Meet your husband, Lee Gikwang.

Please, Lee Gikwang. Say you love me, too.


HyunJae’s Point of view
Arriving at my new home, I decide to not wipe my tears. To show them what I feel inside. Being ushered out of the cab by suited strangers, I keep my eyes focused on the ground. I don’t care what my new home looks like, I don’t care about the people who will be in my life now. I just wish I could go home, get my little brother away from the influence of his older brothers. For without me there, he is going to get aggressive like them and want to fight with my father’s name. He is too sweet for that. He is pure of heart and I am disgusted at the thought that that will be taken away from him without a choice.
“Welcome to my home.” I am shoved into an office that is almost too organized. I look into the eyes of the man who has fought against my family for years. Put my brother’s lives in danger. I take the seat that is offered to me by the mob leader.
“Can I at least know the name of the man who has stolen me from my brother?” I spit at him.
“My name is Kevin.” Kevin? 
“I got my name changed for safety purposes. Listen, I am really sorry about your little brother. Is he a burden to you dad?”
I’ve never really thought about that. My dad pays no attention to him. Our mother passed a year after he was born. I am the only female influence he will ever have. Not like my dad’s constant one night stands give a about him.
I shrug.
“Well, if you’d like, I can talk to your dad about letting him come to stay with you. Your dad does know how close you two are, yes?”
I nod and wipe my face clean.
“Good. I will contact him when I get done talking to you.” He leans back in his chair and scans me over.
He presses a button on the phone on his desk.
“Yah, send Gikwang in please.”
Gikwang… Gikwang… I know that name. Why does that sound do familiar?
Shortly after Kevin makes his request, a man, about my age, comes into the office and takes a seat next to me. He doesn’t make eye contact. In fact, he looks angry. I study him for a moment. Take in his features. He is very handsome, that’s for sure. Built strong. He can’t be much taller than me. His hair is black and swoops to the side on his forehead. He has brown eyes that really stand out. I watch as he flexes his jaw and taps his fingers against the leather of the expensive chair anxiously.
“HyunJae, meet Gikwang. My son. Gikwang, this is HyunJae.” Niether of us look at each other. 
“HyunJae, Gikwang is going to be you husband. You get married in three days. Until your wedding you will be in separate rooms. But after the wedding, you two will share a room despite your wishes. Everything understood?”
He gets no response from either of us. I guess he understands too that we have no choice. This is against our will and there is nothing we can do about it.
“You are dismissed.” Gikwang stands up first to leave.
“Yah, Gikwang!” he turns around slowly.
“Show HyunJae to her room.”
I get up and walk to the door before turning around,” Please make good on the promise to bring me my brother. He is the only thing I care for in life and I need him here with me.” I turn and walk around the door closely behind Gikwang.  He is only about 2 inches taller than me.
I follow him up some stairs and down a large hallway. He stops at the second door to the left and opens the door. Inside the room is my belongings. It’s a very generous set up as well. 
“The first door in the hall is the bathroom. Feel free to keep your bathroom supplies in there because I assume you aren’t too happy about this either.” Gikwang spits in my direction.
“You assume correct.”
“Good. My room is right across the hall. If you need anything, don’t bother me. We have until my father dies to get on one another’s nerves.” 
With that he turns to leave. I really don’t know what to do. The only thing I know how to do is be strong for my brother. I’ve never been able to be strong for myself. I can’t handle things unless I have Bae there as inspiration. I fall to my knees and begin to cry. I don’t think I have ever been this torn up. I have nobody. You’d think Gikwang would want to be in this together. To at least try to come up with come mutual agreement. But no. Nothing. I curl into a ball and let everything out through my tears. Not caring how loud I am. Not worrying about my makeup smearing across my face and staining the carpet. I just don’t care. I have nothing to care for.
Gikwang’s Point of view
Maybe I should’ve been nicer to her, but you know what, why should I? She obviously isn’t happy to be here with me. Why should I pretend that I am happy we are being forced together? I shouldn’t. That’s bull.
Hours go by and still no sound from HyunJae. Maybe I should’ve been  nicer….
I let out a growl of frustration and cross the hall to her room. I open the door and find her in a ball weeping. How long has she been crying? Well now I feel like an .
“Yah, HyunJae.” She looks at me with swollen, heartbroken eyes. I guess she does have the harder end in this deal.  She was torn away from her family.
I let out an exasperated sigh and lend her my hand. She looks at me with disbelief.
“Just take it. I don’t bite or anything.” She flinches and takes my hand. I hoist her up carefully and she wobbles grabbing her hand.
“You are probably dehydrated from crying for so long.” She nods and squints her eyes.
“C’mon.” I put my arm around her waist and guide her downstairs to the kitchen. Helping her onto a bar stool before fixing her a glass of water. Her face is red and splotchy. 
“Ah, there you two are.” My dad says walking into the room.
HyunJae turns to look at him too fast and grabs her head.
“Did you talk to my dad about my little brother?” She asks in a cracky, raspy voice.
“Yes. He said I would have to pay for him.”
Wait, she is trying to get her little brother here. And her dad is going to sell him?! What a jackass.
“I’m very sorry but I do not have the money to get him here.” 
She let’s out a sob and covers quickly with her hand, trying to be strong.
“Dad, you and I both know that’s a load of bull. You’ve already taken her from her family and you are forcing her to marry me. The least you can do is get her little brother here. That’s obviously all she cares about.” I say sternly.
“Your right, son. I do have the money. But the day I give that man a cent of my well earned money is the day that I die. I’m very sorry HyunJae, but I will not be paying for you little brother, Bae.” With that he leaves the room. HyunJae puts her head down and continues to cry. She doesn’t seem to care about her dad. Just her brother. Why would her dad ask for money if he knows that Bae’s presence will make HyunJae happier here? I guess just to piss my dad off.
I walk around to HyunJae and pat her back. “Shhh. I’m sure there is something I can do to get him here. I will try my hardest. Okay?” She nods and sips on her water.
I send my friend Doojoon a quick text asking him to come to my house tomorrow afternoon. I’m sure he and the rest of the guys can find out a way to get him here…
Whoooooop! Two chapters in one night. Anyways, Its getting late and tomorrow is my ‘sisters’ birthday bbq so I guess I better head off to sleep. I get a beast album tomorrow too:) I am really surprised at the a mount of feedback I have gotten from this story just from the first chapter. Hellz yeah. Check out my other fic please. This one got interesting faster but the other is getting there. Comment, subscribe and remember that I love you all!- Rebecca
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Hey gorgeous! (Although I am a girl but still your cute with your Kwangie~~) keke, nice chapter here! Enjoy your trip and do update soon!
update soon!
update soon..okay??it's daebak story!!^_^...really like it... :pp
updatteeeee!! gikwang! <3
dancelovelybird #5
woaaaaaahhhhh! why do i like your story so much??
plz update soon author-ssi! fighting!!!
It was good, really. Just that it was a little, a little short :p Do make it longer so as to grab on the attention of the readers'

Awaiting for the next chapter! Do read up mine as well, thanks!
DO upload the chapter soon!