Chapter 10

push and pull..?

Hyukjae’s pov.

I sat under the tree, rest my back on it, closed my eyes, enjoyed the wind, and waiting for particular person.

Time went really fast. I didn’t even realize that it just about few days before the dance competition.

Things just went our perfect. I wasn’t busy in campus which is something I really grateful for. Our dance team did well in practicing. And donghae just amazing as always.

Speaking about donghae, I could say that I am really happy that our relationship went smoothly.

No, no, he is not my boy friend yet. But seriously, I literally saw him every day. And when I said every day, it really means every day. Even at the weekend. I think I should be thankful for heechul hyung.

Well, actually the reason why donghae was appeared in front of me every day is no other but because heechul hyung.

Heechul hyung insisted that he is our dance team’s manager which is turned out that he made sure we practiced EVERYDAY and watched carefully our progress. Especially watched carefully of hangeng hyung.

Oh, it’s not even a secret anymore that heechul hyung has so called crush toward hangeng hyung. I mean everybody could saw it clearly how his eyes sparkling whenever he looked at hangeng hyung. Plus, the way he treated hangeng hyung was seriously full of affection which somehow I even saw hangeng hyung seemed a bit afraid.

Well tell me, who wouldn’t?

Then, with heechul hyung as our manager, he needed accompany when we were busy practicing. He needed someone to share his fanboying moment when hangeng hyung practically made him drooled. There goes donghae as his assistant. So, it official that donghae is our precious co-manager.

And he did a lot better compared to heechul hyung. (Don’t tell him I said that!! Because actually, he did helped us to find practice room. So, he would kill me if he knows I just said that he did less better than donghae, which is true.)

Donghae did a lot for me us.

He REALLY watched our progress, told us if we weren’t good and even gave us his opinion and suggestion. And since he is a dancer himself, he even choreographed a little bit. Sometime he even practiced together with us. He literally could be our fourth member in this team and I seriously had asked him for that. But he refused, said that he’s not that good with dancing because he didn’t dance for a long time.

Seriously! He said that he’s not good with dancing! What the heck! He IS a good dancer. I am an awesome dancer and the captain of dance club, and I could know if I see a great dancer, and Donghae is one of it. I could even swear that I am not biasing now. He indeed good and I already asked him repeatedly but he still refused. Well, I couldn’t force him though.

So, I let him be just a co-manager and enjoyed his presence.

Oh, haven’t I told you that he is our music director too?

Yup, as a music faculty student he is, he did work for our dance music too. He did mixing, editing, and even arranged it.

So, could you see just how perfect he is?

I felt soft smack on my head. I snapped my eyes open as I turned to see whoever did that.


I smiled immediately. He is the particular person that I had just waited for. He smiled at me too and sat beside me.

“Hey” he said to me.

“Mmhmm” I mumbled, my eyes locked to his face, mesmerized with his perfection, still smiling at him.

“Hyuk, let’s eat before practice. I’m hungry. Um~?” he asked and blinked his eyes to me.

I chuckled. Oh so cute creature you are. I just want eat you up if you this cute.

“Hyuk?” he tapped my hand and made me snapped back from my thought.

“O-oh. Okay. Sure. I’m hungry as hell too. Thanks too particular person who’ve made me waiting here” I said as I fake a pout.

His face immediately looked so guilty.

“I am sorry. But it was the professor who late ending the class” he said, and now he is the one who pout seemed really pissed to the professor.

I chuckled again.

He looked at me questioningly. I pressed his pout with my finger, “It’s okay. I had fun here. I was waiting for you after all, so it was fun. Let’s eat!” I said as I removed my finger from his lips. The feeling of his soft lips still lingering on my finger.

Oh I bet his lips just so kissable.

His soft, thin, and pinkish lips.

OH GOSH!!! What I just thinking about?!!! Stop it, hyuk!!

I stand up and he followed.

“Let’s go!” I said as I smiled at him. He nodded.

We walked leisurely toward parking lot where I parked my motorcycle, enjoyed our time. Well, at least it was me who enjoyed our time together.

I glanced at him who just walking happily while humming a song. I couldn’t help but put my arms over his shoulder as we kept walking.

He not even protested though. It’s already a usual thing between us. We already did some kind of skin ship.  Even it wasn’t a lover skin ship as I wished, it was just a brotherly but I felt great with it.

Well, it’s not like I can asked for more though. I don’t even know if he wanted a lover skin ship and we as a lover, as I wanted to. So, I couldn’t protest.

As we reached my bike, I put on his helmet on him and put mine on.

Well, the happy truth is: I always bring my extra helmet, which is already called as his helmet, for him every day since him already the constant passenger on my bike.

I hopped on to my bike, so did Hae.

“As usual?” I asked him.

We have our usual place to eat which is located just on our way from campus to our practiced room.

“Sure!!!!” and from rear mirror I can see he grinned. Cute.

“Okay then. Hold on” I said as I started accelerate my bike.

I could feel his hands over my side body as he held on me and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as every time he touch me.

Oh, you couldn’t imagine how happy I am now.





OMG. I just remembered again about this abandoned story yesterday.  >.<

I am sorry for sooooo~~ late update. I know I'm at updating this story. well, it's all because things became so crazily hectic in my campus. plus, I'm already started doing my final paper/thesis/what-so-ever, even though I actually will take the credit for final paper next semester. and it's already really stressful. and honestly I can't promise when I can update again, hikshikshiks.. I am so sorry...

and of course still thanks a loooo~~t for my beloved subscribers and viewers..

well,, from the very beginning I started this story just for fun and because I love fluffy story and I want to make one. and now seeing that I even have subscribers, I just can giggling happily, kkkkk.. *group hug*

thank you so much.. love you all.. and of course comments are loved.. <3

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Chapter 12: Hae is so clingy and cute <3
Chapter 11: LOLOL Hae thought Hyuk is joking xDD
Chapter 10: finally . love this update and hope hae will love hyukie back soon. update
Chapter 10: Oh this is cute <3 I love their interaction!
Why did not that monkey reply to hae's text??? ....hae is really cute i hope they will fall for each other soon,, update
Why the heck Hyuk doesn't reply to Hae's text?
uuh anyway update soon <3
Aaah so cute <333
Update soon :3
wtf hyukjae he is crying and you are still wondering what to do???? HUG HIN YOU STUPID , DUG HYUKJAE IS SO FOOL LOOOL.....update
It must be depressing to walk alone like that
Luckily Hyukjae is there yay!