chapter 8

In the Shadows




Chapter 08




Dara opened her eyes as the warmth of the sun's ray touched her cheek. She quietly stood from where she was sleeping. The room where she was in was unfamiliar to her, then it sank on her head that they have already arrived. 


As she tried to walk out of her bed, she quickly grasps on the edge of the bed as she felt dizzy. Her vision started to wobble, but quickly it goes back to normal. She touched her forehead as cold sweats formed on it. She'd noticed she was growing weaker since they left the mansion days ago.


Slowly she reached one of the window and held and clutched the curtain lightly which was hanging in the side. No more was there green trees like they had back in her house. Only barren soil is seen and stones that pile up as walls that never seem to end on both sides.



Her eyes wandered and stared at the blue sky. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she felt a sudden surge on her pulse as the sky begins to be tainted by red. Blood? 


Everything she sees was in red and it made her head ache more as pulsating waves rushed inside of her. She holds her neck with both hands as she find it hard to breath. She was gasping for air while she was losing consciousness.



"Seun - Seunghyuuun . . . " was all she could utter helplessly.



She was about to hit the floor when she felt someone caught her and embraced her. Still gasping for air as she tried to look who was holding her, even her sense of smell was failing her. To her surprise she could only see someone with his veins glowing red. She sees how this person's heart was beating and as blood rushed inside that veins of his.



With limping hands she reached for that person's neck whose veins were throbbing. 



Blood . . . blood . . .!  Her mind was now clouded by desire, wanting to crush his neck and drink his blood. 



"Dara . . . "



She heard, but it was too faint she can barely understand as the sound of the rush of blood belonging to the person holding her muffles everything around. What have I become? Seunghyun, I'm scared . . .



Tears are now forming in the corner of her eyes as she struggles to control the unsatiable thirst she was now feeling.



"Dara . . ." Against the inviting throb of the person's blood, she tried her best to focus once again as she felt her hand being lifted and carried to his face. "It's okay . . ."



Slowly she realizes she was staring deep at those eyes she was familiar with. Then hot tears streamed down her face as Seunghyun gently pulled her close to him. "I'm here . . . Everything's okay . . . "



He wiped away the tears and the beads of sweat that formed on her face. He looked at the girl standing, looking down at him and Dara. 



"It's time that she feed . . . " Sulli quietly left the both of them.



"Seunghyun, I'm scared . . . Everything I see is red . . . " Seunghyun looked at her eyes that are now a dangerous color of blood shining with undeniable thirst.



He gently held her head and pulled her towards his neck. He could hear her gasping as touch his neck. "It's okay . . ." He patted her head once again then gripped her hair as he felt her fangs digging slowly into his flesh.



Only the slurping and breathing sounds can be heard inside the room.






Dara turned her head immediately away from Seunghyun after he carried her down unto her bed. She could feel her cheeks were burning as the realization sank in: she just drank his blood! She shouldn't feel happy that her first "feed" was Seunghyun, she should feel guilty. But right now she was blushing so like a riped tomato she can't stop herself.



Wait! What if he'll think of me as one of the nobles that take their servants as merely food or slaves? Slowly she turned her head and saw him bending on one knee in front of her and was looking at her.



"Seunghyun" she started as a faint whisper, " are you not mad at me?"



She waited for his response and she saw him slowly smiling at her. His smile somehow made a gnawing feeling inside of her she felt guilty again. Without thinking she quickly embraced him, but Seunghyun who was caught off guard lost his balance and they both fell on the floor.



He was about to pull her away to see if she was okay but his hands froze in mid air as he heard her faint sobs on his chest. 



"I'm sorry . . . I'm so sorry . . . sorry . . . I shouldn't have . . ." He gently placed one of his hands on her back and the other on her head trying to calm her down.



Seunghyun sighed. He pulled her even closer, if that was even possible, and tightened his embrace around but not too tight that would suffocate her. He remained lying on the floor with Dara on top of him. 



After a while her sobs quieted down and Seunghyun carefully lifts himself up and seated on the floor with Dara seating in front of him as well. 



She sees the bite marks she left on his neck and carefully touched it. She looked at Seunghyuhn and saw how he flinched at her touch. She returned her gaze on the wound as it was slowly healing. She remembered him getting hurt because of her and fresh tears threatened to escape her eyes once again.



"Hey . . . " Seunghyun reached for her hand. "Don't you like how I tasted? Is that why you're crying?"



Dara furiously shook her head and felt her cheeks warming again as she remembered. Actually, she like his - no, she loved how he tasted. The thought made her blush more. She looked at him and saw him grinning.



"Did I hurt you badly?"



"Actually you did." His face was blank and Dara was shocked, but before she could apologize again, Seunghyun laughed at her expression. "No, silly. It only felt like I was bitten by an insect."



"What kind of insect?"



"A bee?"



"Ehhh?? I stung like a bee???"



The room was filled by Seunghyun's laughter. Dara blushed so much more. After he calmed down he reached and took her hands in his.



"If you feel 'THAT' kind of thirst again, don't hesitate to ask me. I won't let anyone else feed you, understood?"



Dara nodded and earned herself a pat on her head.



"Seunghyun . . ."



"Hmmm?" Seunghyun stood up from where they seating and helped Dara up too.



"I have never been able to use up my power too great before, but why did 'IT' happen to me without warning?"



"Guess you're special then . . . " Seunghyun wouldn't want to let her know of the incident on that forest that night. She doesn't have to know someone was killed and she'll take all the blame to herself and he doesn't want that.








 Dara returned to sleep after her 'feeding'. Seunghyun was glad he was Dara's first. 



"The elders want an audience with her . . . Looks like they have to wait." Seunghyun turned to Sulli who was idly lying on the couch.



"Listen, I was wondering when you're father had started as a servant in the Park's household."



"Why?" His brows furrowed as he looked at her.



"Was he there the time when the Parks destroyed the Dark Master?"



"Possibly . . . Is it relevant?"



"We might be able to learn how they have destroyed 'HIM' . . . "



"The Dark Master's been dead for a many centuries . .  Why would you want to know?" - Seunghyun.



"I've heard 'SHE' has been gathering herself an army . . ." - Sulli.



"She? You can't possibly be referring to . . . " Seunghyun's grip tightened and veins on his knuckles were popping out.



"Yes, Lady Min Ah, of the Shin clan; the Dark Master's concubine they say . . ."











(< . < ) 


( > . >)


( _ . _) sorry for the very LATE update... waaaaah TT O TT i was planning on deleting every story that i have but i just can't, i'm trying to give myself some time , a breather from my frustrations (heartaches, toothaches,stomachaches, brainaches o.O)... this story may be easily forgotten, but still thank you for the time you have spent reading this... i'll try harder! \O/



sssshhhhhhhhhh . .. . . . (^^' )


PS: Yang Min Ah is her real name but she is more known as Shin Min Ah (wiki - is it reliable? others say it isn't) thus Shin Min Ah it is! m 

41 SUBBIES! *throws confettis on herself* <-- foreveralone _ _

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Chapter 10: Update juseyo.
Chapter 10: Please continue this..i love this story so much.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 10: thanks for sharing!
Mayrah20_5 #4
pleaseeee updateee soon ;(
Memi_cnd #5
Chapter 10: love it!!!! :)
ellisd #6
Chapter 10: Weeh! More things that happened in the past are slowly uncovering. Interesting
Chapter 10: im starting to ship tabisan!
Chapter 10: welcome back, waiting for more. thank you for the update...
ellisd #9
Chapter 9: Minah! Minah! I wonder who is "he"?
Chapter 9: Is the 'He' Seunghyun? Is that why you used Min Ah? HOMG. HOMG. HOMG.