Close in a Distance


“She came back to the dorm for a short while. She packed her stuff and told me she was going to live in her cousin’s home in Busan for two to three days.”

 “Is that all what she said?” Seohyun placed a few rice in and chewed on it.

“She also said that she can’t study in this university anymore.” Yuri shooked her head in disbelief. “As if she could study in anywhere else.”

Yoona’s deliberately avoiding me.

“Unless,” Yuri looked at Seohyun with widening eyes. “Something happened between her and Kai.”

Seohyun choked on her food. Yuri became worried and handed her a cup of water. Seohyun took it and drank it in one gulp. She then shooked her head furiously,

“Are you okay?” Yuri patted her back and chuckled. “Why so anxious?”


“Just as it moves rapidly from the lungs into the bloodstream, nicotine also easily diffuse through capillary walls, it then…”


“Aish… Disturbing me when I’m listening to the professor.” Seohyun shooked her head in annoyance as she took her phone out from her bag.

Caller : Kai




Call canceled



Seohyun went to the school’s rooftop where Minho had asked her to meet. She wanted to decline his request, but was afraid of him getting suspicious.

“The tests are coming soon. How’s your revision going on?”

Seohyun was startleD by the voice behind her and turned around.

“Okay… I guess.”

“So…” Minho stepped closer to Seohyun “Do you still think of me as your boyfriend? Do you still have feelings for me?”


“So quiet… Seohyun’s avoiding me. Yoona’s not around…” Yuri turned to see her reflection in the window and saw Seohyun and Minho on the rooftop.

“I-Isn’t that Seohyun and Minho? What are they doing?” Yuri walked closer to the window to have a closer look at them. “ It feels weird. Why do I feel like there’s something worng?"



From : Kai

Omma! I’m in trouble! I need your help!”

Kai’s in trouble!

“I’m sorry, Minho. But I’ve got something important to do.” Seohyun turned around to leave.

“Is it Kai?” Minho questioned, making Seohyun stop in her tracks.

“Ah… Yes.”

“You haven’t answered my question!” Minho grabbed Seohyun tightly in her arms, shooking her. “Is your heart only for Kai? Come back to earth and look at the reality, Seohyun! You can NEVER be with him!”

“What nonsense is this!?” Seohyun tried struggling out from his grasp.


“What? They’re fighting again?”

Yuri squinted her eyes to see Minho grabbing Seohyun’s arms while Seohyun is struggling.

“I’ve got to go to them before it gets chaotic!” Yuri ran up the stairs.

“Yuri-ah, eottokhae? Minho asked me out! He’s the one who helped me to carry my books that day!” Seohyun squealed with joy as she jumped on her bed.

“Minho? Oh! We’re in the same Bio class. I find him nice.” Yuri nodded approvingly, not aware of her growing feelings towards him.


You didn’t know I had a crush on him too, right? I’ve kept this feeling for two years.

I know I’m not as pretty as you or as agile as Yoona. I’m just a country girl from Jeollam-do who came to Seoul to pursue her studies.

I know Minho doesn’t have any feelings for me, so I kept this feeling to myself.

But I will sacrifice for the happiness of my friends. I’ll share in your happiness.

“Seohyun! Minho!”  Yuri opened the door to see Minho standing alone on the rooftop.  “Minho, where’s Seohyun?”

Minho gestured for Yuri to look down the building.

“Eh? When did she get down there?” Yuri moved closer and saw- “And that’s Kai!”


“You’re alright? You were lying to me?”

“Omma, I’m sorry. I did it because you were ignoring me. I just want to be with Omma.”

Seohyun turned away to leave.

“Omma! I’m sorry!” Seohyun stopped in her tracks. “Why are you avoiding me!? Does Omma hate me?! If I did anything wrong… Please forgive me!”

Seohyun looked at Kai in the eye.

“There are some mistakes that can be forgiven, but that are some that can’t be.”

“Lying to me in the message was just a small one. I’ve forgiven you. But what you’ve done to Yoona was too much!”

Kai looked at her, confused.

“Immoral actions… Didn’t you think of the aftereffects of it? How it would affect the people around you?”

“I- I-“

“Didn’t you think of me?” Seohyun cut him off, not wanting to hear his excuses. “Ever since you came to my life, I was never happy!”

“I’m sorry…”


Seohyun pulled out her phone and read the message, tears streaming down her cheeks.


“I’ve broken up with Seohyun…”

“Why?” Yuri asked. She was clearly shocked. After all, they were once dubbed as the couple that would never separate, seeing how close and intimate they were at that time. “Why, Minho? What are you saying?”

“I think this is the best for us…”

“Have you given up?” Yuri asked. “I think this is just a big misunderstanding. You guys will be back together once this problem’s solved.”

“It’s not about the misunderstanding but the ‘love’. It isn’t there anymore.” Minho stated. “We’re in a stage where I don’t even know whether I still love her, or not. Same goes to her, too. This world of romance has its ebb and flow… But for now, break-up is the only way. Even though I still have that ‘love’, I just have to do this.”

Yuri looked at him in sympathy, thinking that they didn’t deserve this.

“Kai is just her excuse for the break-up.” Minho added.



“It’s not easy to love somebody.” With that, Minho left the rooftop.


“Why do I have to die in that accident?” Seohyun questioned Kai in a demanding tone. “If I had not died, I wouldn’t be in your debt. You wouldn’t come finding me and disturb my life, right? Even if you didn’t come, everything will still be the same. You should’ve come on the right time!”

Kai felt hurt at Seohyun’s statements.

“How did I die? Do you still remember?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I don’t need your apologies. I just want to know about the accident. “

“I’m really sorry. I was really young that time. I couldn’t remember. “

“Is it Kris Kim Wu Fan?” Seohyun asked, not accepting Kai’s statement.

“NO!” Kai realised his voice was getting higher. “No, it’s not dad.”

“He really loved you. He was devastated when you died. It’s really saddening to see him cry every day, every night, hugging and taking in your scents from shirts. Even though he spends a lot, he doesn’t remarry.”

Seohyun softened. She felt sad for this family. HER family

“Just go back home. My mood is not good…”

“You’re not mad at me anymore, right?”

“I… want to calm myself first.”


“But don’t play near the road, okay?”

“Neh, omma!” Kai took his ball and went out to play.

Meanwhile, Seohyun was cooking dinner for the family while waiting for her husband.

“I should check up on Kai…” Seohyun mumbled and head out the door.


Seohyun turned her head around to see Kai picking up a ball on the middle of the road.


Kai turned around to see a car heading straight towards him.


Instead, Kai just stood there, frozen in his spot, widening his eyes.

Seohyun ran as fast as she could to Kai and pushed him off to the curb. The car was too close and too fast for her to save herself.

“Run, Kai! Run…”

“Open your eyes Seohyun, do I look like Kai to you?”

Seohyun opened her eyes and saw that she was cupping Yuri’s face.

“Yuri? S-S-Sorry!” Seohyun backed away.

They were in the school’s library. Seohyun had planned to study in there for 4 hours, but fell asleep after 30 minutes of studying.

“I’ve been searching for you to tell you something. Turns out you’re in the library. Sleeping.” Yuri snorted. “You even have Kai in your dreams. Seriously, wow.”

“I dreamt that Kai involved in a car accident. And I died.” Seohyun shivered as she recalled her dream.

“I don’t know why, but I feel that whatever you’re saying are nonsense.” Yuri leaned back in her seat.

“W-What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you know… About Kai, Minho and the both of us.”

“Sorry, Yuri. But I don’t have the mood to talk about them.” Seohyun hesitated, “A lot of things happened this few weeks, and I didn’t have the time to put it all in my brain, if you know what I mean. So, I’ll just try to focus on my studies instead.”

“Seohyun-ah, are they disturbing you?”

“… Yes.”

“I think it’s better if we talk about this outside.”


“I don’t know if Kai’s the reason why your relationship is crumbling and I don’t know how important Kai is to you. But what I do know is that, you can’t accept the reality.”

“Yuri, you’re the optimistic type. You wouldn’t understand my situation.”

Yuri looked at Seohyun.

“I’m optimistic? You’re wrong.”

“Enough. You wouldn’t, and couldn’t, understand my situation.” Seohyun looked away.

Yuri felt her anger rising in .

“Of course! I couldn’t and wouldn’t! But have you once tried to understand other people?”

Seohyun looked at Yuri guiltily.

“You’re lucky, you know that? You’re beautiful, from a rich background, you’re smart and you even had a boyfriend.” Yuri stopped, knowing where this was heading to. But she needs to let that stubborn passive girl get a piece of her mind. “There are some people who need to risk their lives just to get what you’ve got so easily!”

Seohyun couldn’t utter any words after Yuri’s statements. She was speechless.

“If only Kai didn’t exist, if only Minho was a little bit more matured. And if only, Yoona doesn’t like Kai, there wouldn’t be any problems.” Seohyun finally found the words to say. “Why must I face all this?”

“You!” Yuri turned to face Seohyun and placed her hands on Seohyun’s shoulders pushing her to the wall.

“You’re brought into your own problems! Stop thinking that you’re the only one who’s right and the rest are troubling you!” Hands still on Seohyun’s shoulders, Yuri turned to calm herself, taking deep breaths, before facing Seohyun again with a stern face. “Do you want to know something? If I could, I want to be in your shoes! I want to feel how it’s like to have a perfect life! But you, you don’t even care about all that, do you?”

Yuri lifted her hands from Seohyun’s shoulders.

“And that’s the saddest thing.”

Yuri turned and left, leaving Seohyun, who was crouching down, burying her face in her palms.

I guess this is it…

Even my own best friend has left me.

I’m feeling lonelier in this busy city. I don’t think I want to see my future.

Just two years ago, I came to this city with hope I could become successful in the future.

But just when I’ve settled and became more comfortable with this place, problems came up and just had to ruin it.

I’m scared. All my self-confidence that I had built inside me all these years, just lost in a blink of an eye.



I've got my lost chapters back 


Seohyun's in a lot of fight...

And she's losing everyone who was close to her.


And about the Kai slept with Yoona thing...

For now, it's in Seohyun's POV.

I hope I didn't disappoint a lot of you T.T



Please do, I haven't got a lot, lately.

Their the ones that kept me motivated.

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Chapter 11: I feel sad for Seohyun... Please update soon...
but did kai really2 slept with yoona??
I feel so bad for Seohyun...
seomate_sone #4
cant believe kai slept with yoona. my seokai heart hurts. :-(
Eycha_sk11 #5
Poor seobaby.. Yuri dont leave her.... Update more pls !
i find it weird about kai and seo too..but i'm here for seokris and seohyun..haha..update soon..fighting
wooooooo kai depend is mother.. im impress.. MINSEO dont break up
seomate_sone #8
i voted ! and author-nim :D the results clearly show SEOKAI ! ! ! ahahahahahaha more moments please ...so okay its impossible for the two of them to be together cause in this story their mother and son... but can you just give them more..mother&son bonding time ? ahahaha i would really like that.... please ? pretty please ? :D