
Making Connections

A/N- Flashback in Byunghun’s POV. Sorry I got tired of writing in no one’s POV.



“Good morning sweetie” my umma greeted as I walked in the kitchen.

“Morning umma” I hugged her tightly, refusing to let go.

 “Silly boy” She laughed and ruffled my hair. She was smiling at me and was radiating her warmth, she was like the sun.

I smiled widely from my umma’s affection.

“Good morning Taeyeon.”

“Good morning Chanhyun” My umma greeted her brother

 My smile was wiped off my face immediately when I heard his voice. I looked over to my uncle and I was met up with a harsh stare. I was scared but I showed him a blank face back trying to show him I was tough.

“Well I’m going to wash up.” My umma stated. She left the kitchen leaving me and my uncle alone.

I quickly walked after her trying to avoid him. He walked in front of me. He was a lot taller than me. A lot taller. Because of his height, he towered over me in an intimidating sort of way. I tried staying calm, but my heart was pounding in fear. I saw his huge muscles in his arms as he flexed them in front of me. I gulped; sweat starting to slowly form on my forehead.

“Hey punk” he said as he roughly shoved me towards the wall. My face was grinded into the coarse material.

I wanted to yell and call for help but it was no use. No one in the house would care because they hated me and my umma was in the shower.

I kept quiet. I didn’t want to look weak in front of this guy. Crying and resisting would only add more fuel to the fire. I learned that from my appa.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” Another harsh shove into the wall.

“ugh” I grunted

After my appa left us, I thought I was free from the abuse, but boy was I wrong. We had settled in my umma’s parent’s house and it’s been two weeks since we had arrived. My umma has been so happy these past couple of days but sometimes I could see the small glint of sadness in her eyes. My umma had been working double jobs trying to afford a house for me and her so we could move out. Although her parents offered us to stay here for as long as we wanted, my umma was too independent to stay. So she worked her off like crazy for us. I wanted to say that my grandparents and uncle were kind and caring towards to me as they were to my umma but then I would be lying to myself. They hated me. I had an idea why. They probably hated me for being a burden to my umma. For being the thing that was bringing her down in life. The thought of it made my chest hurt. I loved my umma and I wanted her to be happy so that’s why I haven’t said anything about the icy glares and roughness by her brother and parents. I didn’t want to trouble her.

I leaned my back against the wall in an attempt to keep standing. I received a slap in the face. Then another. And then another. I lost my balance and fell on the ground with a pathetic thud. This has been happening since the day we got here. When we first arrived we were both greeted with warm smiles and hugs from my umma’s parents and brother, but as soon as my mom was out of sight I was on my own to fend for myself. They would slap me to avoid bruises showing. But the worst person was her brother. He seemed to loathe me the most. Occasionally he forgot about leaving no evidence and punches me not caring of the bruises that formed. That reminded me of the bruise on my stomach from two days ago when I accidently bumped into him in the hall.

“You are nothing!” he laughed and spat at my face

My blood went cold. Nothing…that was what my appa had called me multiple times. Memories of those days flooded back. Tears began filling my eyes. I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. Well I tried.

“Look at the baby who’s crying.” He mocked

I looked away. Anger was filling my body. He may have thought he was causing my pain but he was wrong. It was those years with my appa that caused the most pain. Nothing would ever be as excruciating as that. I began laughing bitterly.

He halted his slaps and insults and looked at me in disgust.

“What the is so funny?” he hissed and lifted me by the collar.

I ignored his question and looked at him in the eyes with fire in mine. For some reason he was taken aback and let me go.

I realized then that I had to fight back. Fight back against those who would hurt me. For if I didn’t, what would happen to me? Using all the strength I had left, I pulled away from the man’s grip and scoffed at him.

“Yah. Get your hands off me” I stared him down determined to show him I wasn’t scared.

His eyebrows cocked up. He was obviously surprised by my sudden change in demeanor.

“What the hell?” he asked darkly.

A chill went down my spine. I struggled to keep my cool. He punched me in the gut forgetting all hesitation. I stumbled back but still stood. I started coughing and clutched my stomach.

“Think you’re all tough? Think again” He stuck me again at the side of my head successfully knocking me down.

“Still think you’re tough?” he asked again with a sadistic smile.

Instead of saying a word I just smirked at him cunningly. I could tell he was getting frustrated for his punches were getting more aggressive.

“How about now?!” He yelled. The frustration was getting to him.

Again no response except a smirk. I guess he got tired and felt no satisfaction from my actions so he stopped and left.

I smiled to myself proudly. Nothing or no one was going to break me.


“Sweetie? What’s that on your chin?” My umma asked as she wiped my chin

“” I thought. I quickly pulled away and wiped the dried blood off my chin from earlier that day. I ran into Chanhyun that day and he wasn’t happy to see me. It had been seven months since we moved out and into a shabby apartment, and I was ten times happier being in a dirty home then there.

“Sweetie are you alright? Where’d you get that wound from?” She asked worriedly

“No where. It must’ve been an accident” I tried laughing it off. My umma wasn’t convinced but didn’t pester the matter.

 I looked out the window and watched it be flooded with the showers of the rain. The loud crashing of the rain against the window soothed me. My reverie was shaken out of when a large boom of thunder rung outside. I flinched from the surprise while my umma dropped a plate.

“Aish!” She sighed.

I chuckled at her clumsiness and stared back outside. My umma sat down on the floor next to me with a cup of coffee in her small hands. We stared outside together in silence. I looked over and noticed the dark circles around her eyes. And I then noticed how thin she looked. Although my umma was strong in personality, physically she was weak. I hugged her. I hugged her tightly embracing her small frame. I smiled at the thought of me growing bigger than her. Finally I was able to protect her this time. She laughed and rubbed my back softly.

“I love you honey”

“Love you too umma”


I left the house ( this is the same day) to get some groceries at the store. I tugged on the hood of my rain coat to avoid the rain from wetting my hair. The sound of cars and water splashing filled the sky along with the pitter patter of the road. I rushed to the market.


I whistled a random tune as I walked back home.


The thunder had been striking all day and I was scared of getting hit. I hurried my pace and scurried home faster. As I turned the corner, my heart shattered.


The apartment was on fire. Fire trucks surrounded the perimeter of the building and people making a commotion had gathered around. Apparently thunder had struck the building.

Fright welled up inside me. Umma? Had she been saved? Where was she? I ran around trying to find her. My fear quickly rising as there was no sight of her.

“Umma!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.


No one responded. I crouched on the ground and buried my head in my hands. This couldn’t be happening!

Suddenly a gurney came out of the building with a body covered in a sheet. A small arm was hanging from the side. I stood still. It was as if I was frozen in a block of ice. My body went cold and my hands began to tremble.

“I-I-It couldn’t b-be…” I stuttered in disbelief. I shook my head in denial. It couldn’t have been.

The men rolling the gurney slowly removed the sheet.

“UMMA!!” I screamed and ran toward the ambulance where they were lifting her.

I felt the stares of people. I didn’t care for their pity.


The men stared at me, sadness and evident in their eyes.

"UMMA!!! Where are you taking her?! Why isn't she moving!!? UMMA!!"

I then felt a rough hand grip my wrist turning me around.


"Y-you! It's all your fault! Sh-she's DEAD!!"

I was too numb to listen to Chanhyun. I couldn’t even feel his slap.

“If it wasn’t for you she wouldn’t have had stayed in the ty apartment! If it wasn’t for you she would have stayed with us! If it wasn’t for you maybe Jiwook would’ve treated her better!!!!” He screamed at my face while clawing at my shoulders.

Umma’s parents came and also gave me a slap and a ranting. I couldn’t say anything. They were right. It was my entire fault. My umma was gone. My only family left. No one else counted. The rain had built up again and I couldn’t tell if it was the rain streaming down my face or if they were my tears.






Phew~ finally an update. Sorry for the wait. I was really busy :P

First I had family over which we had to entertain all week and then I had to hardcore study for a test that I took today. And sadly I think I failed   o(╥﹏╥)o

But its ok! I was able to update today and that’s all that matters right? Right?

Thank you for your patience! Although some people unsubbed, those who didn’t and waited is really appreciated! Again thank you!

So finally the main idea of the past is completed! *claps* XD

I really hope it wasn’t confusing or boring to anyone. Forgive me?

Thank you to my subscribers! You guys are the reason I write this!! And to those who haven’t subscribed please do :)

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づヾ Please comment and tell me what you think of the story!

Look forward to the next chapter! CHUNJI will be in it! I know what you guys are thinking! FINALLY!!!!










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Argh. It's been soooo long!! I'll have to reread this so I can write the next chapter.. That's right... I'll be trying to update a chapter as soon as I can ^^


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Chapter 14: Yea where are u authornim ??? TT im so glad i came across this i love evey part of it ...and how could u say it was bad it was so sweeeeeeeet....plz plz update sooon ...
BunnyPie #2
Where are you author-nim? T.T
I just found this amazing story and I fell in love with it!
Please update soon!!!~ ^.^
Chapter 14: Ahhhh! OMO! This story is so cute!! Update soon
ally-chan #4
Chapter 14: update soon~
Chapter 14: MOST. ADORABLE. FIC. IVE READ. IN A REALLY. LONG. TIME. Absolutely Amazing! Keep up the great work and please update soon! ^^ <3
Maychunji143 #6
Omg! Your story is so good I Love this fic it always makes me smile! It's so good I always get excited when I see it updated!^u^ I can't wait till you update again ByeXD
How can you say this chapter was bad? O.o
It definitely wasn't! u.u
In fact it was soooo cute *_*