A Playboy's Buyable Heart
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Chapter 19:


"Wait, Hana ! Where are you going ?" Kai ran after Hana as she had ran out of the classroom once the bell rang. Hana halted and turned back with an obvious smile, "To the shop, wae ?"

Kai pursed his lips, he wanted to go around the town with her after spending his time at school. But now he couldn't because of her job. "Can't you quit for a day ?" he asked, more like hoping.

Hana shook her head with a curious look, "Why you asked though ? Do you want me to do something for you ?"

Kai shook his head this time, he sighed and gave up, "Fine ... I will just follow you to work. It's not like I have anything to do"

"Follow me ? Really ? You really have changed !" Hana exclaimed in joy. She jumped up and down while clapping her hands together.

As that time, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun passed by them. Baekhyun tapped her head with a soft smile, "Are you heading to my shop ?" he asked the obvious.

Hana nodded and checked the time, "Omo ! We are running out of time !" she gasped with a frown.

Chanyeol chuckled and grasped her hand, "Oppa will ride you to work, just leave Baekhyun and he could walk back to his shop" he grinned and earned a sharp look from Baekhyun.

Sehun also joined the fun by offering to take her to work by his own private car. "Or I can give you a lift. I also pass by the shop"

Hana was just smiling, thinking that if she should take the bus right now when she was out of time. "Chanyeol oppa, you can just take Baekhyun back to the shop. I am okay. Sehunnie, thank you but I know your mom, she will not be happy to see you home late"

"Gotta go, see ya ~" she started running and caused Kai to run up to her.

"Yah !! What about me ?" he asked in disbelief. Hana blinked looking back, "What about you ?"

"I can drive you to the shop, what else ?" he blurted with a look. Kai now hated the fact why she was so clueless when he was starting to return feelings to her. "Don't you want to go with me, on my car ?"

Hana beamed, she wanted to say no, but then, she remembered that she was trying to push away her feelings for her. Over 2 months after the confession, she found that maybe she got no chance with him. "Erm ... I ... I am okay" she smiled weakly at the false rejection. With a deep bow, Hana ran off.

Kai scratched his neck with a frown, "What the hell ? Doesn't she love me ?"




"One iced-coffee please"

Hana looked up to take order only to be greeted by a smiling too wide Kai. He was standing in front of her, in the shop, with his hands in his pocket. As cool as ever, Kai flipped his hair and smirked slightly, "Faster, please"

Hana chuckled, he never failed at making her feel butterflies flying out of her stomach. "You can sit there and wait" she pointed to a table near the end of the shop, pretty private and also a favorite place of Kai. The boy turned to look at the seat, he started counting that the seat was really far away from the counter, *I came here for her anyway* Kai thought and decided to take a seat near Hana.

Kai had been at the shop for 2 hours already. He did nothing but stare at her every move.

Baekhyun shook his head, seeing his friend like this made him feel amused. "Kai, won't you leave ? You have stealen that seat for 2 hours already"

"You shoo me, hyung ? What kind of an owner like you ? Shooing his own customer ?" Kai snapped.

"I appreciate customers who don't ever be at m

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95 streak #1
Chapter 12: im sobbing im aaaa
95 streak #2
Chapter 10: i got sad :C kai u better treat her rite pls
95 streak #3
95 streak #4
Chapter 8: OMG CUTE CHANYEOL HIHI kai u succ
95 streak #5
95 streak #6
95 streak #7
Chapter 5: i feel bad AAAAA
95 streak #8
Chapter 4: i got sad uwu
Chapter 1: I love Hana's guts~omggg I'm laughing like crazy right now xd
PiKai_chu #10
Chapter 33: Bhahahahahaaha xD LOLZz Doojun is sooo funny.. He's too protective :3
And he's giving Kai a hard time ^^