Just Ignore Them

Making Connections




"...um, Lee Byunghun? Excuse me, but here's your test back." She leaned close, i felt her clammy hand rest on my arm as she tried to get my attention.

"Don't touch me." I hissed at her. I defineitly didn't want her laying her hands on me.

I continued to gaze out the window. I was going to walk home with Niel today. Just 5 more minutes of this class left, cmon you can make it Byunghun!

"Jeez. Just wanted to be friendly." I heard her whisper to her pal as they walked off to  the other side of the classroom. This left me alone in the corner of the room...like how it always was. Sigh, but that's just how it is. I just can't stand talking to people. I had no friends, except Niel. 

I subtly peered over my desk. My eyes finally landed on the mark on my test.

"Aish!" i quietly scolded myself. Another failing grade! Damn it! I hate you math!

Why can't i do good in this class!? ...wait it's not just this class but all my classes. Another sigh escaped from my mouth.


Finally class ended. I immediately snapped out of my self pity and  began to gather my stuff in a lazy fashion. I  was heading towards the door with my head slightly down when i heard my name being called.

"Mr. Lee Byunghun, please see me" called Mr. Choi

"Yes, what is it?" i asked in a bit of a harsh tone. I honestly didn't intend to, but i was annoyed that I was held back from meeting up with Niel.

" Well... it seems to be that you have failed the majority of all the tests we have taken this semester. And i'm sorry to say this but if you continue with this, i may choose to make you repeat this class next year."

I stood there dumbstruck. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't even thought of the possiblitity of repeating this class. This class is hell. Taking it again next year would be pure torture.

"Wh-What? Is there anything i could do to make you rethink that? I asked panicked

"hmmmm... mabye..."

I swear, I was probably sweating as i stood there waiting for his answer.

"You could possibly get a tutor and if you pass the next test I suppose I wouldn't make you repeat."

Tutor? You gotta be kidding me. I never got help from anyone. I opened my mouth to reject the offer, but was cut off.

"Do you want to repeat the class?"

I quickly shut it. No i didnt. Not at all. I shook my head vigoursly.

"Good. I'll find you a tutor as soon as possible. You can leave now" he shooed me away. 

Stupid math



"Really? A tutor? I guess it's a good idea" I said to him nonchalantly.

He really did need the help. But the thing is, how will the tutor even get him to learn? Byunghun will probably just freak out on the poor guy for trying to help. Sigh. He is just too stuborn. I hummed at the thought. He looked at me confused. But then shrugged and looked away.

We continued to walk home in a comfortable silence until a guy with two other guys following bumped into me. I fell hard on my . Wow that hurt. I looked up to see the guy who knocked me down. Great. It was one of the bullies from the school and his friends. 

"Hey watch it" he snarled at me.

He walked closer to me, probably about to kick me or something but Byunghun pushed him away.

"oh look at this guys" he said to his friends, "its the loser that never talks to anyone. Probably thinks he's so tough shoving me like that. How about we teach him a lesson?"

Him and his friends began walking up to Byunghun. This is not good! This is not good!! I instantly got up. I pulled on Byunghun's arm, he wouldnt budge.

"Byunghun, cmon lets go." i tugged on his arm with more power this time. He looked at me with such anger in his eyes. I knew it wasn't directed at me, but at those guys.

"yeah just run away, scum. You're nothing!' he jeered. All of them laughed.

I felt Byunghun flinch. i pulled him away quickly while I had the chance. 

"just ignore them Byunghun. Just ignnore them." I quietly whispered to him. I felt him slowly relax. I sighed in relief.

We walked our seperate ways home. I said my goodbye and carried on home. 

That was close. if Byunghun had gotten in that fight i wouldn't have known what to do. i wasn't that worried of him getting hurt, he's been in plenty of fights before. I was more worried that he wouldnt be able to stop. 





Hey~ thank you for reading my 1st chapter. Yeah so how was it? Too short?

Thank you for those who had already subscribed to me even though there wasn't even a chapter out yet ^^ i really appreciate it

Please look forward to the next chapter! i will make it as soon as possible! XD

and don't worry CHUNJI will appear! next chapter mabye? YAY CHUNJOE!!~~

To those who are reading my story... I LOVE YOU ALL. saranghae








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Argh. It's been soooo long!! I'll have to reread this so I can write the next chapter.. That's right... I'll be trying to update a chapter as soon as I can ^^


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Chapter 14: Yea where are u authornim ??? TT im so glad i came across this i love evey part of it ...and how could u say it was bad it was so sweeeeeeeet....plz plz update sooon ...
BunnyPie #2
Where are you author-nim? T.T
I just found this amazing story and I fell in love with it!
Please update soon!!!~ ^.^
Chapter 14: Ahhhh! OMO! This story is so cute!! Update soon
ally-chan #4
Chapter 14: update soon~
Chapter 14: MOST. ADORABLE. FIC. IVE READ. IN A REALLY. LONG. TIME. Absolutely Amazing! Keep up the great work and please update soon! ^^ <3
Maychunji143 #6
Omg! Your story is so good I Love this fic it always makes me smile! It's so good I always get excited when I see it updated!^u^ I can't wait till you update again ByeXD
How can you say this chapter was bad? O.o
It definitely wasn't! u.u
In fact it was soooo cute *_*