chapter 4: Partners

Chingu; Naneun Saranghaeyo


Our class just ended. I tried to approach Krystal reagarding our assignment given by Mr. Kang.

"Krystal-shi...May I talk to you about our assignment? I think you already knew that we must do it by pair. " I said to her, I emphasized the PAIR WORK for her not to misunderstand me.

She just stared at me like trying to seek for the right answer. But before she was about to answer me, Sooyoung, Yuri and Jonghyun rushed towards our direction and we got interrupted by the sudden greeting of Sooyoung.

" Annyonghaseyo Krystal-shi, Joneun Choi Sooyoung - imnida. Welcome to SME." She waved her hands, smiled and bowed. Then Krystal also smiled at her, atleast she's not an ice princess at all times.

Then Sooyoung continued, " Yah! Yuri-ya, Dinosaur..Aren't you going to introduce yourselves to our new classmate?" She asked bluntly

" Aiishh.! Choi Lanky, don't call me like that...Learn the right time for that." Jonghyun seemed to be annoyed by how Sooyoung called her. Eversince, they used to bicker at each other which caused them to be teased by our classmates.

"umm..Where are you Kim Dino?" she asked while putting her right hand above her forehead, turning side by side  which seemed like seeking for someone whom she can't see.

  She then tapped Yuri who was beside her to teased Jonghyun even more,

 "Yuri-yah did you see him?" She was still acting as if she could not see Jonghyun because of his height which can be called short for men's  height.


"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! CHOI SHIKSHIN, are you belittling me? " He asked her irritatingly

"Neh oppa!" Sooyoung directly said while using her aegyo and cute voice. She blinked her eyes upside down to infuriate Jonghyun more.

"Aissshhhhhh! i'm not your brother!!!!!!" Jonghyun cursed, he knew that he can't win from that girl.

"Wae? What's the matter Kim Dinosaur? You really look like a dinosaur. Isn't it wrong to tell the truth? My mother once told me that "Never lie because liars go to hell", do you want to argue with my mom or do you want to go to hell?" She harshly and seriously replied as if she really meant what she said, she even used hand gestures to emphasize what her mom told her.

As Jonghyun tried to calm himself, a big laugh interrupted the scene. It was came from Krystal who just bursted it out. We all looked at her in astonishment. That was cute, as i witnessed her laugh explosion. Then Krystal suddenly stopped when she noticed that we were staring at her.

"Yah Yah..enough guys..I guess we don't want Krystal to think that this is not we?" Yuri spoke out.

. She apologetically smiled at Krystal

" Mianhaeyo Krystal-shi, I hope you didn't think that we are bully here....It's just..that.. umm that.. it is how we show our love to each other, right Jonghyun shi and Sooyoung shi?" She playfully smiled at the two who didn't know how to react from her sudden question. I laughed quietly as i observed Sooyoung and Jonghyun's expression. Yuri sure knows how to stop these two. Well, that's my bestfriend after all. That's one of the things I sincerely admire about her. She always wanted to brighten up the mood of the people who surround her.

Yuri continued the so called self introduction since she got no response from the two bickering birds.

"By the way, I'm Kwon Yuri and this is Kim Jonghyun. We welcome you to SME Academy and we hope that you'll enjoy your studies here." Yuri smiled and pointed out Jonhyun to introduce him as well.

"Nice to know you, Yuri-ya, Sooyoung-shi and Kim Dino.." Krystal bowed and playfully smiled

"Yah! Krystal-shi, you sure a fast learner huh!..:( " Jonghyun sulkingly said, We all bursted out to laughter

Then Yuri turned to my direction, " hey buddy, Aren't you going home with us?" She asked me..I was confused how to answer it since I asked Krystal a while ago regarding our assignment...She used to call me buddy since we were kids. She didn't agree when i wanted her to call me handsomechingu..I even remember once when I jokingly forced her to call me like that, I even blackmailed her that I won't let her go if she won't say it but what happened was that I only experienced her famous flying kick! That was hurtful you from then on I never forced her to say it anymore..I don't want to distort my handsome face and break my bones.. But sometimes she calls me like that only at the chosen circumstances. She's sure a playful kid.

" eeee! I really want to prettychingu but I'm in the midst of asking Krystal regarding our presentation,. maybe you can just go home first. We still need to discuss what to perform." I explained to her. Eversince we became bestfriends, We constantly stick together which made people around us think that we are dating which was really far from the reality. I knew it from the start that a very sincere girl like Kwon Yuri would never like me as a man. She's so innocent that I sometimes hamper myself from dating a lot. I remember when she got angry and have even scolded me once when she thought I got trouble escaping my date without knowing that, that was only my fangirl, but then, eventhough she was so mad at that time, she never failed from helping me. She even voluntered herself to become my fake girlfriend just for me to escape from that commotion. After that incident, I was so afraid that she would never talk to me again that's why I changed for a bit. I'm still her bestfriend after all.


"Ahh!....Arasso we'll go ahead first.. Annyong... Annyong Krystal-shi.."  Yuri stuttered, she hesitantly smiled and bowed. Somehow, I felt that she was not feeling well and I don't know why.. Maybe I'll just ask her later. I thought.

Jonghyun and Sooyoung also bid their gooodbyes and I was left with Krystal alone. It was kinda awkward. I thought






So I ended up going home with Jonghyun and Sooyoung.  I walked like dragging my feet and with heavy back. Maybe I was just so affected by the happenings earlier. I sighed!


As I arrived in our house... I can still feel the tension inside. I just can't help it even if I wanted to avoid myself from worrying. The fact that they were alone together made my heart to sob. Eventhough thinking that they were together for the sake of the assignment. I kept on imagining things and asking questions to myself. "What if they'll develop to each other when they're together?", "What if they'll be come intimate?", "What if Minho will fall for her?..the way Krystal looks..It's not even impossible..".  I thought


OMO! Ottoke?.. head hurts...I shook my head in disbelief...Could someone help to stop me right now? I seeked help in silence. I feel distressed!


I laid to bed, slapped my self to keep me calm, I took out heavy a breath. Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale, I even moved my body side by side just to get the most comfortable position as the scene earlier kept on bugging me...I'm feeling so vulnerable.

I stood up, jogged in place, jumped to my bed like a five year old kid, hoping that it would ease my feelings..but It didn't  so I laid down again, covered my face by my pillow.................that was an  EPIC FAIL! Poor me! My mind has its own function..Arrggggg! that was frustrating!.


As I was about to move my body to different postion, I was startled and jumped off from my bed when my phone suddenly rang..which caused me to fall hardly.

"OUCH!" I cried from pain..I touched my and back which hardly hit by the ground.


Good thing I was able to catch my phone and even accidentally pressed the answer button.

Aiisshh! Chincha..who's that pokemon. I thought.. "yaaaaaaaaaaah" I shouted


"Yuri-ya kenchana?" the person from the other line asked..


the voice sounds familiar. I don't know why but it calmed my I looked at my phone phone to confirm who it was...

Now I know, that was why I abruptly revived. It is Minho....He just gave me a Minho Pain Reliever.


Why he called? I wondered


"Yaaa! Buddy,..You startled me..and lucky enough, I fell from my bed...Aiishh!" I sounded like sulking


"Aiiggooo, Mianhae..Is my prettychingu alright?", He sounded like a worried man. He's sure knows how to make me feel at ease.


"Aiishhhhh! why did you call buddy? " I asked


"I just want to check if you arrived home well and also,..umm..I'm sorry, I wasn't able to go home with you today." He said..Even if it was just a normal gesture for the both of us, I cannot really stop myself to giggle. Even if we're not the way I wished us to be, I'm still happy knowing that he's concern about me. Aiggoooo! That was so sweet. And, I guess that was one of the reasons why my heart kept on insisting not to give up.


Before I answered, I took out a deep breath to sound normal even the truth was I wanted to scream out loud.


" Ey! I understand buddy..Don't mind it...and don't worry about me I'm perfectly fine.." I told him cutely. I really wanted to act like a jealous bestfriend right now but I decided not to because I don't want to spoil the mood. At least he called..that was already enough.


I heard him whispery crack and I wondered. Was that funny?. What a weirdo.. I then decided not to mind it at all.


"Are you sleepy now prettychingu?" He asked


"..ummm Aniyo! i'm pretty much" I replied, With what I just did earlier,who wouldn't be?..I was like having an exercise...I thought


"same here....sing me a song prettychingu so that i can sleep." He said, He was always like that eversince..He wants me to sing him a song if he wasn't able to sing. He sure knows that I can't resist him. This guy!


"eeeeeeeeeeee! I didn't rehearse buddy. I'm afraid you'll end up having a nightmare instead of sweetdreams.kekeke,, Go, you can ask Jonghyun to sing for you." I ..He sure will like it since Jonghyun has a golden voice. But I was taken aback by his reply..


"Andwae! I don't want to end up dreaming a singing dinosaur..I might not be able to sleep thinking that to happen. " He joked and I just laughed..HAHA He was that serious huh!.

Then he continued, " Jebal prettychingu" He made it sound so cute.


I may like it but there was really something that kept on bothering me and i will not be able to sleep if I will not ask him.

I swallowed and comfortable sat on my bed,

"by the way, how was your discussion with Krystal?" I slipped it out, OMO! what did I say?. Since I cannot take it back, I decided to just wait for his answer.


"aw yeah! we decided to have a dance interpretation. She seemed to be a good dancer, I guess..I thought we'll end up just staring each other since she is so quiet. And the way she stares. You could say she's  like an Ice Princess..but I guess that was only my first impression. She seems so nice. I even thought she would decline my invitation to eating with me while we discuss our presentation..hehehe." He recited. He talked with so much excitement.


Did I even ask about that? I was just only asking about their presentation. I sighed. He seemed to enjoy it so much. I looked outside the window. I touched my chest ..I was trying to feel it. The coldness of the night seemed like comforting me from my emotions. I was suddenly ablazed with despair. I tried to hold back myself

. This is what I get ..Do I even deserve it? I think so. I thought....

I got back from my senses when Minho asked..


"prettychingu still there? " I wasn't aware that I got so silent...


I took a deep breath before I speak.." ..umm..Wooaahh! Chincha? that..that... was great buddy..I can see that she's nice..and..and she's very beautiful too.." I stuttered...I hope he won't tell for more, I'm afraid he might say the things I don't want to hear. It will make me suffer for more..


"I thought you already slept...I agree with you she's beautiful indeed" He praised her... that hurts. It was like stabbing my heart.


I tried to laugh.."hehehe Yes!..." and before he could interrupt me I fakely yawned for him not to speak for more...


"Aiigooooo! I feel so sleepy now buddy.." I lied


"eeeeyy! you haven't sang yet.." he complained like a kid


"Arasso! Arasso! I'll sing now." I sighed and prepared myself....I took out a deep breath before I begin to sing..


I sang him my favorite song BABY BABY by snsd. He might not aware of it but I sang it wholeheartedly. Atleast through this I'll be able to express what I really felt inside..

(here's the english translation)

Filled with nervousness and gratitude
In a pretty wrapper (I want to give it to you)
No you will laugh because of a absurd imagination
A fool that keeps holding it off (It sounds like me)
Your smiles you stole my heart
It really doesn't make sense

*Please baby baby baby You are inside me
You came in so deep, afraid you might see, my bashful confession
baby baby baby going to you cautiously
In a small voice i will only let you hear


I finished the song without any interruption from him. 

"buddy" i asked, I waited for him to answer but I got no response. Maybe he was already asleep  so I decided to just end the call with the last words.




I pressed the end call button and I went off from my bed to put my phone above the table where I've noticed our picture together inside a frame. I took it and went back to my bed. I laid down while kept on staring at the picture. This was when we hang out at the amusement park. We were really happy at the time. I even enjoyed the rides with him eventhough I was so afraid riding them. I touched her face in the picture frame while kept on remembering our happy moments together.


I kept on staring at him and whispered,




That was the last word I uttered before I fell asleep while hugging our picture.



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Chapter 12: Will you update again? :-) :-)
Chapter 12: Omooo! Miho and yuri is sooo cute! Please update soon! :D
Chapter 12: new reader here ! update soon ! ^^
I miss this~
OMG! did Yuri just faint on the almost kiss scene!?
Yuri! You wanted it back didn't you? hahahaha!
I wonder why does Minho like to so much!
Afterall I thought he likes krystal? haha!
Update soon!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAA If I were Yuri, I won't faint. Instead, I would peck his lips and run so he will be dumbfounded LOLOLOLOLOL.
byulhoshi92 #7
Thank you author-nim for allotting time for an update. :))
Waaaaa! Take it back. LOL ! :)) If I were yuri unnie ..I'll also faint. HAHAHA