeped up and when I was close enough I pounced on him, hugging his neck from behind. I felt him jolt from suprise. I heard his deep laugh and I smiled to myself. I felt so comfortable around him, and suddenly I've began liking him keeping me company. Not that I forgot about niel, but there was something different about chunji but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Wow, that was pretty bold of you" Chunji commented with a sly smirk

I never really thought about it as such an action and I quickly let go embarrased.

"Hey! It's too early to study! Let's do it later!" I complained with a scowl

He sighed and put the textbook he was reading down. He turned around on the couch so he was facing me.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked

I strolled to the kitchen opening and closing cabinets.

"I'm hungry so i'm going to eat. You want anything?"

Chunji's eyebrows raised.

"You can cook?" he asked amazed.

I grabbed a stirring spoon and pointed it at him. Of course I can cook!

"You think I can't cook? My mom taught me."  I told him proudly

I saw his face gloomen. Confusion hit me. Had I said something wrong? I figeted with the spoon in my hand. Silence filled the room as I stood there awkwardly waiting for his response. I noticed the hesitant look on his face before he asked me

"How did your parents die?"











Hi~ thank you for reading my story.

I'm sooooo sorry if it's confusing right now but I'm working on his past right now! You will soon figure out! SOON! lol

I'm not super sure but his past will be...angsty. sorry for those who don't like it but its gonna happen. I'm not sure how much of it will be, it depends.

So yay. Chunjii and Byunghun have gotten really close. *clapping* but Chunji just asked Byunghun a sensitive topic. I wonder whats gonna happen.


Please subcribe and comment!

I really hope you guys are enjoying my story~ Look foreward to the next chapter!



I'm really happy! They have a kissing game!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buj_XcFrJrE

and Ljoe's hair is back to blonde! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbKUFflsPn4


OK i'm done. Bye~


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Argh. It's been soooo long!! I'll have to reread this so I can write the next chapter.. That's right... I'll be trying to update a chapter as soon as I can ^^


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Chapter 14: Yea where are u authornim ??? TT im so glad i came across this i love evey part of it ...and how could u say it was bad it was so sweeeeeeeet....plz plz update sooon ...
BunnyPie #2
Where are you author-nim? T.T
I just found this amazing story and I fell in love with it!
Please update soon!!!~ ^.^
Chapter 14: Ahhhh! OMO! This story is so cute!! Update soon
ally-chan #4
Chapter 14: update soon~
Chapter 14: MOST. ADORABLE. FIC. IVE READ. IN A REALLY. LONG. TIME. Absolutely Amazing! Keep up the great work and please update soon! ^^ <3
Maychunji143 #6
Omg! Your story is so good I Love this fic it always makes me smile! It's so good I always get excited when I see it updated!^u^ I can't wait till you update again ByeXD
How can you say this chapter was bad? O.o
It definitely wasn't! u.u
In fact it was soooo cute *_*