Teaser 02

Shining Phoenix || Apply Closed


[Now where’s

~~Lucas P.O.V~~

I was leaving the guild in the hands of one of the members because I needed to do a special mission on my own. I had been told from one of our regular costumers that there was a demon out of control in the woods near town. I was aimlessly walking around the woods hoping for a sign that could show me where the demon was. I finally got some kind of sign.

“God damn it” Someone thought. It sounded like a girl desperate for help. And I can never let a girl down, like the gentlemen I am, so even if the demon is there or not I will go and help that lady. It didn’t take long before I got there and to my disbelief the girl was stabbed in the chest, most likely by the demon lurking around.

I ran up to the girl and too make sure she was still alive. Luckily she was still breathing she was just unconscious because of blood loss. I could hear the demon move around the trees. I backed away from the girl to look around when suddenly the demon jumped out from the tops of tree and was heading right for me.

I reacted fast and guarded myself with arms from my shadow. From the looks of it the girl had put out quiet a fight and the demon was quiet hurt. Some finishing hits would probably knock him out. The demon tried to run away but blocked it with my shadow and hit it on a vital spot from behind with my dagger. The demon easily felt to the ground and was no longer living.

It was much easier than I thought it would be but that was all because of all the damage the girl had done beforehand. Before I could do anything else the girl grunted in pain. I quickly went to her side and picked her up. Good for her that I knew a fast route back to the guild.

-At the guild-

When inside the guild I grabbed the nearest member who was Jongup and asked him to help me. Apparently Jongup new this girl and said that they had been friends since childhood. While treating her wound Jongup told me about her powers. What interested me the most was that she had healing powers. Since we didn’t have any people in the guild who possessed that power I wanted her to join the guild really bad.   

I let Jongup watch over her while I went to get the rubber stamp and papers for her to join the guild. Well after she had woken up that was. I would probably have to use my manly charms on her but that would be no problem. After all I’m known as the ladies man.


~~Min Mi P.O.V~~

I slowly opened my eyes to find out that I was no longer in the woods. I tried to stand up but someone pushed be gently back down. I turned by head to see that Jongup my best friend was standing right next to the bed. As always he wore that angelic smile while looking down on me.

“So you got yourself in some trouble I see, not only are you hurt but Lucas want you to join the guild” He said and smiled even brighter almost closing his eyes. Who was Lucas? What had happened? Why where I here? Ah god how I could kill for some sweets now. Right then a young guy walked inside the room with paper and a rubber stamp.  

“Who are you?” I asked him and Jongup moved out of the way. The mysterious young man moved right next to my bed and then tried to hold my hand. I could see Jongup turn away and leave the room. I didn’t know why, he couldn’t just leave me alone with this guy!  

“Young lady I’m your rescuer! I was the one who saved you and brought you here” I looked at him in disbelief and took my hand back. He looked like a weak person I wonder how he fought of that demon alone.

“No need to wonder Min Mi, thanks to you dealing a lot of damage beforehand the demon was no match for me. I must say you have some unique skills, would you like to join my guild”

Okay hold up now, how did he know my name and was he a mind reader? He must be since he answered my question without me asking. Wait if he is a mind reader he is probably hearing all that I’m thinking now. Ah! Think about something else… Candy I really want some cotton candy!

“Please don’t worry Min Mi I don’t read peoples mind all the time. And Jongup told me a little about you. That’s why I know your name. Hmmm… what do you say? Will you join my guild? We always have candy there!”

Before even thinking clearly about it I filled out the paper and agreed on joining the guild. How bad could this guy be anyways, he knew Jongup and he doesn’t hang around bad people.

“Okay the last thing then where do you want the mark?”

I turned around so I was lying on my stomach, and made sure I wasn’t putting any pressure on my chest.

“Pink, and on the back of my neck!” I giggled thinking about all the free candy I would get. Without me even noticing he had already placed the mark and made me lay on my back again. He gave me and assuring smile as to say thanks for joining the guild. But my mind was only focused on one thing.

“Now where’s my candy?”        

My candy?]



~~Panda's note~~

So the first one acepted is Park Min Mi! Congratulasion. I know that the fighting scene was kind of lame but that was because the main focuse wasn't on the battel anyways ^^ So i hope I got your character right! I haven't cheeked for spelling mistakes so there might be some typos >.< Sorry will probably fix that later. And you get to know what kind of magic Lucas uses. He is a mind-reader and uses shadow magic. ohohohoh >:3

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Guys, I'm sorry but I won't probably start on this story this month or next since I will be going away But after that there will be updates


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Min Mi(me) is really like me. I eat too much candy XD HAHAHA
What kind of dragon slayer is she? Shoo shoo zelo. Dragon slayers are awesome :P
Oh? i wonder what kind of dragon slayer she is...
and go away Zelo. dragon slayers are the best.
Congrats Yeongrin and Jihye~!
Haha, of course Eunji is sleeping away XD~!
Hmm wonder who the guy is o_o...TO THE APPLICATION LISTS! hahaha~
great update ^^~
LOLOLOL. she can always just ask another time. they are in the same guild afterall and would meet often xD.
wonder who the guy is and excited for the story to start! ^.^
YAAAY ! :D The story is finally gonna start ! YAAAY !
Can't wait :D
and who's that guy ? :D Can't wait to find out ^_^
Get well soon :D DOn't push yourself okaay ? :D
haha i like her~ she seems... timid? will be interesting to see who the guy is~ *i wont peak! i wanna be surprised XD*

but oh hon, please rest up! don't push yourself too hard! feel better <3
Congrats to Co-author nim :DD LOvebirds <3