Chapter 9

In the Shadows





Chapter 09




Ever since, Sulli showed up, she only talked about the Dark Master and anything related to 'HIM'. Seunghyun's gripped tightened once again as a thought suddenly crossed his mind. If the Dark Master's minions were after her, why still pursue her when her parents are dead? Or do they also want Dara dead and entirely wiped out the Park clan. I won't let anything happen to you.



Seunghyun moved to a chair just across the couch where Sulli was seated and Baekhyun standing behind the couch.



"If you know this kind of information, then the council knows this too . . . " Seunghyun was adamant to trust Sulli, but right now he had to use every option that will help him in protecting Dara, and one of those options was to trust Sulli.



She's a pureblood like Dara, and during their first encounter, though he hates to acknowledge it, only proved that he's relatively weak compared to them. He doesn't have the power to protect her alone, but the heavens know he'll do everything he can --  sacrificing his self if need be. 



Sulli's calm face turned into one that was unreadable then to something with a tinge of anger. "I hate to tell you but they still haven't move to stop and find her yet."







Dara dresses shortly after waking up. The sun has already set when she was summoned to the main court of the High council. 



Sulli walks ahead of Dara, as Seunghyun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol followed suit. As they are walking through the stone-paved corridor leading to the main court, Dara couldn't help herself look around them.The columns have a rather grotesque creatures carved in marble hanged idly, and the ceiling was covered in paintings, pictures of winged beings defeating another group of winged creatures but their wings were tattered and not as beautifully painted as the first creatures.



Chanyeol, noticing Dara's head lifted upwards while walking, also looked to where she was looking. "You know the 'story'?"



Dara looks behind her with a furrowed brows and when she catches him looking at her, she shakes her head. "Would you please?"



"It says long before there were humans and us, vampires, a great war erupted. Angels, as humans believed to be the servants of their  god, were divided and fought among themselves. Those who were defeated were sent down in this world, forever banished from paradise and from this god's presence . . . and thus, making it short, vampires were one of those fallen and forever damned in this world."  Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders finishing what he had just said.



"Well you skipped the part where only the humans are to be pardoned of their sins and has the luxury of seeing their god once they're dead. And making us, the damned, be immortal, indiffferent and forever be in contempt." Baekhyun added looking at Chanyeol then glancing shortly at Dara before looking straight ahead of them.



"And what of the others?" Dara asked still looking at the paintings above them.



"Witches, elves, dwarves, werewolves . . . Creatures that are not humans actually. . . "



"They're just stories . . ." Sulli interrupted without looking back at them and walked to her right when they approached a corner. They are now nearing the big wooden doors leading them to the main court. "Our kind would have encountered werewolves or elves in the past millenia. The humans have created such 'stories' believing in a supreme deity that would save them from all evil and belief in wicked creatures to fortify their so called 'faith'. Pathetic, I say."



Once Sulli stands in front of the door, Chanyeol and Baekhyun held each door and pushed it to open, the eerie sound surrounded the court and the corridor. Few vampires stood, stopped their casual conversations and turned their eyes towards them.



Dara takes a few steps back as almost everyone turned their attention to her and Sulli. She was not very fond of any attention towards her and all the staring. She stops when she feels a hand on her back, then turns her head and saw Seunghyun with a worried look on his face. Though fidgeting on her feet, she smiled gently towards him.



As they walked in, Dara immediately looked up to those pair of eyes that pierced her very soul. Her gaze lingered on an old man. Judging from where the old man was seating in the semi-circular bench that rose higher in front of them, he seats in the middle. His long hair is white as snow, his face was scarily wrinkled, a sign of old age. He must have lived for many centuries, Dara thought.



There where two other vampires each on his sides but the old man, though frail in the physical appearance, still had the air of authority in him.



He raise his right hand, and a man appeared quickly on his right and bent down his head close to the old man's face. After a moment the man straightens up and just as quickly he arrived, he disappeared in an instant.



"I would like to give my condolences, Lady Sandara . . . " The old man talked as if he was running out of breath and his voice was so low and frail that everyone inside the room had to silence in order for him to be heard. " . . . and I'm very sorry to hear about your loss . . . "



Dara's lips grew tight into a straight line, as she remembered what happened to her parents. Still she nodded curtly towards the Head of the council.



" . . . I'm grateful that you have accepted our invite to come and let us help you in taking refuge inside these walls . . . You are assured that the council has taken measure into looking at your parents' untimely death . . . " They all waited in silence as the Head drew in air and exhaled then inhaled before continuing. "Though I regret to tell you as no one had seen what had happened that night, we still do not know who is the culprit. "



Feeling a thump on her chest, she held onto Seunghyun's arm and this simple act didn't miss the eyes of the Head. The council still didn't know who was behind the killing, but Sulli had a hunch.



"What about the followers of the Dark Master?" Almost everyone gasped and turned towards Sulli.



The vampires alongside the Head wore a scowl on their faces and whispering surrounded them.




"Doesn't the council know that Lady Min Ah is on the move?" The whispering was getting louder by the second.



"SILENCE ! ! ! " The Head rose from his seat and his thundering voice hushed everyone that took Dara and the others by surprise. His feat had taken a toll on his body as he struggled to keep standing still, then a servant rushed to his side and aided him back to his seat. "There is no such news that has reached us, Lady Sulli. But the possibility of her behind the killing, it is not ruled out."



After looking intently at Sulli he waved his hands and the other vampires left the room without question. But Dara alongside SUlli, Seunghyun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol remained. As the last two servants left, they closed the doors behind them. Then the old man motioned for them to come forward.



"It may be true that she, Lady Min Ah, might be the one behind your parents' death as vengeance." The Head looked sympathetically to Dara. "But wherever Lady Sulli has heard the news of her being on the move, I request that it be not spoken to anyone. It  might cause panick among our community."



"There has been news of humans missing, and the number has oddly increased this year."



"She's making herself an army . . . Shouldn't that be enough reason for the council to do something and track her down?" Sulli stated.



He raised his hand dismissively at Sulli to hush her. "You have no proof that what you have said is factual. But I do have my suspicion, thus keeping Lady Sandara with us. I should warn you Lady Sandara not to trust anyone. If what Lady Sulli has said is true, then one of her minions would be somewhere near. If it is all true,




She is after you.



For vengeance or not . . . "








There are already three bodies lying on her feet out of their life yet she knows she’s not completely healed yet.



It’s been years since that fateful night that she had to sacrifice herself for him. She was left with a power close to nothing.



When she was close to death, a young vampire helped her giving her a drink of his own blood. Weak and close to insanity, she complied. Later, she would hate him for the act she had done. She was disgusted of the thought that she has to drink someone else’s blood when she has lived her life wishing for ‘his’. She would then resort to killing humans, rather than drink blood from her own kind.



Since then she thirst for blood voraciously, wanting her powers back.



Some of her victims turned into vampires while others died. Building her army or not, she has to quicken her recovery thus the very life of the pitiful humans that her minions had captured for her.



Her head turns to the door of her quarter opening, revealing her servant carrying an unconscious young lass on his arms. Her servant was the vampire who she had to drink blood from.



Very soon he’ll return, and it’s a matter of days when she’ll have him back. She needed the last one left of the Park clan to fulfill it. She was enraged to learn that they weren't able to get the parents alive and not in ashes.



Someone else was also after the Park clan, and she was sure enough they know what she knows about the power the clan possesses and had tried to keep hidden from everyone else. Only the child was left alive and there's the possibility she possesses it. No, she has to. She remembered what her minions had reported to her days ago about the child's power being tainted.



She sighed frustratedly trying to think again who could ever be also after the child.



No matter, once everything was ready they'll get to her first and take her away from the walls of the council.



The council was led to believe that ‘he’ has died for all eternity.



But they were wrong.





Rightfully ‘wrong’ . . .



















An awfully late update!!!! I was working on our thesis proposal that's why I had no time updating my stories.... it's done, our thesis, and I once decided to remain on hiatus till next year for my review. But, lookie lookie!!! an update, it's not much, and I apologize for any wrong grammar that may annoy or make the grammar police jumpy grumpy!. ^_____^

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Chapter 10: Update juseyo.
Chapter 10: Please continue this..i love this story so much.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 10: thanks for sharing!
Mayrah20_5 #4
pleaseeee updateee soon ;(
Memi_cnd #5
Chapter 10: love it!!!! :)
ellisd #6
Chapter 10: Weeh! More things that happened in the past are slowly uncovering. Interesting
Chapter 10: im starting to ship tabisan!
Chapter 10: welcome back, waiting for more. thank you for the update...
ellisd #9
Chapter 9: Minah! Minah! I wonder who is "he"?
Chapter 9: Is the 'He' Seunghyun? Is that why you used Min Ah? HOMG. HOMG. HOMG.