Chapter 5

Just a Glance Was All It Took


In his gloom, Minho heard the most beautiful noise to ever reach his ears. It was a small, sweet voice singing some sort of ballad, much different from the ear shattering beats that had been playing the whole night. Minho recognized the song as "In my Room" but he couldn’t remember the artist. But right now, he could care less about what the song was or who it was by.

He sat silent as the track played on, absolutely entranced by the song. For some reason, the song brought memories that had been pushed out of his head of his mystery boy.

 At some point in the song, there was the sound of a microphone malfunction, causing everyone in the club to raise their ears to their heads to block out the obnoxious sound. Everyone snapped their heads towards to the stage, but the noise had only pulled Minho out of his trance and he slowly came back to life. By the time Minho turned his head around, everyone had recovered from the sound and resumed their dancing.

If this song is live then…

He slowly turned his head to see the source of the noise and sees a boy on the stage. He’s alone, and blushing an extreme red, no doubt from the malfunction earlier. Minho squinted his already large eyes and…

The sound of metal crashing into a cement floor crashed through the club and all the heads that had lately been turned to the boy on stage had this time whipped around to the noise from the back of the room.


There, on the floor in front of the bar was Minho. He was on the floor, sprawled out next to his fallen chair with a dazed look on his face. He laid on the ground until he felt as if he could literally feel everyone's burning stares and he slowly pushed himself up to his feet and fixed his chair before waving to everyone as a mixture of a "sorry/ I'm okay/ stop looking at me"


 Minho quickly hopped back up on the chair and tried to console himself


No. There's no way. It isn't. You just made a fool out of yourself. There's no way it’s him.


 "Hey uh... okay?" Onew asked cautiously. Minho looked up at him, without really looking at him, and left the bar, stopping only to shove the crowd out of the way.

Once again, glares and shout were thrown at him as he forced his way through, headed to god knows where until a hand appeared on his shoulder and sharply spun him around, making him stare at the owner of the hand; Jonghyun.

"What the hell man, are you alright?!" By then, the room had been replaced by the sweet voice and resumed the blaring music that now seemed louder.

“Its- He-he’s- “He stammers out, his tongue literally feeling as if it’s twisted after the shock he just received.

“Hey uh…I saw you fall. I just wanted to know if you were okay,” a small voice said from behind Minho.

Minho’s knees NEARLY gave out but he managed to keep himself standing up, until Jonghyun spoke. He knew it was his voice, he knew it. Just by the way it rang in his ears, and replayed over and over in his head in a matter of seconds, he knew.

“Oh, hey Taemin-ah. You sounded really good tonight”

“Thanks Jonghyun-hyung. You look really good…so are you okay?”

Minho stood there in silence, still not facing the owner of the voice. He simply nodded continued walking past Jonghyun.

After only a few steps the hand from earlier reappeared on his shoulder and spun him around once more to meet the same face as before. Only this time, Minho didn’t give him a chance to talk.

“YOU KNEW HIM THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!” He practically screamed at the other. Jonghyun only smiled.

“That’s why we came here tonight,” he said smugly. Minho decided he had seen enough of that smirk and he pulled roughly on his friends arm, dragging him out of the club. He almost laughed when he saw Jonghyun jerk his body backwards and hurridly waved him arm with his thumb and pinky up to signal “call me” to the same boy he was dancing with earlier.


....Please don't hate me :O 

I've been really un-inspired to write lately and super distracted so I just wanted to push SOME type of chapter out so I'm sorry if this is crappier than usual *hides*

Please forgive me...

Aww come onnn you can't resist Taeminnie~~

Anyway, subscribers and ESPECIALLY COMMENTS really help me to keep writing. They really do. SO please try and do that :DDD



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Sorry I haven't updated in a while ;; I have more explanation on my other story "the beast" but hopefully I'll be back soonish :/


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Chapter 8: Such a good story~ uvu 2min are so cute and awkward hngnhnmjkybhuj
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 8: Haha I would love to see minho just snatch taemin off of the stage. With the crowd having a WTF look plastered on everybody's faces. XD I can so imagine that. Well any who, enough with the weird talk, I love your story please update soon. X)
misssunnysnsd #3
Well look who decided to update :{3
Chapter 8: That gif is so adorable <3 love the 2min sensuality and JongKey getting all physical in the corner of the club ;) I can't wait for more, update again soon...
Lfkfnfkkflfjfl Minho shall now canonize you jonghyun lol I don't even know if that's a word xD hahaha now Minho stop being a complete idiot and go out with him! But be normal please be normal! Haha
update please..,
I knew it! Jonghyun's knows Taemin! :D
Yay ^_^ who knew Jonghyun could be so sneaky?!? anyway, thanks for updating!!! the story's great so far
Aww I knew they would meet :) sneaky and smart jonghyun gud job! Good chap, I can't wait for the next :D