chapter 1

In the Shadows



Chapter 01



I stared blankly at the huge but rather grotesque two-door in front of me . . .


I inhaled rather too deeply as a thought quickly sunk inside my head. Behind that door are swarms of red-eyed monsters, vampires should I say. They are creatures who hunger for blood and . . . for blood alone. My mother warned me not to get too close to any of them, she'd tell me they were of the lower kind than us.


Yes, I'm one of them and so is my late family.


Fear suddenly crept in me as the doors made a squeaking sound as it was slowly opened.


I cautiously roamed my eyes at the gathering . . . They are here to pay their condolences on the sudden death of my parents . . . Everyone knew my parents' deaths were no accident, but no one would dare say it.


I couldn't feel any sympathy from their pity looks . . .


I grab my other hand and pressed my arm when I felt hatred or disgust from their stares . . . I don't know why, but behind those smiles and sympathizing faces, somehow they are wearing masks of pretentions . . . Am I imagining things?


I could feel my arm hurting as I grabbed onto it tighter when a group suddenly crowded on me . . . They are standing rather too close I could feel the air surrounding me thinning . . . My vision started to cloud as my lungs screamed for air . . . I could feel my head throbbing as they continue surrounding me . . .


I looked straight into the eyes of one of them and it brought chill down my spine! He was thirsting for blood! My blood!



Don't let them touch you, Dara . . . Don't let them!



A voice kept on ringing inside my head and I stared in horror as that man slowly raised his hand towards me.


When his hand was a couple of inches away from me, I felt a soft wind from where I stood and suddenly the floor just an inch from my feet cracked all the way to the intruder and shards of the cracks flew directly to him, but before it reached him, I heard a low whisper behind my ears.


"Don't . . ."


The shards fell down on the floor in an instant.


I turned around abruptly and great relief flooded my body when I saw Seunghyun. I think there was no tomorrow as I hugged him hard to a point where he winced in pain. I felt cold liquid dripping my face when I realized I was crying silently and also shaking in fear.


"That man . . . he . . . he was . . ." I looked around and the intruder was nowhere in sight anymore.


"It's okay now .  . . I'm here . . ." I felt his arm enveloped me.


Seunghyun grabbed me by the arm and made our way out from the crowd who were now whispering at what just happened.


"Don't mind them . . ." Seunghyun looked at me and smiled. Somehow his smile was giving me comfort and warmth.


He then continued on walking, with me in tow.


I looked at his hand still holding mine . . . If there's anyone I trust inside this mansion, it would only be Choi Seunghyun . . . He's a very dear friend, and sometimes I wonder if what I'm feeling for him is fit for a friend or something, nevermind . . .


I marveled at how his back has grown bigger . . . I realized I was tilting my head up just to see the back of his, and when did our heights have a great difference?


It was too late when I realized he stopped walking, and I came bumping against his back. I tried peeking at his side when he suddenly gripped my hand tighter leaving me pinned on my spot. I tried tiptoing to see and know why he suddenly stopped, but he's sure so tall!


"Where do you think you're going with Ms. Park, Seunghyun . . ." Somehow that voice was familiar I tried digging my brain who it was, then the answer came quickly as Seunghyun talked.


"Father . . . Dara said she wants to go outside and have some fresh air . . ."I stumbled on my feet but I was quick enough to catch up to Seugnhyun as he continued walking, and I tried bowing at his father as we past by him.

"Dara, you need to listen . . ." We're now alone in the middle of the gardens outside. My brows furrowed as he continued.


"You need to get yourself away from here, from this place . . . No! Away from these people . . . "




Sorry for any typos =) might edit this again . . .

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Chapter 10: Update juseyo.
Chapter 10: Please continue this..i love this story so much.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 10: thanks for sharing!
Mayrah20_5 #4
pleaseeee updateee soon ;(
Memi_cnd #5
Chapter 10: love it!!!! :)
ellisd #6
Chapter 10: Weeh! More things that happened in the past are slowly uncovering. Interesting
Chapter 10: im starting to ship tabisan!
Chapter 10: welcome back, waiting for more. thank you for the update...
ellisd #9
Chapter 9: Minah! Minah! I wonder who is "he"?
Chapter 9: Is the 'He' Seunghyun? Is that why you used Min Ah? HOMG. HOMG. HOMG.