
I Ain't No Home Wrecker, I'm CL the Baddest Female!

Soon he left, and I went back up. When I got there, everyone left early, heater was out. Great, I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch watching a Degrassi marathon. Soon Bom came back in and handed me some mail ,then left to her room. When she came out in shorts and Minzy's old tee shirt, I saw a sad face. I asked her what was wrong, but she faked a smile. I know her fake smile. I was tired of her fake smiles, and her plastic laughs, I want her to be happy.

I woke up at eight the next morning, everyone was gone. I showered and dressed. As I was preparing porridge, the door bell rang. I opened the door to JiYong with flowers?

'Here!' He gave me a warm hug and walked inside and sat on the couch like he owned the place. Um, exuse me. I raised an eyebrow. 'Something smells like it's burning.'

'OMO! THE FOOD!' I ran to the kitchen and turned the stove off. The edges of the pan was black and it smelled terrible. JiYong!

'Ew, are you going to eat that? I don't think it's good for the baby..' I sighed and threw out the food into the trash can and started to wash the pan.  A hand turned off the faucet, I looked up. 'I'll make you something warm, okay? Go relaz, get off your feet.'

Wow. JiYong what's up with you?


A/N I know it's been a loooooooooong time, school has been hectic.

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Chapter 12: Wow this story is great! :D
Chapter 11: Jiyong's just bipolar is all.
coming-on #3
update soon!! :LDD
i second the motion! u have to update! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
wullan #5
pleasee update
Krazy_Fangirl #6
wtf is this ?
I hope you can update soon. I'm getting hook on your story :)
hope you update soon! i love this story!