
Dance into Romance

Jongup and I were making good progress on our project. Of course, because he made his comeback with No Mercy, he was absent from school quite often, though he would always call to see if I needed anything typed or needed any supplies. We fell behind for a few days because of my training and his schedule, but one weekend he had the day off and we nearly finished all of it at the BAP dorm. We were growing closer and closer, I could almost call him my friend, instead of a classmate, if it wasn’t for my fellow members. And of course there are just somethings that you cant talk to boys about…namely BOYS themselves.

Of course even though Jongup and I had become friends, I still had that crush you had on him from before.
“Unnie, how do you know when a boy likes you?” I sat down on Hana unnie’s bunk.
She and the other members looked at me in surprise (with the exception of Yoona. She had been locking herself in her room for the past week. Probably embarrassed about being yelled at in front of BAP or planning my demise). I had never showed much interest in boys besides normal fangirling and such, and usually snubbed the topic. It always bothered me the way girls at school fawn all over boys, and  I made that opinion very clear to the members.
“What? Oh my gosh Luna do you finally like someone?!” She squealed, her eyes were practically sparkling. “I’ve been waiting forever for this moment!” she pretended to wipe a tear from her eye.
“Baby Luna’s growing up!” Ami poked her head through the door.
I flushed bright red but scoffed to cover up. “Ugh never mind guys..” I started to get up and walk away but Hana freaked out and pinned me down on the bed.
“It depends on the guy I guess. If you told me who he is I could help moreeeeee”
I tumble-rolled off the bed before she could get me to say anything and ran out the door.
 I laughed as I opened the door to our dorm and ran into the hallway.

As I turned around away from the doorway I bumped into large, hard, broad shoulders.
He looked down at me with a huge smile on his face. “Hey you”
“What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in forever you jerk!” I slapped his chest.  “I’ve been doing this project all my myself!”
“Hey! I haven’t seen you for how long and that’s all you can say to me!?” he rubbed his chest where I had hit him.
I giggled at his pout. “Aaaaw cmon its only been a week “
He pouted even more and gave me puppy dog eyes. “AWEH JONGUPPIE” I squealed and pinched his cheeks. I think I saw his ears turn red, but I just figured it was the lighting in the hallway.
He grinned brightly until his eyes were no longer visible. “You called me Jonguppie~~”
I blushed and looked down, startled. “Okay, I guess I did miss you” I mumbled. That just made him grin more, if that was even possible. “I missed ya too Luney…Looney…Looney Tunes hehehe” He giggled at his own little word play and I just derped at him. “Really Jongup-shi?”
“Aw what happened to Jonguppie? Besides I like the Looney Tunes! Daffy Duck was boss. And EW what the heck is that face!”
I made the derp worse. “We’ve been partners for a week now. You should be used to it. And I’m not calling you Jonguppie until you come up with a better nickname for me Mr. Moon.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. “How about MRS. Moon?”
“Oh my god” I slapped the back of his head. “In your dreams Oompa Loompa”
He smirked down at me, mischief in his eyes. “I guess I have to sleep more then” *SLAP* “OW WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HIT ME?!”
“WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS BE SO CREEPY? I guess Himchan is rubbing off on you Jongup-shi”
Just then Hana unnie opened the door. everyone else behind her. “What’s going on? I heard shouting…”she trailed off when she saw me and Jongup together. All of the girls’ faces turned awfully creeper-ish and smiley. “Oh…Luna I see you have company.”
“Hellooo Jongup-shiiii” the twins chorused together. “What are you doing here?”
I mentally cursed all the members and reminded myself to get them for it later. “Yeah now that I think of it, why ARE you here Jongup-shi?”
He stuttered a bit but managed to pull his words through. “ well I was figuring we could finish our project today since we’ve already done so much…and the guys were being really wild and rowdy today so I thought we would be more productive at your place. Is that alright with you?” Jongup asked, rubbing the back of his head.
“OF COURSE IT’S TOTALLY FINE IF YOU STAY!” Trinity practically yelled at poor Jongup and dragged him inside the dorm by his arm. As I followed them inside she turned around to me and whispered. “DAMN his guns are rock-hard! I approve honey”
“WHAT?!” I whisper-shouted back at her as she winked to me and walked away.  I felt the heat rush to my face and quickly stood in front of the portable fan in the corner of the room.

When I felt that my face had cooled down, I turned around to Jongup. He was surrounded by a flock of women, Yoona even surfaced from her room to see him. They were bombarding him with questions.
“So how are you doing in school? Is Luna doing well?”
“Your promotions are doing great! Luna watches them all with us!”
“Do you have a girlfriend!?” I rolled my eyes. Yoona is 23 years old and she’s hitting on a 17 year old. How pitiful.
Poor Jongup looked terrified, like he was being attacked by bears or something, so I grabbed on to his arm and pulled him towards my room.
“Sorry guys, Jongup-shi and I have a project to finish up. I promise I’ll let you interrogate him later!” I pulled him into the bedroom and closed the door. My heart was beating a mile a minute. Trinity was right. His arms are just……I can’t believe I was thinking this but, his arms were just …YUM. It was like I was holding onto a tree…dayum. I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts, and realized that working in the bedroom wouldn’t be such a great idea, since all the members share the room. I thought for a moment after telling this to Jongup. “I guess we could just work in the living room, but everyone might pounce of you again. Sorry about that, being trainees and all, most of us have forgotten what boys even look like!”
He laughed and patted my head. “Aaaaw it’s alright. That’s basically how fan girls treat us anyways. We hardly ever get to see girls now that we debuted too.”
I smiled and then jumped up excitedly. “How about our groups meet at the company again? We never really did give you guys the group tour like we were supposed too, and it would be nice to hang out with guys like normal girls do!”
“That sounds great! I’m pretty sure Yongguk hyung has a thing for your leader anyways”
“Oh no, are we playing matchmaker now?”
“You know it”
I chuckled at him and picked up the box of things for our project. “Okay anyway, back to school. We could work in the studio room?”
The studio room was down the hall from the bedroom. It was originally another bedroom but TS had it made into a recording studio so we could practice our vocals. We walked into the room to find it empty, as expected.

We worked in silence for about an hour when Trinity burst open the door. “It’s awfully quiet in here. What have you guys been doinggggg?” she asked in a suspicious tone, wiggling her eyebrows.
“We’re writing a paper unnie.” I tried to sound as innocent as possible, even though we really hadn’t been doing anything wrong.
“IT’S OKAY GUYS THEY WEREN’T MAKING OUT.” she hollered out the door to the others. Jongup and I looked at each other, eyes wide. We both started blushing and quickly turned away to look back down at the computer. When Trinity closed the door, I let out a sigh of relief. “I am SO sorry about them.”
“Nah its okay Luna-ah. My hyungs and Zelo always act weird whenever you’re over.” he smiled his signature grin
“Well besides your lucky underwear outburst, I would say that they at least act like humans and not squealing aliens from outer space.”
Jongup immediately became flustered and flailed his hands around. “I SWEAR THEY WERE MAKING THAT UP!”
“If you say sooooo~” I giggled at him. He sighed and got up to stretch. As he lifted his arms up, his shirt lifted up slighty as well, revealing…. Some pretty magnificent unicorn boxers. I burst out laughing like an idiot.
He quickly looked down with a face of shock and tried to pull down his shirt. Face and ears red, he turned to me “YOU ERT WHY WERE YOU LOOKING AT MY UNDERWEAR”
I stood up to get closer to his level. “I DIDN’T KNOW! YOU STOOD UP AND YOUR WAS IN MY FACE!” Puffing out my cheeks, I blew my bangs out of my face, as they fell in my face when I was rolling on the floor laughing.
Jongup then stepped closer to me, his face inches from mine. I stopped laughing and looked down, flustered from the closeness. “And how was the view there Honey Bunny?” he said in a low, husky voice.
My eyes darted from side to side, embarrassed from his comment. His voice had sent chills down my spine….I admit it kind of … a little…
I mentally smacked myself and snapped back to reality. “It was gross. For a dancer, you have a tiny . But your boxers are fantastic! Time to go release this to the public!” I held out my phone. I had taken a picture of his backside before I released my laughter. He backed up from his seductive position with his eyes wide. “Oh my god you didn’t!”
“Oh but I did >=]”
“Give it here!”

I held the phone over my head and stood on a chair, since I know he’s taller than me. He stood there, pondering for a moment, then grinned devilishly. His hands shot out and began to tickle my sides. “EEEK!” I squealed and fell off the chair. I expected to feel the hard floor, but instead my body met with something warm and somewhat softer. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jongup beneath me. My eyes popped out of my head. My hands were on his chest and my legs were intertwined with his, while his arms were wrapped around my waist,
“OH MY GOSH um…I’m sorry Jongup-shi are you alright?!?! I pushed on his chest a little bit to create some distance between our faces.
“Oh…um..ah yeah! Are you alright? Sorry I tickled you…you wouldn’t have fallen if I didn’t…”
I smiled at him “No, it’s fine Jonguppie. Besides, you saved me, so it cancels out”
He looked up at me with soft smiling eyes. “You called me Jonguppie againnn”
I scoffed and sat up and he did the same. “Puh-lease, just because I called you Jonguppie doesn’t mean I LIKE you. I’m just teasing!”
“Mhmmm suree you are Honey Bunny”
“Don’t call me that! Seriously why?”
“When you puffed out your cheeks you looked like at bunny~ plus you’re adorable when you’re maddd”
“You are so cheesy” I rolled my eyes dramatically. “I’m not your Honey Bunny!”
He pouted. “But I wanna nickname for you so you’ll call me Jonguppiee. It’s the best I can get since you refuse to call me Oppa!”.
“I don’t call people my age Oppa unless I’ve known them all my life. A boyfriend is the only exception!” I stuck out my chin and jabbed a finger at him. “At YOU mister, I just met last week, so therefore that nullifies both options!”
“Oh come ON Lulu!” his eyes got as big as they could get and he slowly began to bring his fists up to his face. Oh crap he’s gonna do aegyo
“Moon Jongup don’t you dare!”
He smirked. “Oh does Lulu not like aegyoooo~?” His voice became extremely girlish and sweet.
“N-No! I-It doesn’t bother me at all!” Truth is, I’m a huge er for aegyo. Well, not on girls, but if an already cute guy suddenly becomes even cuter, I can’t control myself.
I quickly broke eye contact so I wouldn’t be absorbed by the cuteness. Even though I could still hear him, this was a little better and I regained some control.
“No! I’m totally fine with aegyo. It has zero effect on me!” I knew that he could tell I was lying though, because he sent me a very devious smile. He put on an ultra-sweet face.
“Will you at least call me Jonguppie again? Or Uppie? Or Guppie? Or Jongie? Somethingggg?”
I crossed my arms in defiance, still not making eye contact. “Na-uh! I’m not giving you a pet name!”
“Because. If people see me calling you a nickname and you just call me Luna, then it looks like I’m just another one of those zombies that fawn all over you!”
“I told you I’d give you a nickname toooooo”. Man for a super muscle-y guy, he sure whines a whole damn lot.
“But all your nicknames kkk” I mocked his whiney tone.
He paused for a moment, tapping his chin. Then he broke out into a big grin. “You didn’t say anything when I called you Lulu~”
I froze. I didn’t even notice when he called me that. I was so used to it because my family and some friends call me that.  
“Whoa…I didn’t realize you even said it…My grandmother calls me that, so I just recognized it as a normal thing!”
Jongup looked down at the ground with his hands behind his back. He drew circles on the floor with his feet. “So……”He moved his eyes up to my face. “Can…may I call you that then?”
I thought about it. I missed my Grandma terribly, but it’s not like ‘Lulu’ was specifically reserved for her. Plus, looking at Jongup in that ‘little boy’ position was making me squeal internally. I turned back to Jongup and nodded. His face lit up with his signature sunny smile. If the room was dark I’m pretty sure his smile would have provided sufficient lighting lol.
“REALLY?!” He grabbed me by the shoulders.
“Really Guppie!” I said, shooting him my best eye smile.

My body grew stiff as I turned to face the door and I slowly started to back up away from it. Jongup was behind me, still holding onto my shoulders, but he let go once I started to back up and moved to my front.
“Luna…are you alright?!” he said in barely a whisper.
I shook my head quickly, backing away faster as I heard footsteps approach. That voice. It belonged to the one person who I always dreaded to see, the one who made my stomach churn and my palms sweat. Yoona was coming.

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Your_Mamamamachine #1
OMG This story is just seriously sooo cute and awesome :DDDD TOTALLY loving the funny parts, omygash *fans myself* Please update soon!~
I love your story so much xDDD It's awesome, cute and funny written(and of course with jongu ;D xDD) please update soon :D
cadburyluva #3
Ooooo. I'm really loving Luna's character! I love how much of a contradiction she is! Please update soon~
lololuvspandas #4
sorry for not updating for a while. I've been going to summer school so I can graduate early, plus work. But thank you guys for being patient <3 and thanks for the comments!
dandanchowa #5
Twinkle toes xD HAHA
Update more :3
ShinSeoRae #6
cuuuuuuuuuuuute nicknames..LOL to midget xD