chapter 4

love you? a playboy like you?! never....

we kissed... ^_^


‘can I back out?? I want to go back to Tokyo’ I grumbled as I primped infront of the mirror at heechul’s room.

I stared at the dress he handed me the moment he returned from a dozen photoshoots that morning, the rest of the suju’s was out with ria and aia, and I’m left alone with a childish moron who at that moment was singing to his hearts content outside. This guy sure has some nice taste when it comes to clothes. The dress he gave me wasn’t overly revealing…it just looked cute and perfect for the occasion. ‘I’m not his girlfriend..we are just acting’ I kept repeating that mantra as I got dressed.

‘shut up will you?? I don’t know why I even agreed to this madness in the first place’ I shouted

‘mianhe Sammie-ah…are you done?’ he asked me

I checked myself in the mirror one last time and opened the door ‘keep your shorts on buster this chick is worth the wait’

‘aigoo…how do you say pretty in japanese’ he asked me the moment I went out of the room

I raised my eyebrow at him and shook my head ‘dork…its kirei, that can also mean clean btw’ I answered just the same ‘are we really going to do this?’

He nodded and hurriedly assisted me out of their dorm as if demons were after him. He grabbed my purse and handed it to me the moment we were in the elevator.

‘please Sammie-ah you already said yes’ he looked at me with that cute lil face of his

‘fine, fine…’ I answered and sighed ‘I don’t know why I said yes…is marriage really so repulsive to you? Is your private life too messed up that’s why your parents want you to settle down?’ I asked as he helped me inside his car…another sports car.

‘why do you guys have sports cars? Why not regular cars??’ I grumbled which made him laugh

‘what’s wrong with sports cars Sammie-ah? They’re fast and stylish…women likes them’ he asked me as he started the car

I rolled my eyes ‘duhh…im not like most women, I drive a yaris back in japan’ I told him as I buckled my seatbelt

He again gave me that cute smile of his that was part of the reason why I agreed to this madness in the first place.

I looked outside the car window and marveled at the lights that seoul offered. We never had a formal agreement and how I should act, we just formulated a story as a couple so that we wont have any problems when we start talking to his family. I sighed again and stole a glance at him, he was driving and his eyes was focused on the road and he looked at ease…which is unfair, he should be nervous and worried like the way im feeling right now…

My mind drifted back to our dinner last night, his weird offer and my agreement…



‘be my girlfriend Sammie-ah…please say yes’ he pleaded

I stared at him and put my fork down before I could think of using it on him and be charged for murder ‘what?!! Can you please repeat that…’ I told him

‘be my girlfriend…’ he said with a smile

‘ I can see the headlines now…kim heechul of super junior murdered by annoyed girl’ I said sarcastically ‘maybe just chop you in little bite-sized pieces and feed you to the sharks…just wth are you talking about kim heechul?? I cant be your girlfriend!! I don’t even know you!’

He stared at me and took my hand and gave me another smile ‘just for the weekend Sammie-ah, tomorrow when we have lunch with my parents…’

I finally understood what he was saying…he just want me to pretend to be his girlfriend for a day so his family could meet me…

‘why?’ I asked him ‘give me a good reason heechul-san or I wont think twice of using the fork on you’ I added as I got the fork again.

‘don’t use that on me yo-bo…im too young to die’

‘yeah right…explain please, why do you need to pretend that you have someone…’

He sighed as he leaned back on his seat and looked outside ‘I want my private life and my relationships private…as much as possible. I understand my parents…and their worry about my relationships with women, I just want them off my back for awhile, its not bad…’

I tried not to grab his shirt and shake him…playboys will always want their freedom and they hated the word commitment…and kim heechul is no different from them, he prized his freedom and the ‘c’ word isn’t part of their vocabulary.

‘I’ll pay you yo-bo…just please, please I beg you help me tomorrow, my sister likes you already and by now I’m sure that my parents already know about us’

I sighed and finally nodded ‘I actually don’t like what you’re planning but your sister already saw us…fine I’ll go with you to your parents house tomorrow…but just for tomorrow ok?’

He looked relieved the moment I told him that I’ll agree to his ridiculous plan, I don’t even know why I said yes or why I couldn’t just find myself angry at what he was planning to do…I’m not a very good liar that I’m sure of, but hell it’s just for tomorrow anyway…

***end of flashback***

‘we’re getting closer Sammie-ah’

I looked at him in disbelief and looked outside the window, it was drizzling outside and I couldn’t see anything but trees and wonderful flowers.

‘don’t tell me we’re going hiking heechul san?’ I asked him

‘aniyo yo-bo, this land is part of my family’s summer house…we’ll be driving for about 10min more, as much as I’d love to take you for a stroll it’s drizzling and cold outside and I don’t want your cute little feet getting dirty’ he smiled at me as he handed me a paper bag ‘I got that jacket earlier…it looked perfect for your dress’

‘stop buying me things already’ I complained as I accepted the paper bag from him and peeked inside ‘you bought me too much already…I wont be needing these when I get back to tokyo’

He smiled again and shook his head ‘I maybe a playboy sammie-ah but I shower my woman with gifts, I’m a generous lover yo-bo’ he added with a wink

I felt my heart skip a beat the moment he winked at me…this guy is a lady’s man that’s for sure and I should be hating him that moment or plotting his death…but geez I just couldn’t even think straight when he would smile at me.

‘yeah, yeah whatever dude’ I told him ‘sugoii!! Is that your house?’ I said in a breathless whisper as I saw a pretty house…well it looked more like a mansion to me, but it was very much homey and it had Korean architecture.

‘ne Sammie-ah that’s our summer house’ he told me as he parked the car near the cobble stone steps out front and opened the car door for me ‘its drizzling sammie-ah hurry so you don’t get wet’

I nodded and half walked-half ran  towards the front door ‘totemo samui…’ I whispered as I clutched the jacket closer to my chest

He pulled me closer to him as he knocked on the door, I tried to push him away as we waited for the door to be opened.

‘let me go heechul, I’m not your woman’ I told him

He smiled and pulled me even closer ‘tonight you are…we agreed to do this remember?’ he reminded me

His face was so close to mine that I could smell his breath and the masculine scent of his perfume that had my senses on overdrive…how can he look so handsome yet beautiful at the same time?? I wondered as I looked at his long lashes and full lips…those full lips of his that looked so yummy I could kiss them…

I shook my head hoping to erase those weird thoughts of mine…

‘do you know what I do to women who talks too much and complain too much if I give them gifts?? Not that any of them ever complained’ he said with a y smile on his face as he looked at me

I shook my head again and tried to push him away ‘I don’t want to know and don’t bother telling me I’m not interested’

‘oh? Who said anything about telling you…I intend to show you yo-bo’ he said in a whisper and pulled me in for a kiss!

My body froze the moment our lips touched, the kiss was so soft and so gentle and I still have my eyes open…I finally closed  them and surrendered myself to his kisses, they were like cigarette, soo addicting…

‘I like kissing you…’ he whispered and kissed my forehead

I just stared at him, I couldn’t speak after the kiss we shared…it still left me dazed and unsure of what I should do next…

‘young master kim’

We both turned around and I pushed him away from me but he just held my hand as he bowed. I followed what he did and smiled at the old man who opened the big oak doors for us. He smiled at both heechul and I.

‘welcome home young master’

Heechul smiled and led me inside the house...if the exterior looked impressive, the interior looked marvelous….and did he just call heechul ‘young master’? young master of what? Master of tennis?? Or master of  the art of seduction…I blushed remembering the kiss we shared earlier ‘get a grip Sammie…the kiss was nothing, it meant nothing…just another kiss from a loser’ I repeatedly told myself.

‘who is this lovely young woman with you?’

‘isnt she the sweetest thing on earth? She’s my girlfriend…sam’

I turned around and bowed before introducing myself ‘I’m Samantha Lynne Curtis’

‘welcome miss Samantha…’ the old man said with a smile

I smiled back but shook my head ‘please call me sam, I never liked the miss J’

‘I like her already, im sure your parents would love her…they’re at the family room with your sister’

With that said heechul and I walked silently toward where the family room is. We  passed thru glass walls and painted ceilings and an infinity pool outside the lawn.

‘sugoii…you have a very impressive house..’ I whispered

‘my mother would be glad to hear that, she’ll be flattered too…she designed our summer house’ heechul told me ‘sammie-ah…thank you’

I looked at him in wonder ‘thank you for what?’

‘for being here’ he simply said and opened the door ‘appa, omma…we’re here’

I just looked at him and felt the butterflies in my stomach as I looked at his parents ‘oh god..this is it…good luck Sammie…you wanted this’


still thinking of how the dinner will go :) hope you liked the 4th chapter

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@anj_yesung: i'm working on yesung's story :)thank you soo much for reading all of my stories...i'll have a sneak peak of his story on wookie's love story :)
im to next story.. woah.. haha im loving it.! :)
woah.. here i am on the 2nd part of the trilogy.. i already subscribe on all your fics.. but i dont think the 3rd part Yesung..? is it done or not yet.? haha excited :) coz Yesung is my bias ^^,
@suju26kamz: donghae is the next lead in my next story :) you can be eunhyuk's partner :) just give me a name and i'll work on it <3 thanks for the sweet comment...i'll keep on writing and i'll continue to share it :)
ah~~ it's so cute! i love it. i started to read it a week ago but i didn't have time to finish it quickly like your first story because of my studies. anyway, i really like it. it's so, so, so cute!! i was grinning so wide when i'm reading it. i can't stop myself, how can your story be so cute? hahaha! it's so great that you can share your stories with us. i'll read your other stories when i have time. thanks for sharing them to us.<br />
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~and yeah, can i make a request? can you do a eunhyuk story for me or donghae story? or maybe eunhae? lol. tnx ^^
It's so CUTE!! ^^<br />
great fan fiction!
darexvyn #7
Great fic! I can't wait to read the next one ^_^
awww theyre getting married! yay Leeteuk is getting a love story!!!!
thank you so much :) arigato :D im glad you liked the story..i'll write teukie's story next and yesung's too <3 <br />
keep reading...and i do need ideas for the names of their partners <3
Ur story was so cute... ♥<br />
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I enjoyed the little part of my bias Leeteuk (hehe Love him)<br />
<br />
hope ur next story would be about him & then Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin.... all of them!!!<br />
<br />
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ur storoes are awesome!!! :D<br />