Chapter 8

Just a Glance Was All It Took


Same familiar feeling of the bass speakers pulsing through his body his him like a wall as soon as he entered the hot building again. But this time, instead of dreading to be there, he was bouncing with excitement. He was finally going to see Taemin again.




Assuming their same position at the bar from the other night and people watched. While Jonghyun casually stood sipping his drink, Minho’s neck snapped in every direction he could see in, searching for the red haired boy in the crowd. He soon gave up and started some small chat with Jonghyun.


Their conversation was limited. Minho has a suspicion that Jonghyun was also in his own world but he pushed it aside and tried to have a good time while he waited for Taemin’s performance.


It felt like an eternity but Minho’s stomach dropped when he felt the loud beats once again had been replaced by slow music and immediately a small and sweet voice began it song.


Up on the small stage was Taemin, wearing a single long sleeved shirt with an exposed back. Minho’s mouth went dry in a split second when he saw the boys exposed body in the risky shirt. He made a mental note to thank Jonghyun later for taking his drink from his hand and setting it on the bar. He was in an absolute trance. He didn’t even realize he hadn’t moved an inch for at least two minutes when he noticed Taemin had started dancing. Then he was forced to move his lower body out of embarrassment.

Really, Minho? Right now?

He willed his “problem” away and tried to enjoy the rest of the performance without jumping on stage and stealing the red haired boy off the stage. The applause at the end of the song was enormous, as expected, and finished off with Taemin bowing then hopping off stage.  

Minho looked to his left to see Jonghyun grinning at him expectantly then moving out of the way, giving him a clear view of the red-head hopping towards him.

He’s too cute to be in such a club… Minho internally sighed.

“Hyung! What did you think of the song?” he asked hopefully, his eyes wide and full of excitement.

“It was awesome! How long have you been singing and dancing?” Minho asked, genuinely interested. He was way too good to be new at it.

“Hmm….” Taemin pouted in thought. “I guess since I was in grade three or so. I’ve always loved dance…” he trailed off in thought.

Okay you can stop being perfect now.

There was a moment of silence before Minho felt a soft hand grab his and pull him onto the dance floor.

“Come on! I wanna see how you dance,” Taemin winked. Minho laughed and tried his best to enjoy himself, even though he knew he wasn’t much of a dancer.

They giggled through it, dancing cutely and just smiling at each others’ silliness, but eventually, something came over Minho and the situation flipped. It could have been the alcohol or the crowd around them, but he slowly began to notice the way Taemin moved his hips and how his skinny frame moved closer to his every minute. It also wasn’t helping that the layer of sweat on Taemin’s skin was shining in the strobe lights and becoming more and more appetising to Minho.

Taemin must’ve also felt the change in surroundings because he pushed himself closer to Minho and began dancing less…innocently.

After a while, Minho had to force himself to separate himself from the boy before he did something irrational and something he might regret. Taemin looked slightly disappointed but he understood.

“It was really nice seeing you again…you should stop by the shop again…” Minho said quietly as he could in the loud room, looking down at the floor.

“I will,” Taemin promised. He stuck up his pinky finger cutely and Mihno chuckled and wrapped his larger one around Taemin’s. Taemin’s eyes looked to the left and dramaticly widened. Minho followed his gaze and rolled him eyes.

At the same spot as the other night, Jonghyun was with the fashionable boy again. Only this time, his lips were attached to the other’s neck and the blonde boy was clearly enjoying by the way he was gripping Jonghyun’s hair.

Minho laughed at Taemin’s wide eyes and ruffled his hair.

“I’ll see you around.”


this chapter is poop. my appologies. but i sat my down and forced myself to update so i hope it's ok :)

honestly though. someone should disable my tumblr eveyrtime i need to update cause i would come out with so many chapters like b.a.p's comebacks. 

got tumblr?:D

Aaaaand here's my other 2min story based on Beauty and the Beast which will also be updating soon ~The Beast~  (psssst i also got a GORGEOUS poster for The Beast which i will soon be showing off xD)

And now, fangirls and fanboys, the cutest gif of existance. 

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while ;; I have more explanation on my other story "the beast" but hopefully I'll be back soonish :/


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Chapter 8: Such a good story~ uvu 2min are so cute and awkward hngnhnmjkybhuj
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 8: Haha I would love to see minho just snatch taemin off of the stage. With the crowd having a WTF look plastered on everybody's faces. XD I can so imagine that. Well any who, enough with the weird talk, I love your story please update soon. X)
misssunnysnsd #3
Well look who decided to update :{3
Chapter 8: That gif is so adorable <3 love the 2min sensuality and JongKey getting all physical in the corner of the club ;) I can't wait for more, update again soon...
Lfkfnfkkflfjfl Minho shall now canonize you jonghyun lol I don't even know if that's a word xD hahaha now Minho stop being a complete idiot and go out with him! But be normal please be normal! Haha
update please..,
I knew it! Jonghyun's knows Taemin! :D
Yay ^_^ who knew Jonghyun could be so sneaky?!? anyway, thanks for updating!!! the story's great so far
Aww I knew they would meet :) sneaky and smart jonghyun gud job! Good chap, I can't wait for the next :D