chapter 6

love you? a playboy like you?! never....


Sayonara love…

It was ria’s wedding day and both aia and I were trying our best to convince her not to marry cho kyuhyun, but she has decided…how can you marry a man who doesn’t love you and who loves someone else?? How can you marry someone out of duty and not out of love? How can you marry an idiot who’s not over his ex and he couldn’t see you.

It was a lovely day…I looked at outside as we were riding in the cho’s limo all the way to the garden wherein ria and kyuhyun are going to get married. It didn’t seem much of a wedding to me when the bride was not a blushing one or the groom who’s still not over the past…what a weird wedding.

Aia was still trying to convince ria not to get married, we both agreed not to tell her about the picture and we also have a fail proof plan just incase in the last minute she would change her mind and not continue with the bull she’s in.  I just hope its as fail proof as aia claimed it was. I let both of them talk as my mind was no way near what they’re talking about…I was looking back at that dinner I had with heechul and his family.


‘appa, omma’

I wiped my sweaty hands at the sides of my dress, hell Sammie get a grip…you’re not suppose to be nervous, you’re not his real girlfriend anyway, there’s no need to get worked up over a simple lunch.

His parents were looking at me with curious smiles and wonder at their faces and I smiled hoping it didn’t show how nervous I was ‘damn it heechul…’ I whispered

‘this is my girlfriend, Samantha curtis’ heechul introduced me with that smile and pulled me even closer…as much as I didn’t want to be that close to him, his parents would wonder why I’d push him away.

‘konichiwa mr and, I’m sam curtis’ I told them as I bowed

Much to my surprise his mom stood up from the couch and hugged me ‘you’re a very pretty young lady, and you look so formal too…welcome to our home’

Formal?? Would that also mean I look old? I thought as I glared at heechul who was at that moment trying so hard not to chuckle.

‘arigato…your son is an epitome of gentleness’ I added that made his father laugh and hugged me as well…talk about getting to know his parents, they seem normal enough…they didn’t look like they would bite me as of that moment.

I smiled as I look at both mother and son hug each other as if they haven’t seen each other for a couple of years. They look like a very normal family, minus the obvious fact that I couldn’t understand a single word that they were saying, they all tried to include me in their conversations.

As we sat down to eat lunch, heechul was paying attention to me and I couldn’t concentrate on eating when normally I do have a very healthy appetite but having him near me all that appetite just faded away…damn this man for making me feel like this.

‘do you want some more beef yo-bo?’ he asked me as he held out pieces of beef infront of me, they smelled divine but I know they would taste like cardboard in my mouth because of my nervousness, it was an extreme effort trying to sit still on my chair knowing that his parents was watching our every move with goofy expressions on their faces…

‘iie, I’m quite full…’ I told him with a smile and whispered ‘what are you doing?? Your parents are looking at us!’

‘look at these young sweet, heechul’s papa is like that, the men in our family are always sweet’ said with a smile of understanding ‘you better get used to it’

I smiled and nodded but gave heechul a kick under the table and patted his shoulder ‘hai…so sweet..’

‘when are you kids getting married?’ his father asked us

Heechul dropped his chopsticks and I got it for him ‘marriage?’ he said ‘ahh appa, we haven’t decided yet…we both have dreams to pursue’

‘heenim, you’re not getting younger and we want grandkids already’ his mom added and smiled at me

I reluctantly smiled back ‘we haven’t talked about marriage and having kids yet…we just started hmm dating’ I answered them

‘appa, omma…sorry I’m late, I had to rush a deadline at the office…heenim!! Ohh you’ve brought your pretty sam here…sam-ah are you eating well?’

I turned around and saw heechul’s elder sister and I smiled at her, she was carrying a couple of paper bags which I assumed to be food and dessert.

‘he’s feeding me quite well…its too much already, unnie…let’s eat’ I told her

‘so sweet, you’re lucky to have her heenim…wait I kind of saw someone on my way home, I invited her to lunch since she also wants to meet heenim’s yojachingu’

At what she said, we all turned around to look behind her and I felt like I was seeing a real life porcelain doll who had come to life. The girl was pretty…in fact she was perfect and I felt heechul look at her as if she’s the only female in the planet and I was nothing but someone he met on the street. So much for wishing a peaceful lunch…I completely lost my appetite.

‘mianhe if I’m disrupting your lunch’

even her voice was perfect…no wonder heechul got carried away for he stood up and gave the porcelain doll a kiss on the cheek and assisted her to the table…damn it! She’s not an invalid, why does he need to help her like that.

‘you have a very pretty girlfriend heechul-ah’ she said as she smiled at me ‘anniyong I’m  Eun Ae…you must be Samantha?’

I nodded and smiled at her ‘I’m Samantha lynne, but friends call me sam or sammie’

‘I hope we can be friends then…’she said sweetly as she sat beside heechul, who sat beside her and I’m now sitting beside heejin-unnie. He never even bothered to look at me, I felt his sister take my hand and smile at me…

‘its okay, he loves you’ she told me

I just nodded and smiled ‘arigato unnie…where do you work?’ I decided to just ask her, I didn’t want to look at heechul and eun ae for fear I’d lose my composure…I’m more than that, but just he waits til we get out of his family’s reach…

‘appa, omma…sammie and I have to go, thank you…’ he said to his parents right after lunch

I stood up from the couch and moved to kiss his mom and dad goodbye ‘arigato…thank you so much for having me. Domo arigato gozaimasu mr and’ I bowed as heechul took my hand

‘sammie-ah, hope that you come back here and spend time with us again’ heejin told me as she hugged me and gave me a  peck on the cheek.

I nodded ‘I hope so too unnie…’

‘it was nice meeting you samantha’ eun ae told me with a smile…but that smile never reached her eyes

‘the pleasure is all mine eun ae san’ I told her gave me a paper bag and I told her I cant possibly accept her gift but she told me to take it…and just like her son she wouldn’t take no for an answer

‘come back soon darling…heechul, be careful when driving’

‘ne, omma…saranghamnida’ he said as he kissed his mom’s cheeks and we went out of their house.

The moment we were inside the car, I just buckled my seatbelt and closed my eyes…I wasn’t in the mood for a conversation…all I wanted was to leave in peace, leave korea for good and pretend that kim heechul, his family and a certain eun ae lee never existed.

**end of flashback**

‘ria..lets just get out of here..we can go somewhere’

I heard aia say as we were walking towards the room where we were told to wait before the wedding starts.

‘I cant aia san, as much as I would want to…I cant, a lot of people depends on this merger..i cant let them down’

So like ria to think of others before she thinks of herself and her happiness, if I could give her an award it would be the most selfless girl whoever existed on the face of the earth.

‘ria san…if you want to leave just tell us and we’ll leave with you’ I told her as we got inside the room.

We both sat there and talked about nonsense things and found ourselves laughing, try as we must we cannot just simply forget the fact that she was getting married and the 3 of us thought it was a big mistake.

‘no ria! I cant let you marry that two timing !’ aia screamed from the door way

‘what?? What are you saying aia-san?’ ria asked the latter as she headed for the door

I looked at aia and I nodded…a  sign to tell ria the truth, hell she  deserves to know even if it hurts her…they say the truth hurts…

‘you’ll find the answers you need in the parking lot’ aia simply told her

‘we’ll wait for you outside ria-san…we’ll be here’ I told her and closed the door as soon as she got out ‘you saw them aia-san?’

She nodded ‘yes…he was with park haneul in the parking area, I didn’t want to see it, I don’t want ria to get hurt’

I sighed and wiped my tears from my cheeks ‘well…we’re all packed up and ready to go…I’m wanting to leave Tokyo for awhile’

She looked at me  in confusion and I excused myself ‘I need to go to the bathroom…I’ll tell you guys on the way…’

I hurriedly walked outside and walked to where the comfort room was…in my haste to get there, one of my stilettos got stucked in a little hole.

‘damn it! Why is this day so damn annoying…’ I muttered as I tried to get it out ‘!’

‘what’s the matter Samantha-sshi? Stuck?’

I looked up in hope to be rescued but hell I only saw a smirking eun ae as she moved closer to me ‘hai, my heels got caught-‘ without warning she grabbed my arm to make me look at her and gone was the porcelain doll I thought she was, her eyes were dark pools of anger and if she wished me to die then and there with her stare I’d be dead by now..

‘wth…let me go ’ I told her ‘let me go or I’ll scream’

‘that’s not the way a lady should talk Samantha’ she told me and slapped me ‘kim heechul’s mine…mine you hear…stay away from him…’

I looked at her with contempt ‘…you can have that moron, he’s all yours!! And don’t forget to invite me at your wedding…I’ll make sure to send you guys and h-bomb!’ I shouted as I finally got my foot free and moved towards her, she actually backed a few inches then held her ground

‘ahh you’re just like one of heechul’s cats…you spit fire’ she said with a knowing grin

‘hmm maybe I am, that’s why he liked me…and like a cat I can choose to scratch your eyes out or ruin that porcelain face of yours if you don’t leave’ I told her in a whisper ‘go back to kim heechul and while you’re at it..tell him he’s an imbecile’

I left her there as I walked back to where my friends was.

‘stay away from him Samantha or else’ she shouted

‘yeah right …whatever!’ I shouted back and gave her a dirty finger ‘cold and unfeeling !’

When I got back aia was outside the door waiting for ria ‘are you ok Sammie-san?? You look so mad..’ she asked

‘im murderous…is ria back yet’ I asked her as I sat beside her outside

‘let’s get  out of here’ we turned around and saw ria, she looked like hell that’s the perfect adjective for her, then we knew without asking questions and details that kyuhyun chose park haneul over her…there would be no wedding. We helped her get out of her wedding clothes and we all changed into street clothes.

As we were about to leave the room I handed them tickets…’you wanted to leave…we’ll leave, we have tickets for California…a fresh start?’

Aia nodded ‘a fresh start…’

We looked at ria who was still  trying not to cry but she nodded just the same and closed the door ‘a fresh start and new memories to make’

I smiled sadly at them, I wish it was that easy…I wish it was that easy to forget…the men who touched our hearts and the men responsible for our misery...

'sayonara kim heechul' i whispered as i started the car and drove towards the airport.



eun ae is fictional :) ill update as soon as the 7th chapter is done :) keep the comments coming..

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@anj_yesung: i'm working on yesung's story :)thank you soo much for reading all of my stories...i'll have a sneak peak of his story on wookie's love story :)
im to next story.. woah.. haha im loving it.! :)
woah.. here i am on the 2nd part of the trilogy.. i already subscribe on all your fics.. but i dont think the 3rd part Yesung..? is it done or not yet.? haha excited :) coz Yesung is my bias ^^,
@suju26kamz: donghae is the next lead in my next story :) you can be eunhyuk's partner :) just give me a name and i'll work on it <3 thanks for the sweet comment...i'll keep on writing and i'll continue to share it :)
ah~~ it's so cute! i love it. i started to read it a week ago but i didn't have time to finish it quickly like your first story because of my studies. anyway, i really like it. it's so, so, so cute!! i was grinning so wide when i'm reading it. i can't stop myself, how can your story be so cute? hahaha! it's so great that you can share your stories with us. i'll read your other stories when i have time. thanks for sharing them to us.<br />
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~and yeah, can i make a request? can you do a eunhyuk story for me or donghae story? or maybe eunhae? lol. tnx ^^
It's so CUTE!! ^^<br />
great fan fiction!
darexvyn #7
Great fic! I can't wait to read the next one ^_^
awww theyre getting married! yay Leeteuk is getting a love story!!!!
thank you so much :) arigato :D im glad you liked the story..i'll write teukie's story next and yesung's too <3 <br />
keep reading...and i do need ideas for the names of their partners <3
Ur story was so cute... ♥<br />
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I enjoyed the little part of my bias Leeteuk (hehe Love him)<br />
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hope ur next story would be about him & then Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin.... all of them!!!<br />
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ur storoes are awesome!!! :D<br />