
When Opposites Attract

A/N: Kay, that last chapter was REALLY short for my taste sooo... I'll update one or two more times to make it up to you guuys ^^


“He-Heechul-sunbae. I don’t think I want to.. I don’t think I want to go in there.” I said, staring up in shock at the large, grand building. Heechul-sunbae was taping his foot impatiently, looking at me.

“Aish, what’s wrong with going to eat here?” He asked.

“One, sunbae it’s a five star hotel!” I yelled, staring at him wide-eyed, “Two, sunbae I don’t have enough money to afford a drink and three, I’m seriously not dressed properly for this!”

“Yah, that’s why I’m here! I’ll pay for everything!” He yelled back. He took my hand in his, his features softening, “You look fine, and besides, we’re in very formal clothes right now, some people are just in jeans and their eating here. Please go in with me.”

I looked back and forth towards the hotel/restaurant and at sunbae. Aish, why does he have to have that cute face of his? I can’t say no to that.

“Aigoo, de.” I said as I was dragged in.


“This, this, ah, this, oh that too. De, of, two of these and… some of that in a bowl. Can I get four of these?”

I looked at Heechul-sunbae as he kept ordering and ordering the most expensive food on the menus. He looked so calm, as if money was never the problem for him.

“Su-Sunbae, please stop ordering so much.” I whispered, looking around. The waiters were already setting things on our table. Some of the nearby tables were staring at us as the food kept coming.

“Wae? I like to eat, even if I don’t look like it. This too. De, that’ll be all.” He handed the menu over to the waiter, “You like eating too de?”

“De-de… but sunbae, this is a little too much.” I looked at the many plates on the table. Some of them I didn’t even know. They looked really unfamiliar to me. The only thing that was familiar was some sort of Kimchi mixed into something else. That was probably it.

“Just eat, seriously. I’ve never done this for a girl so be thankful your sunbae is treating you.” He replied, not answering my question as he began eating different things.

I picked up my chopsticks carefully, looking at each dish.

“Isn’t that Kim Heechul from Super Junior?”

“De! Of course it is! But why is he with that girl?”

“Are the dating--- waaah, that girl has a ring!”

I looked over at my left hand, staring wide-eyed at the diamond ring still on my finger. “Aish, I forgot to take it off!” I hissed to myself as I tried to slip it off. Again Heechul-sunbae grabbed a hold of my hands.

“Aniyo, just keep it on.” He said, his hand still wrapped around my own.

“Wae-wae, it’ll give people the wrong impression of us.” I tried to pull my hand away but he still kept a hold of it.

“Aniyo, it’s fine.” He said, still eating.

Aish, they’re all staring!!

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Oh please update! I actually like heeyoung's role cause she's 15 yeas old.. And I'm 14 and I like heechul too. So, yeah, I'm enjoying this FF ^^
update more please^^
Bwoh! Heenim kissed her! O///O<br />
I seriously can't wait 4 another update :3
ManduCheeks #5
PanicInParadise: komawoyo! Please keep on reading ^^
this sounds interesting ^^<br />
please update soon