Teaser 04

Shining Phoenix || Apply Closed


[He is

Two years ago


Dragging her feet across the pavement as she walked towards Shining Phoenix, Eunji was deep in her own thoughts. Why after three years can’t I forget what that guy said? As she got closer and closer, she fell further and further into remembering….




It was the middle of the night, when most people were either at home or closing their shops. But some of the small business was still open. At a small food stand a man was waiting for late travelers, he would often get a lot of customers because of hungry people who needed a snack from their long or even short travels.

A young Eunji stood a few feet away and stared longingly at the delicious looking food. She could hear her stomach growl for food. Shoving her hands in her pocket, she dug around for some small cash, but couldn’t seem to find any. Hungry and impatient, she watched as the man got up to greet a young man who appeared to be a customer.

This is my chance! I’m just going to snag some small bites and make a run for it! Taking this as her opportunity, Eunji snuck up to the stand and grabbed herself some of the food, and was about to run away when she heard someone speak loudly

“Oh Eunji, great to see you here!” Petrified, she turned around to see the young man who was standing next to the owner, he was smirking at her.

“Yeah, just help yourself to whatever you’d like,” he said, and the owner peered at her strangely, but went along with the customer and just pointed to a seat she could sit on as the two men continued on with their conversation. She ate the delicious food nervously, constantly taking glances at the two guys speaking. It seemed like they were finally done with their private discussion, as the owner went behind the stand again, and the young man took a seat next to Eunji.

They ate in silence until the owner told ‘Luke’, who must have been the young man sitting in front of Eunji, that he would be gone for a little while and asked Luke to watch the place for him. The young man nodded and once the man was gone Lucas Blacksmith turned to the girl beside him.

“So young lady, what did you think you were doing just now?”

“Ummm I was grabbing some food! Uh yeah! I was just going to grab it and take a seat and wait for the owner to finished talking with you” Eunji replied, averting her eyes from Lucas.

“Sure you were…. Because thinking ‘This is my chance! I’m just going to snag some and make a run for it!’ really makes it sound like you were planning on paying.” Eunji’s eyes widened at Lucas’ words. Oh my god! How did he know I was thinking that?

“I knew you were thinking that because I can read your mind, honey. So while you continue gaping at my wonderful face, I’d like to give you some advice. If you’re looking for some money, why don’t you join my guild?” Lucas said and tried to make eye contact with the girl.  

“Hold on… You’re a mage!?“

“Yes pretty girl, I am. So just take some time, to think it over, and remember that next time, I won’t be there if you get caught stealing. So you might as well put your skills to better use. Oh and that” Lucas said and pointed at the food in Eunji’s hands. “Is on me”

Eunji was in shock. She couldn’t believe that such a man could be a mage. He looked so young and harmless.  Lucas got up and dropped some money on the table. Even if Eunji wanted to she couldn’t manage to speak one word.

“Oh wait, one more thing,” Lucas stated, as he turned around and leaned in close to Eunji’s face.

“The name is Lucas Blacksmith: Shining Phoenix’s Lucas Blacksmith. Remember it.” Lucas gave her a final wink as he sauntered off, giving a hi-five to the owner who was coming back from wherever he was. Eunji continued to stare at Lucas until he was out of sight. She thought about what he had said.
Me? Joining a guild?... No way. She thought and then left the table.


~~End of flashback~~


As Eunji shook her head bringing herself back to the present, she looked up to find herself in front of a sign with a phoenix symbol on it. Taking a deep breath, Eunji placed her hand on the doorknob and turned, entering the apparently rickety building. Seeing the interior, she was thinking of turning back when she came face to face with Lucas Blacksmith.

“Well well well, look who we have here! Still remembering me, I see, young lady,” Lucas said as he smirked.

“So full name and magic?”

“Song Eunji. I use Take Over and Solid Script.”

“Alright and stamp color and location?”

“White and on my left wrist.” Lucas then grabbed the stamp and pressed it to her wrist. Just then a guy came in from the outside.

“Oh, Daehyun! Say welcome to or newest member. Song Eunji”

The boy was looking at the girl up and down with an emotionless face. And then you could quietly hear him mumble “Welcome Eunji…” Then he continued to walk inside the guild and went upstairs.

“Don’t let him bother you. He is just shy!” Lucas reassured and went inside his office.  


Just shy]


~~Panda's note~~

Welcome Song Eunji! And give a thanks to nothings-over for helping me with this teaser! :D Okay so I have choosen all the ones that are going to be in this story... and there are 3 teasers left meaning three more people. But don't feel sad if you don't get choosen since one of them has a special role and the other ones will be minor characters. I really had a hard time choosing. Belive me. But feel free to unsusribe if you don't get choosen... I will probably use your character as a minor anyways xD Oh and all this happened two years ago :) So she was probably the first girl who joined the guild.   

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Guys, I'm sorry but I won't probably start on this story this month or next since I will be going away But after that there will be updates


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Min Mi(me) is really like me. I eat too much candy XD HAHAHA
What kind of dragon slayer is she? Shoo shoo zelo. Dragon slayers are awesome :P
Oh? i wonder what kind of dragon slayer she is...
and go away Zelo. dragon slayers are the best.
Congrats Yeongrin and Jihye~!
Haha, of course Eunji is sleeping away XD~!
Hmm wonder who the guy is o_o...TO THE APPLICATION LISTS! hahaha~
great update ^^~
LOLOLOL. she can always just ask another time. they are in the same guild afterall and would meet often xD.
wonder who the guy is and excited for the story to start! ^.^
YAAAY ! :D The story is finally gonna start ! YAAAY !
Can't wait :D
and who's that guy ? :D Can't wait to find out ^_^
Get well soon :D DOn't push yourself okaay ? :D
haha i like her~ she seems... timid? will be interesting to see who the guy is~ *i wont peak! i wanna be surprised XD*

but oh hon, please rest up! don't push yourself too hard! feel better <3
Congrats to Co-author nim :DD LOvebirds <3