Teaser 03

Shining Phoenix || Apply Closed


[I can’t wait to

“Brother! Can you take me to your guild today?” Chaerin cutely asked of her brother Sehun while making breakfast with her mother. Sehun looked up from a mission paper he had taken from the guild yesterday.

“Why do you want to go there?” Sehun questioned putting down the paper and walked to Chaerin. She stopped cutting vegetables and turned to her mother.

“Mom, said that I should join the guild!~~” Chaerin sang happy that she maybe could learn how to use her magic for real. Their mother nodded and added “You know we could use some extra money Sehun”

Chaerin’s eyes were almost sparkling while she held her breath waiting for her brother to answer. She wanted to join the guild. Wanted to learn, learn how to use her magic even better. If she joined the guild her brother was in there will be no trouble learning and earning money. Besides Luhan was also a part of the same guild. 

Sehun sighed and agreed on taking her little sister to the guild. Chaerin jumped towards her brother and gave him a hug and afterwards a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you sooooooooooo much~~” she squeaked and put some plates on the table for them to eat the food off. During breakfast Chaerin kept on smiling and giggling thinking of finally joining a guild. Being able to go on missions earn money by herself and help people. It all made her so bubbly inside.

Chaerin skipped happily beside her brother when walking to the guild. Sehun patted his sister’s head because he thought she was so cute. Sehun was a bit worried about her meeting the guild master Lucas, because he is a big flirt. The other girls in the guild would often complain about it while others thought it was funny. Well at least the guild master wouldn’t flirt with his sister he thought.

Once outside the guild door he figured there was no turning back. He looked over his shoulder to his sister who couldn’t stand still. Sehun chuckled and opened the door with his sister following close behind. It was good that they had newly got a renovation because of Mirin, one of the first things she did was spend money on this place to make it look nicer. 

“Ahhh, Sehun I thought you were… You know… Leaving the guild” The guild master remarked once he spotted Sehun walking inside. Chaerin jumped out from behind Sehun and pointed at her brother.

“You are leaving this guild?! You never told me or mom!” Chaerin turned away from Sehun and puffed her cheek in annoyance. Why haven’t he told us? Stupid brother! Sehun didn’t know what to do and Lucas saw that he had to take care of the situation.

“Listen now young girl. There is no reason to be mad at your brother. He is just doing what is best for him you see. He wants to join a more popular guild that only a few people can attend” Lucas reassured Chaerin.

“Yeah, and there is no reason for you to worry about joining this guild” Sehun said and walked closer to his sister. “You know that Luhan is here? He will take care of you” He said and patted Chaerin’s head. Just then Luhan walked down from the second floor and smiled when he saw Chaerin.

“Chaerin! What are you doing here?” Luhan questioned.

Chaerin was just about to answer when Lucas interrupted.

“She is going to join the guild! Can you go get the stamp and paper?” Luhan smiled even wider and went into Lucas office to get the stuff he needed.

“Wait, what? You will just accept her like that?” Sehun was kind of shocked but at the same time not. He knew that Lucas would easily let anyone join but still… He didn’t even know what kind of girl Chaerin was. Sehun never talked much about his family in the guild. And only a few actually knew he had a little sister. Lucas just smiled and said “She is your sister! She got to be a good addition to the guild, now that you are leaving”

Chaerin bit her bottom lip. She didn’t know if she should be happy or not. Joining the guild wouldn’t be the same without her brother but she couldn’t just say no because of that. And Luhan looked so happy for her to join. Or at least that was what it looked like.

“Sehun you should be happy for me! I’m finally getting a real job!” Chaerin said as she jumped over to Lucas. Sehun thought for a little while then smiled.

“Yeah, I guess so… see you at home later, I’m off to a quest so I might come home late” Sehun said and walked out of the guild. Luhan came back from the office with all the tools necessary for Lucas. After they had filled out the papers Luhan said he would like to try the rubber stamp. Lucas agreed and asked Chaerin where she would like her mark.

“On my upper arm. Black!”

Luhan held her arm still and gently pushed the rubber stamp on Chaerin’s skin. He gave the stamp back to Lucas, and Lucas went to his office. Chaerin took a look at her mark and smiled.

“I can’t wait to start”    


To start]

~~Panda's note~~

 Last day to turn in your applications! For those who haven't done that yet and want to apply. So yeah, welcome Oh chaerin to the crew! :3 I wrote this in half sleep since I didn't mange to sleep last night >.< I might not update tomorrow but you can wait two days for the next teaser right? ^^

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Guys, I'm sorry but I won't probably start on this story this month or next since I will be going away But after that there will be updates


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Min Mi(me) is really like me. I eat too much candy XD HAHAHA
What kind of dragon slayer is she? Shoo shoo zelo. Dragon slayers are awesome :P
Oh? i wonder what kind of dragon slayer she is...
and go away Zelo. dragon slayers are the best.
Congrats Yeongrin and Jihye~!
Haha, of course Eunji is sleeping away XD~!
Hmm wonder who the guy is o_o...TO THE APPLICATION LISTS! hahaha~
great update ^^~
LOLOLOL. she can always just ask another time. they are in the same guild afterall and would meet often xD.
wonder who the guy is and excited for the story to start! ^.^
YAAAY ! :D The story is finally gonna start ! YAAAY !
Can't wait :D
and who's that guy ? :D Can't wait to find out ^_^
Get well soon :D DOn't push yourself okaay ? :D
haha i like her~ she seems... timid? will be interesting to see who the guy is~ *i wont peak! i wanna be surprised XD*

but oh hon, please rest up! don't push yourself too hard! feel better <3
Congrats to Co-author nim :DD LOvebirds <3