Teaser 06

Shining Phoenix || Apply Closed


[I forgot to ask

“There you go YeongRin” Lucas said as he lead her to a mirror and took out a smaller one so she could see the reflection of the white phoenix on her neck. She smiled for herself and let go of hair so it covered her neck.

Lucas then led her outside his office and showed her around the guild. The hang out room the relax room the bulletin board and since YeongRin had told him that she didn’t have any family to live at so Lucas also showed the room on the top floor she would be living at.

“It’s pretty empty but that’s just so you can decorate it the way you want” Lucas explained and then gave her the room key. It’s not she would need that key anyways because a lot of the mage at the guild could easily just find another way in if they wanted but he decided to not tell her that. She took the key and put it in her pocket.

“But whenever you leave the guild just give the key to me so you won’t lose it” He winked.

“I’ll remember that thank you” She replied and went downstairs again with Lucas following right behind. There was still a room Lucas hadn’t showed her and she was curious as to why. So she decided to ask about it.

“That door” She began saying and pointed at the door right next to the bulletin board “Where does that lead?”

Lucas seemed to think about if he should tell her or not. He decided to tell her since she would find out sooner or later anyways.

“S-class mages missions, too bad we only have one in this guild. But we have a few who might become one soon” Lucas answered and then put his hand on her shoulder.

“But promise me you won’t take on those quests before you are ready?” He whispered to her.

YeongRin promised that she wouldn’t take on those missions before she was ready. After that Lucas left for his office and YeongRin was left starring at the S-class door. I wonder how this guilds S-class mage is like. She was thinking about that for a while until someone came out of the room.

He was kind of scary looking. For some reason she just kept on starting at the man. That was until he saw her and glared back at her. Jikes he looks scary. She looked away and pretended to be interested in something else. She was left staring at the wall. She muttered something to herself about how stupid she must look right now. She could hear the man chuckle to himself as he walked closer.

“Are you new here?” He asked standing behind her and she turned slowly around. Calm down he is just a mage like you… with a lot of power.

“Y-yeah” She stuttered.

“No reason to be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you… Welcome to the guild…”

“Seong YeongRin”

“Welcome to Shinning phoenix YeongRin” He said and then made his way outside the guild. He was… weird? No he was interesting. She couldn’t believe that he looked so scary when he was so gentle.

She then began to make her way into her room thinking about how the rest of the guild members would be. She began cleaning the room a little with the broom she found. She opened the window to let fresh air inside. She took a sneak peak outside and she had a good view of the town’s plaza.

It’s a good thing I decided to join this guild. She had been looking high and low for a guild she liked. And for some reason she ended up here. It wasn’t perfect and it was quite a unknown guild outside the small town but still she liked it.  

After cleaning what she could of the room she decided to chill on the bed a little. She closed her eyes and thought about how the other members of the guild would be. The only one she knew of was Lucas, Herself, two girls one named Song Eunji who apparently was the girl she saw sleeping at a table at the guild. Lucas told her to not mind her or wake her up. And then the girl named Shin Mi Rin. She had spent money on this place to make it look better. And the last one she just met, the s-class mage his name was…

“I forgot to ask his name!” you could hear a girl yell inside the guild.

 His name]


~~Panda's note~~

Sorry for delay... Not feeling so well. But I think I might get the last teaser up later today and the story will start soon! Welcome the next last member. Seong YeongRin. And btw everyone will be in the story just not as main characters... but just unsuscribe if you didn't get choosen if you want to ^^ Thiis was for some reason very easy to write o.o Anyways back to the next teaser. 

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Guys, I'm sorry but I won't probably start on this story this month or next since I will be going away But after that there will be updates


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Min Mi(me) is really like me. I eat too much candy XD HAHAHA
What kind of dragon slayer is she? Shoo shoo zelo. Dragon slayers are awesome :P
Oh? i wonder what kind of dragon slayer she is...
and go away Zelo. dragon slayers are the best.
Congrats Yeongrin and Jihye~!
Haha, of course Eunji is sleeping away XD~!
Hmm wonder who the guy is o_o...TO THE APPLICATION LISTS! hahaha~
great update ^^~
LOLOLOL. she can always just ask another time. they are in the same guild afterall and would meet often xD.
wonder who the guy is and excited for the story to start! ^.^
YAAAY ! :D The story is finally gonna start ! YAAAY !
Can't wait :D
and who's that guy ? :D Can't wait to find out ^_^
Get well soon :D DOn't push yourself okaay ? :D
haha i like her~ she seems... timid? will be interesting to see who the guy is~ *i wont peak! i wanna be surprised XD*

but oh hon, please rest up! don't push yourself too hard! feel better <3
Congrats to Co-author nim :DD LOvebirds <3