Midget and Tomato Face

Dance into Romance

The next day at school, I sat down in my normal seat for class when someone sat down next to me. I sit alone at my desk, so this surprised me and I let out a little yelp.
“Jumpy today now, aren’t we?” I turned  around and saw Jongup’s smiling face, slightly chuckling at my reaction. I lightly hit his arm.
“Yah! You nearly gave me a heart attack Jongup-shi!”
He pretended that I actually hurt him. “Owwww the mighty marshmallows! They hurt. So. Bad!” he whined, clutching his arm in fake pain.
I made a face. “Wow. I thought you were supposed to be the nice innocent one.’
“I’m still a 17 year old dude” he said shrugging. “I need to have some fun! And I thought Himchan hyung established that we’re your oppas now. Why are you not calling me oppa, little one?” he ruffled my hair.
I rolled my eyes and blew my bangs out of my face. “We’re the same age. Calling you oppa would be…weird”
“But you call Zelo oppa!”
“Because he has so many Noona fans that I feel bad for him! Sorry Jongup-SHI .” I retaliated with a smile, emphasizing the ’shi’.  It’s weird. Normally when I talk to boys I get all shy and awkward. But around Jongup-shi I feel comfortable. Maybe it’s because he’s equally shy and awkward. He declared the seat next to me his new permanent seat and class started.

Our science teacher, Mr. Su, walked in.
“Okay class, remember today is the start of our big finals project!”
The class groaned.
Mr. Su rolled his eyes, sighing “It’s a partner project”
The class cheered.
“But I’m assigning them”
More groans
“You and your partner will be given an experiment from this list, conducting it and writing an analysis of it. This will be due in two weeks time. “
My eyes widened. Two weeks time. That’s when….the new group will be debuting. Things will be getting busy and hectic. I hoped I could handle it.
Mr. Su walked around assigning partners and projects. Then he came to my table.
“Hmmmm Jongup, I see you have moved your seat without my permission”
Jongup looked up with apologetic eyes. “Sorry Mr. Su….I wanted to get to know Luna better.”
“Well if that is so, how about you two be partners? Luna, will you be alright being in orbit with Mr. Moon?” He laughed at his little pun while you smiled and agreed.
“I would give you two a project regarding the moon because of your names, but unfortunately we don’t know much about chemistry on the moon. So, you two will be doing a project on acid rain.” He handed us an instruction sheet with a rubric. “That would be funny if you guys got married. Then you would be Luna Moon” he said as he was walking away.
The whole class laughed and some ‘oooooo-ed’ at us, causing Jongup and I to turn extremely red and look away from each other.

At lunch, I  sat by myself at a my usual table in the corner of the courtyard. I was watching the baby birds in a nearby tree fluffing up their poofy feathers and experimenting with their wings, when I saw a shadow  appear on the table.
“You aren’t getting me again Moon Jongup.” I said slyly, turning around to see a very shocked brown-haired boy.
“How did you know it was me?” He asked with a pout, disappointed that he didn’t succeed in scaring me again.
“First of all, you did the same thing to me this morning. Second of all, you’re the only person I know in this lunch period. Who else would come talk to me?”
He smiled cheekily and rubbed the back of his head. “May I join you?” he said, gesturing to the table.
I scooted over and patted the seat next to me, but he took the seat across form me instead.
“I wanna get a better look at my future wifey~ OW!” I threw a grape at his face
“In your dreams shorty”
“Ooooh sensitive about your height now are we?” I teased
“NO! I just…..don’t like false accusations! I’m a good three inches taller than YOU shorty!”
“With or without insoles?” I smirked evilly.
It was his turn to throw some bread at me. The baby birds in the tree hopped down the slight fall to the table and began to eat it.
“Aaaaw look Jongup-shi it likes your bread! Oh my gosh it's so cute!”
“Not as cute as youuu” he teased, pinching my cheeks. Hard.
“OW dude! That seriously hurt” I said, rubbing my now red cheeks.
“Good. It was supposed to, tomato face”
I glared at him, not approving of his new nickname for me.
“It's either Tomato Face or Wifey, pick one”
I rolled my eyes at him. “I dunno Short Stack, there both pretty bad. Oh, do you not like that? How about Midget?” I shot back.
He opened his mouth to retaliate, but the bell rung suddenly. He narrowed his eyes at me. “This isn’t over, Twinkle Toes!” he shouted as I was skipping back to the school building.
“Aish, that girl…she drives me crazy…I‘m going to sit here everyday from now on..:)”
LOLOL sorry again about the picture...it was just so funny...i cant....*looks at it again and laughs hysterically*. uhm i guess it could fit with the chapter. Luna pissed him off so he should be angry right?...eh whatever

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Your_Mamamamachine #1
OMG This story is just seriously sooo cute and awesome :DDDD TOTALLY loving the funny parts, omygash *fans myself* Please update soon!~
I love your story so much xDDD It's awesome, cute and funny written(and of course with jongu ;D xDD) please update soon :D
cadburyluva #3
Ooooo. I'm really loving Luna's character! I love how much of a contradiction she is! Please update soon~
lololuvspandas #4
sorry for not updating for a while. I've been going to summer school so I can graduate early, plus work. But thank you guys for being patient <3 and thanks for the comments!
dandanchowa #5
Twinkle toes xD HAHA
Update more :3
ShinSeoRae #6
cuuuuuuuuuuuute nicknames..LOL to midget xD