Wedding bells...

Please, Lee Gikwang. Say you love me, too.

"Are you coming or what?" Yoseob snaps me out of my daze.

I'm getting married. Now. 

"Uh y-yeah." Yoseob takes my hand and leads me down the stairs. The stair case seems smaller. Tiime seems to be going too fast. I'm not ready for this.

"HyunJae? Are you alright?" Yoseob asks as we stop in front on the double doors that stand in the way of me and my future husband.

"I-I ye. Well N-no. I just d-don't think I am ready for this. I mean, yeah. Gikwang and I are going to TRY and make this work. We are going to TRY and be together because we both have feelings for one another. But what if our TRYING doesn't work? Don't you think this will bea waste of time, money, and my life?" I can feel my breathing getting heavier as I realize how major this is. All the possibilities. All the things that could go wrong...

"Listen to me HyunJae. I will always be there for you. No matter what happens between you and Gikwang. Alright? Trust me, trying is worth it. I can see something with you and Gikwang. No, I don't know for sure if it's going to work out. But I know you will regret it if you don't try. I can how you look at him. It won't be a waste of time."

"But what about today? You can't be with me the whole time today. O-or even when I am on my honeymoon."

"Miss. 30 seconds." One of the guards say.

"HyunJae, you won't need me. You will have me all the way down the aisle. But once you reah Gikwang, I won't even be on your mind. All you are going to notice is him and you. And on your honeymoon, all your going to be thinking about is how you want to be there forever with him. Okay?" Yoseob's reassuring words sink into my head as the gaurd gives us a ten second warning.

"Ready?" he asks.

I give a slight nod and hook my arm with Yoseob's tightly. The music begins and I take my first step towards my future. Walking out of the house, I was amazed at what had been organized in the back yard. It was beautiful. Simple, yet elegant. The yard is covered in white and light pink roses. That would explain the pink rose in my hair. There are guests in white chairs. None of whom I rocognize.

But now, I can't bring myself to care. Looking at the end f the aisle, my eyes rest upon the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The most beautiful person on earth. Lee Gikwang. The way he is looking at me now makes my stomach churn and my heart thump. I can see in his eyes lust, care, and love. 

I no longer notice anyone around me. In fact, I can't even think of my name. All I see, all I care about is right in front of me.

Yoseob hands me over to Gikwang. Touching his hand, I feel electricy. Looking into his eyes, I see everything I could ever want. I no longer feel nervous. I no loner feel scared. I could care less about how it isn't my perfect dress or the exact decorations I wanted. All I want now, more than anything, is him.

_ _ _

The whole time, I barely payed attention to what the priest was saying. I hardly listened to my own voice and I repeated the vows. All I listen to is Gikwang's promises to me. I can feel in my heart he will stay true to them by the looks in his eyes. The way his eyes caress my face. 

"You may now kiss the bride."

Gikwang takes my face with each of his hands and meets his soft, plump lips with mine. Now, nothing exists. The clapping of the guests is nothing but the whine of a cricket. His lips fit perfectly with mine. The taste of him is nothing I have ever experienced before. It's perfect. It's mine.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"I can't wait to love you forever." He whispers.

I feel a tear form in the corner of my eye but he quickly wipes it away. How perfect is that for this situation? I will never forget his words.

Gikwang takes my hand and we turn to face the crowd of unfamiliar faces. I see Yoseob in the front row clapping. 

I mouth thank you to him and he just nods at me. 

Gikwang and I walk down the aisle and back into the house.

"Sooooo, Lee HyunJae. Are you ready for Paris?" Gikwang asks holding bothing my hands.


"And may I add. You look beautiful. I've never seen anything or anyone as gorgeous as you."

I just blush and look at the ground.

Gikwang lifts my chin with his fingers and gently kisses me. Slowly, passionately. As if he is trying to soak in every last deatail. Like I am about to be taken away from him.

"Let's go." Gikwang grabbed my hand and we raced up stairs to change clothes. Some maids came and grabbed our luggage to bring down to the limo. When we both got dressed, we went out front to say goodbye to our guests.

"Where in the hell do you think you are going?" Gikwang and I both stopped just before we stepped into the limo after a last goodbye.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I look at my oldest brother.

"You didn't think I'd miss your wedding, huh? They truly do have terrible security. Nobody even noticed me. But what I'm wondering right now is where you are going?" Taeyang says, getting closer to me.

"We are going on a honeymoon." I say.

"The hell you are. No way. Why would you go on a honeymoon in an arranged marriage?" Taeyang yells.

"Maybe we like each other. Ever think of that?!"

"Well I'm not letting you go! You shouldn't be anywhere alone with him. He is dangerous!"

"He's dangerous?! Blame yourself for all of this. You didn't care when I left the first time. Why would you care now? Eh?! If you did, you would've stopped this from happening. But, I'm actually glad you didn't give a . I'm happy now. Now leave so I can enjoy the rest of my wedding day."

Taeyang just stares and I back away from him and into the arms of Gikwang. Youngbae and I were never close. He liked to act like he owned me. He wanted to protect me all the time. But, eventually he forgot about me. He didn't even say goodbye to me when I left. I don't see why he cares now.

"Yah. Taeyang!"

"What?" He turned around, obviously pissed off at me.

"How is Bae?" Bae is the only person I care about in that family.

"He is fine. He is always talking about you. Asking for you." Taeyang says softly.

"I know you are angry with me right now. But, can you please tell him that I love and miss him. And that I will see him again someday?"

"Fine. But I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for him." And with that, my big brother left.

In the limo, Gikwang held me tightly as we rode to the airport.

"I forget that you were ever a part of that family. You are nothing like the rest of them." Gikwang says when we arrive.

"I wasn't a part of that family. I was never really around them. Just Bae. I hope he acts like me when he grows up. Anyways, enough with the sad stuff. Let's enjoy our honeymoon." I say, giving him a peck on the cheek.


WHOOP FOR MARRIAGE. I wrote this chapter stuffing my face with ice cream and with my beloved pengiun, Kwangie, by my side. I even took some pictures:) Anyways, I am gonna hit the sack now. Going to my friends house tomorrow. Then the next day I will be going to Smith Lake!  Which is going to be awesome. They have a 25-30 foot tower you can jump off of or do a zip line down. And there is a ten foot jump for chickens like me! And Thursday i be gettin my hair done did! Getting a few blue streaks. But its not noticeable. I will take some pictures. THAT'S ME AND KWANGIE AT THE TOP!:) OH, and I have been watching Iris. I strongly recomend it:) It's awesome! i made my first gif today! Anyways, any of you guys want my tumblr? Lemme know loves!

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Hey gorgeous! (Although I am a girl but still your cute with your Kwangie~~) keke, nice chapter here! Enjoy your trip and do update soon!
update soon!
update soon..okay??it's daebak story!!^_^...really like it... :pp
updatteeeee!! gikwang! <3
dancelovelybird #5
woaaaaaahhhhh! why do i like your story so much??
plz update soon author-ssi! fighting!!!
It was good, really. Just that it was a little, a little short :p Do make it longer so as to grab on the attention of the readers'

Awaiting for the next chapter! Do read up mine as well, thanks!
DO upload the chapter soon!