Not an Update. I'M SO SORRYYYY

Dance into Romance

I'm sososososos sorry guys! It's just that I'm so busy with school and then i keep getting sick :p. You would think that when I'm sick i would have time to write but them I get dizzy and fall asleep. >.<
I also have major writers block. As I said before, GUYS if you have any ideas for the story, DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME :D sorry for all the bold...I'm not yelling at you. aheh...<3


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Your_Mamamamachine #1
OMG This story is just seriously sooo cute and awesome :DDDD TOTALLY loving the funny parts, omygash *fans myself* Please update soon!~
I love your story so much xDDD It's awesome, cute and funny written(and of course with jongu ;D xDD) please update soon :D
cadburyluva #3
Ooooo. I'm really loving Luna's character! I love how much of a contradiction she is! Please update soon~
lololuvspandas #4
sorry for not updating for a while. I've been going to summer school so I can graduate early, plus work. But thank you guys for being patient <3 and thanks for the comments!
dandanchowa #5
Twinkle toes xD HAHA
Update more :3
ShinSeoRae #6
cuuuuuuuuuuuute nicknames..LOL to midget xD