Received applications

Shining Phoenix || Apply Closed

Mighty Mages


|| Cho Kyung Min || 15 || Fire dragon slayer || Zelo or Tao || Accepted ||


|| Oh Chaerin || 15 || Black fire and ice, nullification || Luhan or Bakehyun || Accepted ||


|| Park Min Mi || 16 || Requip, Spellsinger, Purification || Jongup or Daehyun || Accepted ||


|| Park Hyori || 19 || Healing and destrutcion || Tao or Taeyang ||

|| Heo Min Chae || 20 || Water and earth, Mind reader and invisbility || Zelo or Younguuk || 

|| Song Eunji || 18 || Take over and solid script || Daehyun or Himchan || Accepted ||


|| Park Min Hi || 16 || Fire and Memory Manipulation || Sehun or Jongup ||

|| Jeon Jihye ||  20 || Memory-make and Archive || Suho or Taeyang || Accepted ||

|| Seong YeongRin || 17 || Healing power and water magic || TOP or G-dragon || Accepted ||


|| Eun JiAh || 16 || Negation , Sensation and Healing || 

~~Panda's note~~

13. Juni
Thank you for applying! To answer a question I got. I don't know how many spots are open. I already have my character in it so I was thinking maybe 4-5 but I'm not sure I actually want to make eveyone a main character. Let's see how many people apply. Maybe everyone gets in as main characters! :3

15. Juni
I made som chages in your ulzzangs. Just because I wnated to. And thank you new ones for applying! Everyone have such intresting characters! 

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Guys, I'm sorry but I won't probably start on this story this month or next since I will be going away But after that there will be updates


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Min Mi(me) is really like me. I eat too much candy XD HAHAHA
What kind of dragon slayer is she? Shoo shoo zelo. Dragon slayers are awesome :P
Oh? i wonder what kind of dragon slayer she is...
and go away Zelo. dragon slayers are the best.
Congrats Yeongrin and Jihye~!
Haha, of course Eunji is sleeping away XD~!
Hmm wonder who the guy is o_o...TO THE APPLICATION LISTS! hahaha~
great update ^^~
LOLOLOL. she can always just ask another time. they are in the same guild afterall and would meet often xD.
wonder who the guy is and excited for the story to start! ^.^
YAAAY ! :D The story is finally gonna start ! YAAAY !
Can't wait :D
and who's that guy ? :D Can't wait to find out ^_^
Get well soon :D DOn't push yourself okaay ? :D
haha i like her~ she seems... timid? will be interesting to see who the guy is~ *i wont peak! i wanna be surprised XD*

but oh hon, please rest up! don't push yourself too hard! feel better <3
Congrats to Co-author nim :DD LOvebirds <3