Close in a Distance

@seohyunyunho, @1004Diamond, @i_love_seohyun

I ship SeoKai, too. But in this story, it would be too weird to think a mother and son becoming a couple... Just EW @.@


Thanks >< Here's my update.


I will :3 Sorry, though. This chapter didn't have their bonding...


LOL Donghae XDD 



“Seohyun, wait!”

Seohyun turned around to see who called her.

She saw Yuri coming out of a building, slowly walking towards her.

“Why are you alone? Where’s Kai? Let’s go eat out for dinner, tonight. It’s been a long time since we’ve ate out together.” Yuri invited.

“Oh, sure! I’ll bring Yoona and Kai along.”

“Don’t have to. They’re so noisy. We’ll bring them along next time.”

Seohyun felt something wrong with Yuri’s behaviour.

In a restaurant…

“Why so late?! We’re hungry!” Key exclaimed once theY stepped in to the restaurant.

“What the…” Seohyun muttered as soon as she saw who she’s going to eat with.

Key and Minho!

“Yah! Yuri-ah! I-“ Yuri covered Seohyun’s moutH and pulled her to her seat.

“Is there any news?” Key took some beef and put it on his plate.

“There is. See for yourself.” Yuri glanced at Seohyun.

It became quite an awkward atmosphere.

“Minho, don’t pretend anymore. Say something!” Key said with his mouth full of  un-chewed beefs.


Finally! He's talking!

“Why isn’t Kai with you? He can’t separate with you, right?” Minho toyed with the food using his chopstick. “I thought you guys share the same soul.”

It’s better if he hadn’t said anything at all!

“If he apologised, I would forgive him for you. After all, he is the one who’s trying to destroy our relationship.” Minho rubbed his right cheek which was plastered with band-aid.

“Kai? What did he do? Did he hit you?” Yuri asked

“That kid is a gangster! He hits people whenever he feels like it! Seohyun, don’t your family know how to teach a child?”

“Minho, stop it.” Key tried to stop Minho before a fight starts.

“And what’s your problem? You just love to blame other people, don’t you? Didn’t you know Kai’s still immature? But then you still would try to pick a fight with him.” Seohyun glared at Minho.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Just saying. I thought you were more mature than him, but your more arrogant.”

“Okay, you know what? Let’s stop talking and start eating.” Yuri said, trying to stop them from arguing any further.

Geez, I thought I could settle their relationship once and for all. But I’ve made it even worst.

Seohyun poured alcohol into her cup and drank it all in one gulped.

The rest was staring at her, shocked.

“Gah, the alcohol’s strong!” Seohyun put the cup down.

Her head starts to get heavy and she laid her head on the table.

“Seohyun! Seohyun!” Minho shooked Seohyun’s arm. “Aish… She can’t stand alcohol!”

“OMIGOD! She drank it all in one gulp! It was 56 percent alcoholic!” Key exclaimed.


“Argh…” Minho slowly walked up the slope, with Seohyun on his back.

He had to carry her home since he didn’t own any car.

“I… I feel miserable” Seohyun mumbled.

She was half asleep and half awake.

“Miserable? I’m the miserable one right now. You’re so heavy! I feel like carrying a dead person.” Minho complained.

“Dead? I’m going to die…”

“I didn’t say you’re going to die. You’re just heavy! Why did you drink, when you know you can’t?!”

“I… don’t want to die…”

“I know you don’t want to die. I don’t want you to die, either! Now stop talking.”

“I was forced to do something I don’t want to do. Forced to know something I don’t want to know...”

“Stop moving! You’re heavy!” Minho jumped a little to adjust Seohyun’s position on his back. “I can’t believe Key and Yuri left us…”

“Who am I…? I’m Kai’s mom… But I wish all of this is not true…”

“You’re his cousin, okay?”

“I’m his mom… His biological mom…”

“You’re seriously drunk! Nonsense…”

“Kai, ever since I met you… My life became quite unlucky. Should I continue to love you so that you will be happy? Giving you mother’s love is hard… Should I do that? I don’t have the heart to break up with Minho…”

Minho looked to the back to see if Seohyun’s actually awake.

She’s sleep-talking…

“Kai, why did I meet you? You made me suffer quite a lot…”



An update to celebrate having 40 subscribers ><


Kris is going to come, like I told you before.

And I have to settle MinSeo's relationship.

Oh, before you go, there's a poll down there.

I just want to know which couple are you here for?

SeoKai? SeoKris? MinSeo? Or just Seohyun herself?

Till then


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Chapter 11: I feel sad for Seohyun... Please update soon...
but did kai really2 slept with yoona??
I feel so bad for Seohyun...
seomate_sone #4
cant believe kai slept with yoona. my seokai heart hurts. :-(
Eycha_sk11 #5
Poor seobaby.. Yuri dont leave her.... Update more pls !
i find it weird about kai and seo too..but i'm here for seokris and seohyun..haha..update soon..fighting
wooooooo kai depend is mother.. im impress.. MINSEO dont break up
seomate_sone #8
i voted ! and author-nim :D the results clearly show SEOKAI ! ! ! ahahahahahaha more moments please ...so okay its impossible for the two of them to be together cause in this story their mother and son... but can you just give them more..mother&son bonding time ? ahahaha i would really like that.... please ? pretty please ? :D