Close in a Distance

I'll thank each new subscribers personally, okay?

I'm starting to become quite lazy lately...

@seomate_sone: But I'm a hard-headed authour :p Sooooo, NO. LOLJK. Maybe. We'll see.

@dcyseokyu: IKR! But the thing is... My dad's just as hanndsome as Kris, and my mom's just as beautiful as Seohyun, but the problem is... I'm not as hot as Kai :/

@seomate_seobaby: About Minho... We'll see.



Kai sat under a tree outside Seohyun’s hostel. He was aaleep. He spent his entire night outside Seohyun’s apartment hoping that she would come out.

But she didn’t.

Kai felt someone nudging at his feet. He opened his eyes and looked up/


Two silhouettes were towering him.

He couldn’t see who they are since he just woke up and the sun was blinding his eyes.

He felt a hand grabbing his collar and pulled him up.

“Kibum, is this the guy?” the guy holding his collar asked.

The other guy nodded.

All of a sudden, the guy holding his collar punched his nose.

Kai stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

He saw blood dripping from his nose to the ground.

“How dare you hug my girlfriend? Who are you and what’s your relationship with her?”

“Seohyun’s my mom.”

“Idiot, don’t talk nonsense!” the guy pulled Kai  up by his collar and punched him again.


What would Kai be doing right now?

Seohyun put on her trekking suit and went out of her room.

As if I care… It was all just a dream.

“Joohyun-ssi, going for a jog?” the teacher she met in her dream asked.

“Y-Yes, seonsaengnim.”

It felt awkward and weird talking to that teacher now.

Seohyun head to the main door and stopped at her tracks when she saw a horrible scene.

Two students were beating up a guy.

Seohyun squint her eyes to see who was beating who.

Minho, Key and… K-Kai!?!

Oh no! I didn’t want them to ever meet each other!

Seohyun ran to them.

“Minho!  That’s enough! Stop beating him!” Seohyun grabbed Minho’s sleeve.

“Seohyun?” Minho, stull holding onto Kai’s collar, turned. “Let me beat this guy up so that he will learn his lesson to not hug one’s girlfriend.” Minho held his fist up, ready to punch Kai.


Seohyun looked at Kai. He’s face was covered with blood and one of his eye was black.

Seohyun grabbed Minho’s fist. “Minho, please stop. All of us will get into trouble if the teachers saw this!”

Seohyun looked to the ground. A wallet was lying on the ground not far from her.

She picked it up and opened it.

The first thing she saw was a woman who looked like her crouching behind a kid that may be Kai and a guy next to the woman. The guy’s face was shaded with black ink.

Seohyun thought of her dream.

“The picture of both of you in his wallet…”

Seohyun held the wallet with trembling hands.

It’s not possible… It was just a dream! This is all just nonsense.

Seohyun looked to Minho and Key who started beating Kai again.

“Minho! Stop beating him!”

Seohyun blocked Minho from beating Kai, who was lying on the ground trying to get up.

Minho was taken aback. He’s never seen this side of Seohyun.

Seohyun turned to Kai.

“Kai! Are you alright?” Seohyun crouched next to him, trying to pull him up.

“Mom…You came.” Kai embraced Seohyun. “Let’s go, mom. Let’s go home, okay?”

“Seohyun…” Minho called. “Please explain this.”

Seohyun pulled away from the embrace. “Min…Minho oppa, please don’t be angry. He…He’s my cousin.” She lied.

“Cousin? But he called you ‘mom’.”

“Ah… That’s because… Back at my hometown, ‘mom’ means ‘unnie’. He… came to visit me from Gwangju.” She lied again.

“Oh, really? That explains the hugging… I’m so sorry for beating your cousin! I hope I didn’t hurt him too much.” Minho turned to Key. “I could’ve killed him, idiot!” He hissed at Key.

Seohyun felt Kai grabbing her hand. He then pulled her and ran with her out of the campus.

They stopped once they were far enough from the campus.

Kai fell to his knees and panted.

“You’re hurt, and you still want to run so far…” Seohyun clicked her tongue.

“I hate that bastard… Fierce, mean… Who’s he to simply jump to conclusions and start beating other people?”

He’s talking about Minho…

“Mom… I’m sleepy. I’m also tired, hungry and thirsty. I want to sleep take a bath, eat pizzas and drink sodas and…”

Seohyun mentally fainted


In Lotte Hotel

“Now, you rest here. I paid for a month’s rent since you have loads of money in your bank.”

Kai nodded as he lie on the bed and pulled the blankets up to his chest.

“Does it still hurt?”

Kai shooked his head. “Mom, don’t leave me, okay?”


“See this?” Kai held up a ring that has string tied to it. “You gave it to me as a gift. I always bring it with me.”

He held it to his chest. “This ring is important to me. More important than my life.”


My update :3

It's Friday! I was suppose to update a little earlier than this.

But I still updated it, right?

If you guys are a little bit confused with this story, just tell me.

I'll maybe go on a one week hiatus next week. :/

I was suppose to do my history project and geography project on my 2 weeks break.

But I didn't...

Now I have to finish it by next week's Thursday.

Oh, guys... Add me :)

Or I'll slowly add each and every one of you subscribers...

Because maybe I'll update stuffs ABOUT this story and my next SeoKris fic...

So.... Yeaaaaahhhhh... Just add me.

LOL I'm awkward


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Chapter 11: I feel sad for Seohyun... Please update soon...
but did kai really2 slept with yoona??
I feel so bad for Seohyun...
seomate_sone #4
cant believe kai slept with yoona. my seokai heart hurts. :-(
Eycha_sk11 #5
Poor seobaby.. Yuri dont leave her.... Update more pls !
i find it weird about kai and seo too..but i'm here for seokris and seohyun..haha..update soon..fighting
wooooooo kai depend is mother.. im impress.. MINSEO dont break up
seomate_sone #8
i voted ! and author-nim :D the results clearly show SEOKAI ! ! ! ahahahahahaha more moments please okay its impossible for the two of them to be together cause in this story their mother and son... but can you just give them more..mother&son bonding time ? ahahaha i would really like that.... please ? pretty please ? :D