Chapter 1

Just a Glance Was All It Took


“Minho takes it to the net and… he scores!” Minho said in an announcer-type voice as the soccer ball is shot off his foot and was sent flying back into the net, just barely missing his friends Jonghyun’s face.

Minho ran around in circles like a child, and made a noise to represent a large crowd cheering.

“Watch it there next time, Frog Boy,” his shorter friend said, still with a slightly dazed look on his face after the near miss.

Minho only smirked at the offensive nickname and retorted, “Maybe if you were a little taller, your face could have caught that.”

Jonghyun pushed his lip out into a pout and walked to grab the ball and they both silently took their places. This time, Minho is goalie and Jonghyun shooting at the net.

How a 22 year old can resemble so much of a puppy, I’ll never know.

Jonghyun placed the ball on the ground and smirks.

“Jjong takes it to…” he said moving forward and speaking in a mocking fashion, making fun of Minho’s earlier act, but Minho was pulled out of his world and time stopped when he saw him.

He had brown, longish, semi-curly hair,giving him the look of a child. He was wearing a green, thick striped polo shirt, only adding to his innocent appearance.

The mystery boy was walking down a nearby sidewalk with his headset on, bopping his head to some unknown beat, and Minho was absolutely entranced.

Anything going on in the world was completely irrelevant because his world was frozen in place as he stared intently at the most perfect boy he had seen with his own eyes. 

The moment didn’t last long because the hard surface of the soccer ball collided with his check, sending him flying backwards and landing roughly on the ground.

The concerned shouts of his friend were droned out as Minho lied there in the grass, staring up at the bright blue and slightly clouded sky. The day seemed much more beautiful now.

His cloud watching was cut short when someone pulled on both his arms sharply, jerking his body forward into a sitting position.

“Are you okay man?!” Jonghyun asked feverishly, inspecting Minho’s now red face. Minho physically couldn’t respond.  His entire body seemed to have shut down from a single glance at a boy. He always knew he was bi, but he never expected to actually fall this hard for a person of the same .

He felt another hard object abuse his check and he quickly snapped back to the real world where he was sitting in the grass with Jonghyun leaning over him. He looked up at his friend with a confused expression and quickly raised his arm up to block Jonghyun’s hand, which was coming back down towards his face.

“What the hell?!” Minho exclaimed, suddenly angry. Jonghyun turned his head towards the mystery boy and looked back confused.

“You know him?” he asked, nodding his head backwards.

“N-no, I-I just-“Minho stammered. What the hell is wrong with me?!

“Come on, man” Jonghyun said stretching his hand out to help the taller boy.

Minho shook his head trying to clear his mind, but he failed miserably.

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while ;; I have more explanation on my other story "the beast" but hopefully I'll be back soonish :/


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Chapter 8: Such a good story~ uvu 2min are so cute and awkward hngnhnmjkybhuj
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 8: Haha I would love to see minho just snatch taemin off of the stage. With the crowd having a WTF look plastered on everybody's faces. XD I can so imagine that. Well any who, enough with the weird talk, I love your story please update soon. X)
misssunnysnsd #3
Well look who decided to update :{3
Chapter 8: That gif is so adorable <3 love the 2min sensuality and JongKey getting all physical in the corner of the club ;) I can't wait for more, update again soon...
Lfkfnfkkflfjfl Minho shall now canonize you jonghyun lol I don't even know if that's a word xD hahaha now Minho stop being a complete idiot and go out with him! But be normal please be normal! Haha
update please..,
I knew it! Jonghyun's knows Taemin! :D
Yay ^_^ who knew Jonghyun could be so sneaky?!? anyway, thanks for updating!!! the story's great so far
Aww I knew they would meet :) sneaky and smart jonghyun gud job! Good chap, I can't wait for the next :D