Chapter 7

Just a Glance Was All It Took


Minho stared at Taemin, surely open mouthed, for at least 30 seconds before stuttering his nearly unintelligible response of "10 minutes"

Taemin looked at him confused for a  few seconds, trying to understand the words coming out of his mouth, but he must have understood when he nodded, smiled, and noticeably walked over to the booth across from the counter. Sitting alone with his coffee in hand, he weakly smiled at Minho, jolting him back to reality.

For the next ten minutes, his brain told himself only two things: stop staring at him and don't spill anymore drinks. The first one was nearly impossible for him and he sneaked glances almost every ten seconds, just to make sure he was still there and of course, just to look at him.

He looked exactly the same as he did the first time he saw him at the park. Right down to the headphones. With a sigh, Minho turned his head back to the clock.

Meh, three minutes doesn't make a difference.

He threw the rag he was currently cleaning with onto the countered and shouted back at Sehun that he was taking his break.

Practically sprinting around the counter, he darted towards Taemin's booth and stood beside it.

Inside the booth, which almost gave him a heart attack because he thought the boy had left, had Taemin sipping his coffee peacefully. His eyes tripled their size when he saw the man in front of him.

The two of them just stared at each other for a while until Taemin felt slightly uncomfortable under Minho’s stare and started to shift.

"So uhm…are you….going to sit…?”

Minho stared at him open mouthed. Everything was just too much to take in for him. His brain finally clicked and everything he had zoned out on rushed into his head.

"Oh haha yeah," He replied. He moved his body to sit in the booth, nearly tripping over his own feet and landed on the old cushion with a huff. 

Oh lord this is so awkward someone shoot me....

Again, the two of them stared at each other in silence. Suddenly, something in Taemin’s eyes clicked with recognition.

"Hey aren't you that guy that fell out of his chair at the club I work at yesterday?!"

Minho’s face flushed and he mentally face palmed.

Good to know that's the kind of impression I left...

"Uhh, haha, yeah... I just kind of... Lost my balance..."

"Well it’s good to see you're alright," Taemin said earnestly.

God this kid is too cute.

Taemin took another sip of his drink and leaned his back on the booth.

“So, how did you end up with a job there? At the club, I mean.” Minho asked, hoping to get some sort of conversation started.

“Oh, I’m a singer!” Taemin said excitedly, springing forward. He was clearly excited by his own profession. “A dancer first, but I enjoy both,” he added.

“Ah, yes, I remember! You’re really good. I didn’t see much of your dancing though,” Minho replied.

Minho’s mind flashed back to the first time he heard his voice. To Minho, as he remembered, it was literally like the voice of an angel. He would give anything to hear it one more time…

“Do you…want to come back? I mean, I performing again on Friday, but you don’t have to. I mean if you have work or something else you have to get to I’d totally understand-“ Minho cut him off of his rambling quickly.

“I’d love to,” Minho said, flashing one of his charismatic smiles.

This time it was Taemin’s turn to be in a daze. He was awestruck by how a man could be so charming and handsome and still, from what his Hyung Jonghyun vaguely told him, have an interest in him.

“HEY CHOI, BREAKS OVER,” A voice shouted from behind the counter, who Minho could already recognize as Sehun thanks to his lisp.

“That's me,” Minho sighed, swinging his legs over the side of the booth and standing up. A short look of disappointment ghosted over Taemin’s face but he quickly brushed it off.

“Ah, well I should probably be going too,” Taemin said, joining Minho.

Not really knowing what to do for a goodbye, they stood there biting their lips looking equally as awkward. Minho jerked out his hand and they both laughed as they shook.

“See you Friday Hyung!!” Taemin called, the sound of a bell signaling his exit. Minho was still in too much of a daze to even notice Taemin had already called him Hyung. He slowly retreated to his place behind the counter and went back to work.

The sound of the bell at the front door signaled yet another customer and Minho took his place by the register.

“Hello. My name is Minho and wel-” Minho raised his head and saw who his customer was. Jonghyun, with a plastered grin on his face. Minho smiled and hid his face in embarrassment, remembering that his and Taemin’s meeting was all constructed by Jonghyun.

“So? When are you gonna see him again?” Jonghyun asked, his smile no-where near from disappearing any time soon.

“Friday. Looks like we’re going back to that club,” Minho said in disbelief. He still couldn’t get a grip on what just happened. 


Oh god why.

So, here's me with another SOOPER late update OTL This summer has been going by so quickly it's rediculous O_O Anyway, I forced myself to update and this is what I got. I'm not happy with all... but at least it's something :)


Anyway, what has been distracting me from writing this story is I've been working on another one! It has a Beauty and the Beast theme so any Disney fans would probably want to check it out ^^

I know I really shouldn't do two at a time since I at updating in the first place, but I'm really looking forward to this one. It's reaaaaaally different from my writing style. Like, there is A LOT more detail and the chapters are waaay longer so you can go check that out here

See you soon! 


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Sorry I haven't updated in a while ;; I have more explanation on my other story "the beast" but hopefully I'll be back soonish :/


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Chapter 8: Such a good story~ uvu 2min are so cute and awkward hngnhnmjkybhuj
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 8: Haha I would love to see minho just snatch taemin off of the stage. With the crowd having a WTF look plastered on everybody's faces. XD I can so imagine that. Well any who, enough with the weird talk, I love your story please update soon. X)
misssunnysnsd #3
Well look who decided to update :{3
Chapter 8: That gif is so adorable <3 love the 2min sensuality and JongKey getting all physical in the corner of the club ;) I can't wait for more, update again soon...
Lfkfnfkkflfjfl Minho shall now canonize you jonghyun lol I don't even know if that's a word xD hahaha now Minho stop being a complete idiot and go out with him! But be normal please be normal! Haha
update please..,
I knew it! Jonghyun's knows Taemin! :D
Yay ^_^ who knew Jonghyun could be so sneaky?!? anyway, thanks for updating!!! the story's great so far
Aww I knew they would meet :) sneaky and smart jonghyun gud job! Good chap, I can't wait for the next :D