Chapter 4

Just a Glance Was All It Took

The loud music blasted obnoxiously from the dark building. Other than the pink sign out front, you never would have guessed it was a club. Sighing, Minho rested his head on the taxi’s window, already preparing for the headache that was sure to come later.

“Come on, loosen up. Maybe you’ll meet someone else,” Jonghyun said with a wink. Minho only rolled his eyes and remained silent until the driver found a place to park.

He looked over and noted what his friend was wearing. It was literally the opposite of what he was wearing. He was wearing a simple black tee and white skinny jeans. The black shirt was a bit too tight making is muscles stand out, as well as his jeans making a certain “area” stand out. Minho crinkled his nose, a little grossed out by the view he just got.

Looking down at himself, he saw they were opposites. He wore black, thick skinnies, not nearly as revealing as his friends. He also wore a white tee covered by a black jacket, dressing the whole outfit up.

They quickly got out of the cab, paid the driver and turned to the now louder music.

When they got inside the club, it was they had expected. It was crowded, hot and VERY loud. The song’s strong beat shook the walls and bodies were squished together on the dance floor. The two struggled to move around, but they pushed through crowds of people, earning glares and offended looks, but they soon arrived at their destination. The bar.

Miraculously, two stools were available next to each other and they quickly took their place on top of them. After a few minutes of waiting, a man appeared in front of them from behind the counter of the bar.

He was wearing a simple white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his bottom half was hidden from view behind the bar.

“Hi, I’m Onew. Can I get you something to drink tonight?” He flashed a charming grin that must have possessed magic powers because they both had the immediate urges to talk and order from the man.

They both order beers and were are quickly brought to them. Once Minho lifted the bottle to his lips and took a sip, he can’t stop. In no time, the glass bottle was emptied of its contents and slammed back on the counter. Jonghyun looked at his friend in disbelief when he orders another and begins to drain it as well.

“Hold up there, we wouldn’t want you passed out a minute after getting here,” Jonghyun joked, forcing the bottle away from Minho’s mouth. He grumbled in defeat and turned to look at the crowd.

His eyes scanned the dance floor for someone to stand out to him.


Just a sea of faces that mean nothing to him. The song switches over to something Minho actually recognized as GD& TOP’s  “Knock Out.” He turned back to see Jonghyun staring intently at a fashionably dressed blond boy at the back, dancing alone near the corner.

Now it was Minho’s turn to be amused.

“Like what you see?” Minho saod with a smirk.

Jonghyun, being the usual cocky and confident person smirked back and said he’ll be back, but it was barely audible with the loud music.

With that, he turned and walked off confidently towards the blond boy.

Minho watched as Jonghyun approached the dancing boy and began conversation. But he quickly averted his eyes when they began dancing and Jonghyun put his hands on the stranger’s hips, pulling him closer in an intimate way.

Turning his head back towards his drink before things got past a PG rating, he took another swig of the beer in front of him.

I just want to go home… he thinks, just starting to feel the alcohol reach his brain. 


Hi guys! Taemin's coming VERY soon, I promise. And in case you didn't catch on, the person Jonghyun is dancing with is indeed the one and only Almighty Key. 

I don't have alot to say, but I did notice somthing .

Within my chapters, I seem to switch between past tense and present tense -.-.- Sorry if that bothered anybody, but I willl be fixing it very soon. 


@viapeto : That he wont! I agree, he needs to get his in gear if he wants anything to happen =.=

@androider : Oh. My. God. Thank you so much! I legit squealed when I read your comment xD I'm so glad you like it :D



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Sorry I haven't updated in a while ;; I have more explanation on my other story "the beast" but hopefully I'll be back soonish :/


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Chapter 8: Such a good story~ uvu 2min are so cute and awkward hngnhnmjkybhuj
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 8: Haha I would love to see minho just snatch taemin off of the stage. With the crowd having a WTF look plastered on everybody's faces. XD I can so imagine that. Well any who, enough with the weird talk, I love your story please update soon. X)
misssunnysnsd #3
Well look who decided to update :{3
Chapter 8: That gif is so adorable <3 love the 2min sensuality and JongKey getting all physical in the corner of the club ;) I can't wait for more, update again soon...
Lfkfnfkkflfjfl Minho shall now canonize you jonghyun lol I don't even know if that's a word xD hahaha now Minho stop being a complete idiot and go out with him! But be normal please be normal! Haha
update please..,
I knew it! Jonghyun's knows Taemin! :D
Yay ^_^ who knew Jonghyun could be so sneaky?!? anyway, thanks for updating!!! the story's great so far
Aww I knew they would meet :) sneaky and smart jonghyun gud job! Good chap, I can't wait for the next :D