Wedding Dress

Please, Lee Gikwang. Say you love me, too.

After I don't know how long, Gikwang stood up, and offered me his hand.

"I don't need your help." I shouldn't be so stubborn, so rude. But I made a promise to myself. And I refuse to fall for him

Gikwang's Point of view

She doesn't need me? Alright. Then I can stop being nice to her.

I leave her on the floor. She can get up by herself. I shouldn't care about her, right? I mean, she doesn't care about me.

_ _ _

HyunJae's Point of view

I hear Gikwang messing around in his room as I try to put things back in order in my suitcase. I have to move into his room tomorrow after the wedding. 

"Bye." I hear him call out from the living room.

"Where are you going?" I poke my head into the hall just before he takes the first step down the stairs.

"I told you I was going to the movies with the guys. In fact, I invited you."

"Oh, right. I forgot." He just turns and leaves without a word. I guess he really took my words to heart. Saying I don't need him. I mean I don't. I was fine without him. I've always been independent. All I had was Bae. 

But now I don't have Bae. The only one I loved has been taken away from me. It's time I learn to be by myself. To be strong for myself.

You know, most girls right now would be preparing things for their wedding, admiring their dresses, talking with their bridemaids. But I'm packing my things to move into a stranger's room. What the hell? I don't even get a honeymoon. It's not like I plan on having with Gikwang. My heart jumps at the idea. I wonder if we are being forced to go on a surprise honeymoon. After our fight I hope we don't have to do that. 

*Knock Knock* " Are you in there HyunJae?" I hear Yoseob's sweet and concerned voice.

"Nehhh. Come in." Yoseob comes in and I attack him with a hug.

"Hey, beautiful." He pats my head.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to the movies with the rest of them?"

"Yeah, but Gikwang mentioned your fight and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I mean, I know you two don't know each other well. But seeing you together, something seems to just click. Ya know?"

"No. I don't know. I made a promise to myself. I'm not gonna fall for him. I can't put myself through that again."

"You know, Gikwang would never break your heart." he sits on my bed and watches me continue to clean.

"How do you know that? How do you know that he won't pretend to love me and then use me at my weakest moment. I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore! My dad gave me away. My ex-boyfriend used me. Who do I have?"

"You have me."

I look into Yoseob's eyes. 

I don't even have to use my words. I get up and go hug me.

"Do you promise me? Promise you will never hurt me."

"I promise, HyunJae. I promise."

I don't know how long we hug. Five, ten minutes.

"Shouldn't you be going to the movies now?"

"Nahh. I told them to go without me. I am going to help you prepare for tomorrow."

We immediatly get to work. We decide that I might as well move my things into his room tonight so that I don't have to deal with it tomorrow after the wedding when I am tired. Yoseob helps me organize my things in Gikwang's plainly decorated room. He doesn't have many things here so I don't have to worry about taking up his already used space or moving his things around. I really wish this whole situation was different. That I got to get Bae and that Gikwang and I fell in love. But no. We fight and Bae is gone. Thinking about it makes my heart ache. 

"HyunJae?" I hear Gikwang's dad yell coming up the stairs.

"Sir? I'm in Gikwang's room."

He comes in with a maid following him. The maid is carrying something on a hanger that is covered with a black protector and a shoes box.

"Here is your wedding dress and shoes. Tomorrow there will be a team here to help you get ready. I am glad that you are moving your things in here tonight because tomorrow after you get married, you will be going on a honeymoon. You and Gikwang need to get a long better. Some of the maids were talking about your fight. You will be leaving for Paris at 10 pm. Understood?"

"Yes sir." is all I can force out. I don't want to be alone with Gikwang. I want Yoseob to come with me. Give me company that I actually want to spend time with.

"Try on your dress. Yoseob, judge how it looks for me. Okay?"

"You got it."

With that, Kevin and the maid leave. Right away I start putting on the dress. Yoseob helps me into it.

"HyunJae. You look amazing."


"Yes. Gikwang doesn't deserve this. He isn't pretty enough."

"I pictured my wedding being different." I take a twirl in the mirror.

"How did you picture it?"

"Well first, with someone I loved. I pictured my dress having a bit more of a poofy bottom and for the top to go further down. And for the dress to be longer. But I mean, you can't always get what you want right?"

"Either way you look beautiful. And you never know. This may not be your only wedding. You never know when his dad may die."

"Not soon enough apparently." I laugh. Yoseob helps me out of the dress. And since I will be going to Paris, he helps me pack. I wonder if there is any way I could get him to come with me...

"Why are you still here?" Gikwang comes into the room. I hadn't realized Yoseob had been here so long. Time just flies by with him.

"I was helping your fiance pack for your honeymoon."

"Don't call her my fiance." Gikwang snaps, taking off his shoes.

"Well what am I supposed to call her?"

"Call her HyunJae. That's her name."

"Okay, well, I helped HyunJae try on her wedding dress, which looks amazing by the way. You should be more thankful to be marrying someone so pretty. I helped her move her things in here. And I helped her pack for Paris. Which you should probably do." Yoseob says getting up to leave.

"Yeah yeah yeah. I am, okay?" Gikwang says with frustration.

"Good. I will see you guys at the wedding. Don't kill each other tonight." Yoseob says.

"I will have to restrain myself." I mumble as he leaves.

"Tsk, you aren't the only one." Gikwang says getting out a suitcase.

I just give him a death glare behind his back. I just sit around as Gikwang struggles picking out clothes to bring with him.

"Would you like me to help you?" I offer.

"No. You don't need me and I sure as hell don't need you."

"Look, I was just trying to be nice."

"So was I HyunJae. But you shot me down. Doesn't feel great does it."

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I am just trying to protect myself fro-"

"From what?! From someone who cares for you. Trying to help you?! You know, not everyone is bad. Not everyone is . If you are scared that I am going to use you, you are ridiculous. If I wanted to use you, I would've done it when you got drunk the other night. Right?!" He yells.

I immediatly feel guilty. He is right. He was just trying to help me. Maybe he does care. And if he did want to do something to me, he would've done it the other night.

"Yeah, your right.. It just. I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" I can tell he is frustrated with me.

"I'm scared of love."

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Hey gorgeous! (Although I am a girl but still your cute with your Kwangie~~) keke, nice chapter here! Enjoy your trip and do update soon!
update soon!
update soon..okay??it's daebak story!!^_^...really like it... :pp
updatteeeee!! gikwang! <3
dancelovelybird #5
woaaaaaahhhhh! why do i like your story so much??
plz update soon author-ssi! fighting!!!
It was good, really. Just that it was a little, a little short :p Do make it longer so as to grab on the attention of the readers'

Awaiting for the next chapter! Do read up mine as well, thanks!
DO upload the chapter soon!