
When Opposites Attract

"Gah, I'm so full." Sunbae sighed, patting his flat stomache.

"I thought Idols had diets." I asked, as we walked down the street somewhere.

"I do... I just don't follow it." He said, grinning as he made a piece sign, "Anyways, what do you want to do now?"

"Go home." I said, pouting as I crossed my arms. It was already late and Heechul-sunbae still wanted to go somewhere?

I was already late for my curfew but he said he'd talk to the dorm manager later. Yeah, no one can compromise with my dorm manager. She was very strict with rules.

"Jinja, let's go somehwere else." He said, grabbing my hand as we kept on walking. He clearly ignored my idea.

He took me to a nearby park. It had a really piecful feeling at night when the lights shined.

"Ah, it's so pretty." I said, walking away from Heechul-sunbae as I looked around.

"More like beautiful." He said.

I turned around and found his face inches away from me. I stared wide-eyed at him as I balcked away. "Sunbae! Seriously, don't scare me like that!"

He observed me for a moment before taking my hand again. "Seriously, you're such a jumpy girl."

I felt my cheeks heat up as he intwined our hands. I've never held hands with someone like this before. I lowered my head as he looked down at me.

"Yah! Why are you blushing?" He asked as we kept on walking, "Just because I'm your first biase doesn't mean you should act like this."

"Hey! I'm not fan girling over you!" I yelled as I lifted my head, exposing my face.

"Omo! You'r face is so red! You look so cute!" He yelled happily as he pulled me into a hug.

"Su-Sunbae." I managed to get out as I blushed even more. Even my own father didn't hug me like this.

Aish, what's wrong with my heart!?

It was a good minute before he let go but his hands were still on my shoulders. My head was still down, for fear my face was burning red. I couldn't face sunbae like this. I know he's the type to tease.

"Heeyoung, look at me." He said softly.

"Wae?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"Seriously..." I felt his soft fingers under my chin as he lifted my head, my eyes shut tightly. This cannot go well.

I was going into hysterical mode. Those soft lips... were on my own. My first kiss. It was gone. I had my first kiss from someone I met 2 days ago. And from an Idol too!"

It took the little strength I had to push him away. "Sunbae, please, we, we can't do this."

"Wae?" He asked as he took a hold of my hands, "I really like you. I the first time I met you- and I know this'll sound corny coming from me but- I had to force myself not to do what I just did a few seconds ago."

"Sunbae, do you even know how far apart our age differences are? And to top it off you're an Idol!"

"That shouldn't matter if I like you!" He yelled pleadingly. I've never seen this side of sunbae before during the 2 days we've been together.

"It should!" I yelled back but I closed my mouth quickly. I haven't yelled at anyone like that since I left my parents, "Jwesonghamnida. We, just can't."

"Wae. Kim Heeyoung wae?" He asked.

I bit my lip. "Cause we're too different."

"Don't opposites attract?" He asked, bending down so he can see my eyes, "Wae? Why can't we make this work?"

I never thought I'd hear that question. To be honest with you, I didn't know how to answer that.

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Oh please update! I actually like heeyoung's role cause she's 15 yeas old.. And I'm 14 and I like heechul too. So, yeah, I'm enjoying this FF ^^
update more please^^
Bwoh! Heenim kissed her! O///O<br />
I seriously can't wait 4 another update :3
ManduCheeks #5
PanicInParadise: komawoyo! Please keep on reading ^^
this sounds interesting ^^<br />
please update soon