chapter 7

In the Shadows



Chapter 07



All was still . . .


Sulli ties back her lace around her neck as it was untied awhile ago. She looked around their surroundings and there was still some of the bodies burning. Chanyeol was still pulling out a head of a scavenger while Baekhyun quickly came to her side. She then sees Seunghyun carrying the still unconscious Dara.


She walked closer to the pair. "She's still unconsious. It won't harm her if we travel now on foot."


For once Seunghyun nodded, agreeing to what she's saying.


He carried her bridal style, careful not to hurt her. Baekhyun then took the remaining luggage still intact.


Sulli looked at the columns of earth that stood so tall and sharp that came out of the ground. Their carriage had been damaged because of it. While the horseman was killed because of the scavengers that came from every direction after 'that' incident.


"We should be moving now Miss . . ." Sulli glanced at Chanyeol then together they moved forward along Baekhun and Seunghyun who was carrying Dara.



The sun was rising when they got out of the forest and a clear blue sky greeted them.


Not long enough they have arrived at the gates of the Fortress that stood so magnificent.


Dara stirred while still being carried by Seunghyun and opened her eyes slowly. She took a glance at the gates and somehow she felt she had seen it before.


She remembered they were on a carriage. But she was too weak to even utter a question and let Seunghyun carry her. She was still groggy and rested her head back on Seunghyun's shoulder. She sleeps again with a smile on her face smelling his scent.



Seunghyun closed the door behind him. He gently massaged his temple as the throbbing pain in his head started again.


"I have something to ask . . ." Sulli asked while leaning with her back against the wall.


Seunghyun just stood there, taking his silence as his approval, she continued: "When was the last time she 'fed'?"


"She never . . ." Seunghyun's voiced trailed off.


"It must be the reason why she's so weak now. After last night's incident, she must have lost her energy." 


When everything was still and silent, the ground started to roar and horses cried . . .


As Dara screamed, the earth shook violently and without warning their carriage was lifted in an instant and crushed into pieces. Her eyes and her eyeballs turned into black.


They were quick enough to move out of the carriage and away from the columns. It came without warning, and the earth stopped from shaking afterwards. They see Dara still engulf in her aura, and as the aura died down, she fell on the ground, unconscious.


He could only look at the door separating him from her. "What did you tell her to convince her to come with you? Aren't you the least interested in protecting her? Why did you change your mind and escorted her here?"


Sulli was caught off guard and tried to hide it. "Her life is in danger, isn't it? Even though she's a pureblood, she can't even wield her own power at her own will. How can she defend herself from those who had killed her parents? How can you defend her?"


Seunghyun clutched his hands, she was right. He can't defend her fully but he can't trust these people trying to protect her as well.


"But about what happened last night . . . It was like her aura was tainted . . . Don't you find it odd?"



"You talk too much . . ." Seunghyun left her in the hallway. He was sweating beads of sweat as his vision blurred. His brows furrowed as something inside his head was throbbing again. It started last night . . . when Dara emitted that aura . . .



The men in black hooded cape all bowed down in front of woman whose haircolor was that of snow and eyes of the deep ocean. The woman just finished her 'meal' and a servant took away the body drenched in blood.


"I see you haven't got a hold of her, just yet . . . " Her eyes shone dangerously as she wiped clean.


"Y-yes . . . But last night, something happened . . . " The man leading them bowed his head down trying to avoid her prying eyes.


"The 'princes -  . . . arg . .  the 'child' has shown its power . . . but it was different than the one her parents emitted before . . . isn't that rather too disturbing - " The man glared at his subordinate who can't control his mouth and hissed at him to shut it.


"That's quiet interesting, I say . . . Is it her 'heart' is slowly awakening?" She toyed her finger on the rim of the chalice standing on the chair's arm rest while grinning at the thought. "If it is, then 'he' may awaken soon . . . very soon I pray . . ."





33 subbies!!! thank you, thank you!blush

kekekeke . . . sorry for the very late update, i was planning not to since exams are nearing..='(

Thanks for leaving comments!

Might edit this one . . . sorry for any typos =(


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Chapter 10: Update juseyo.
Chapter 10: Please continue this..i love this story so much.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 10: thanks for sharing!
Mayrah20_5 #4
pleaseeee updateee soon ;(
Memi_cnd #5
Chapter 10: love it!!!! :)
ellisd #6
Chapter 10: Weeh! More things that happened in the past are slowly uncovering. Interesting
Chapter 10: im starting to ship tabisan!
Chapter 10: welcome back, waiting for more. thank you for the update...
ellisd #9
Chapter 9: Minah! Minah! I wonder who is "he"?
Chapter 9: Is the 'He' Seunghyun? Is that why you used Min Ah? HOMG. HOMG. HOMG.