Chapter 1: Brand New Day

Chingu; Naneun Saranghaeyo



It was sunny day to start. I sat on the bench inside the school, SME Academy.  I was waiting for MY Minho to come. Ooops! I mean Minho. kekeke. Yes Choi bestfriend, my classmate, my confidant, my enemy and not to forget my inspiration. Sssshhh..

By just thinking of him makes my heart to giggle. What a feeling?. And sad to say It's a one sided love. :(  In our 9 years of friendship who would have thought that I've carried this feeling for almost 7 years already without him knowing. Quite long? Isn't it?

But then, I chose to just keep it  quietly in my heart because I don't want to change the only connection we have and that's our FRIENDSHIP. Even if he unintentionally hurt me for having so many girls who like him and he dates with, It's still fine with me as long as I can see him happy. It's already enough. What a love? right?. Very patient. kekeke

 I  wandered my thoughts about Minho, until now I cannot still believe that I was able to handle every heartache he caused me. What else can I do? I'm just so afraid to risk important things if I confess. As long as I can still go with it. I'll be fine. I'll live another year to carry it all. 

"Neh!" Another year which will be full of fun and love. I hope so. Hwaiting! kekeke

"Joneun Kwon Yuri-imnida, will continue to work hard and give happiness to everyone. Hwaiting!" I stood up and shouted while raising my right fist. And I forgot that I was inside the campus. Bad thing was that people turned into silence and stared at me as if I've committed a crime. kekeke I gave out a peace sign for apology and then I went back to the bench. Maybe they'll think that I'm a weirdo. Am I? .. I laughed to myself and someone interrupted me by tapping my left shoulder.


" Yah! Yuri're laughing alone? Craziness symptoms again? HAHAHA" Minho laughed out loud.


"Minho-shi..wanna die young? I will really be crazy if you haven't arrived yet. What took you so long?" I said to him in a fake angry tone and I pouted my lips to emphasize what I really feel.


He pinched my cheeks and said, " You're so cute when you're like that Yuri-ya. hehehe"


"Aaiiisshhh jeongmal" I shortly utterred


"Mianhaeyo prettychingu! I had to fix something at home that's why im late today" Minho said while smiling and both hands doing the praying gesture as if he's really sorry for being late.


"This guy Really!. i wonder how many times you've repeated that reason. hmp!" I said and smirked at him


Then he put his right arm to my shoulder and said, " prettychingu is already gone mad. Otoke?"


"Yah! Choi Minho, If I just didn't know you, I would really think that you're telling the truth.." I said to him boldly


"Ouch! that hurts really want me to die? that really hurts, Look I'm dying..aarrgghh" He said in a very dramatic way.


"Aiiissshh! that's such a drama Minho..not funny at all. HAHAHA" I said and laughed out loud


This guy really! He's been like that eversince..Even i'm used to it I can't really help myself to giggle everytime he calls me PRETTYCHINGU. Aiisshh Choi Minho. When will you stop tickling my heart? I thought in silence.


Eventhough we don't have that kind of lover's relationship, I am still happy by just looking at him, talking to him, smiling at him, laughing with him, spending time with him doing random things, teasing with him and even having a fight with him. Well! Better than nothing!


"Aiisshhh jeongmal! here i am again. Stop that already Yuri-ya. You'll end up getting false hopes again. Just don't assume and expect .. Arasso?" I scolded myself in silence.


Then, I stopped from thinking all those things when Minho interrupted.


"Yah! Kwon Yuri, I know I'm handsome so you don't have to emphasize it by staring at me like that.. (evil laugh* HAHAHA)" He proudly said


"e..eee! You wish Choi Minho. hmp" I turned away and walked ahead of him to get back my composure. I knew my face got redder. Yikes! That was embarassing. I never thought I stared at him for a long time.


I turmed at his direction when I felt I already got back from my normal condition, I shouted at him..


"Y...yoouu Minho-ah! until now I can't still believe that I've got a bestfriend like you" I and let my tongue out MERONG :P


He walked into my direction while saying.. " You must be a proud bestfriend Yuri-ya..You have me.. As handsome and charismatic as I am, What else can you ask for?.. HAHAHA" He boasted


Yeah right.... He's the best.. Really! It's just that I really wanted to ...


"How I wish we were not just bestfriends.." I murmured while looking at the ground..


"Mwo?" He asked loudly, seemed like he haven't heard it clearly so I got back from my senses..


OMO! What I've just said? GGrrrr..He must have heard it. NOOOOO!! I don't want to die yet.. I said to myself quietly


So I looked at him as if I've never said those words..

"ehhh? Did I say anything? Aniiiiiii.." I strongly denied.. "What i mean to say is that...that... Kajayo..We'll be late in class.....PALLIWA! I don't want to be scolded by Mr. Kang.." I then turned to my direction and slowly ran to avoid him from asking too much. 


Aiiiissshhh! Chincha! I almost slipped it out....."Careless Yuri-ya..Careless" I said to myself while hitting my nape ..but then I cannot help myself to smile.. now! Crazy Yuri-ya ..kekeke


I turned to Minho's direction and shouted..." Yaahhh! Choi Minho.. PALLIWA!" 


"Arasso..Prettychingu.. I'm're handsomechingu is coming.." He shouted back while running and raising his both arms as if  he's going to hug me. 


I giggled and  let my tongue out "MERONG :P" I then ran as fast as I can..

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Chapter 12: Will you update again? :-) :-)
Chapter 12: Omooo! Miho and yuri is sooo cute! Please update soon! :D
Chapter 12: new reader here ! update soon ! ^^
I miss this~
OMG! did Yuri just faint on the almost kiss scene!?
Yuri! You wanted it back didn't you? hahahaha!
I wonder why does Minho like to so much!
Afterall I thought he likes krystal? haha!
Update soon!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAA If I were Yuri, I won't faint. Instead, I would peck his lips and run so he will be dumbfounded LOLOLOLOLOL.
byulhoshi92 #7
Thank you author-nim for allotting time for an update. :))
Waaaaa! Take it back. LOL ! :)) If I were yuri unnie ..I'll also faint. HAHAHA