chapter 11

love you? a playboy like you?! never....

An Accident :(


‘welcome to thailand’

I smiled at one of the stewardess at the airport who gave me a lei when I stepped out from the plane. I already tried calling heechul to tell him I already arrived but he hasn’t picked up his phone since this morning..the last I time I got a txt message from him was before I left for the airport and that was a couple of hours ago, and it wasn’t like him. No matter how busy he was he would still find the time to leave even a short message just to tell me how he was doing.

I sat at one of the chairs that filled the arrival area to call him again…it just kept ringing, only he knew that I was going to arrive today but where the hell was he? I looked around the crowded airport in hope to find him…I couldn’t and my heart wasn’t beating normally, it hasn’t stop beating so loud the moment I left korea, I wondered if my seatmate at the airport heard it.

I looked towards the left and saw a man who’s built was exactly like heechul, but he was wearing a suit…ahh that rat he probably left his phone to one of his hyungs. I smiled, ignored the wild beating of my heart as I grabbed my bag and ran to heechul…

‘itoshii!! I thought you hated being late!’ I told him as I held his hand

The guy turned around and looked at me as if he saw a ghost ‘excuse me miss? Are you talking to me? Im not Mr.Itoshii’

I could’ve died then and there and I realized my mistake, the guy was American and I could’ve checked first, heechul has already given up the blonde hairstyle, he had his hair dyed into black again..stupid, stupid me!

‘im sorry..gomenasai, I thought you were someone I knew’ I apologized with a bow and hurriedly walked away ‘wth is happening to me?!’ I whispered as I sat back down again and tried to call heechul ‘you’re going to get it when I see you kim heechul’

** after 3hrs**

‘damn it! This is way too low even for him’ I whispered as I sipped on some coffee at the coffee shop I found at the airport, it was already 8 in the evening and there was still no sign of him. I tried calling my friends and his hyungs but none of them would pick up their mobile phones or even answer my messages.

I started to dial ria’s number in hope she’ll answer my call, when my attention was caught by the images on the television inside the coffe shop, people was gathered around it and it was in thai so I couldn’t understand what it said, I just caught the headline super junior…

I called one of the waiters who was nearby and asked him about the news ‘excuse me…can you please tell me what the news just said? I cant speak thai’ I told him with a smile

He nodded and tried in broken English to tell me about the news ‘one of the super junior is in the hospital. He collapsed. Kim Heechul, that’s his name…’

The room started to spin as I held on to his arm ‘can you please repeat that? Who’s in the hospital?! And what hospital is he in?’ I asked

He didn’t bother asking me why I needed to know what hospital did they bring heechul. I needed to get out of the airport, find a cab and go to him as soon as I could.

‘can you please write down the name of the hospital’ I asked him again and handed him a pen and one of the tissues scattered  on my table and within minutes I was in a cab on my way to who knows where just to see him.


Heechul’s pov

I had no idea for how long I was sleeping but I sure felt so tired and I wanted to sleep more. I cant remember much of what happened earlier or was it yesterday but I remember passing out and hearing the worried voice of my hyungs calling my name and calling for an ambulance.

‘I’m glad you’re awake…’

I turned around to the sound of that voice and found the face I’ve been dreaming to see for almost a month now…if this is still a dream please god I don’t want to wake up..

‘jagiya…I miss you..’

She smiled and sat beside me and I took her soft hands in mine ‘are you hungry? Shindong oppa bought some ramen earlier…they were all here not too long ago but you were still sleeping so they didn’t want to wake you up’ she told me

When she mentioned ‘we’ I moved to sit up on the bed…this wasn’t a dream, this was real…she was real and I was suppose fetch her from the airport when I passed out during one of our rehearsals.

‘its okay…all you have to do is rest and concentrate on getting your strength back’ she told me ‘its time to eat itoshii’

I looked at her and tears started to fall from my eyes when I saw the love shine in her eyes, I knew that had to be a line from a song but if I only had a camera with me to capture her beauty and how she looked at me…it was priceless.

‘mianhe…I didn’t mean to worry you’ I whispered as I tried to eat the ramen she fixed for me ‘I didn’t want you going here with me on a hospital bed and not being able to do things for you jagiya’ I was still holding her hand afraid that she might leave me at my condition knowing that she’ll be forced to take care of me when it should be the other way around.

She sighed and put the food down on the table beside me ‘heechul-san, its alright…I’m not here for the fun times, I’m also here for you whatever happens, you don’t have to worry about me leaving you just because your sick…my love isn’t that shallow itoshii’

‘sammie-ah’ I told her and hugged her close to me…as close as the hospital bed would allow us. I didn’t want to let go but somehow I knew I have to ‘saranghamnida…did you sleep here?’

She smiled and got the ramen again to feed me ‘open up you dork…yes I slept here, I fit nicely on the couch, the doctor said you’ll be able to go home tomorrow…’

I kissed her cheek as she fed me the ramen ‘hmm will I be able to participate on our concert and other shows?’ I asked. I didn’t want to stop performing just because I got sick, I still wanted to perform with my hyungs.

‘you have to ask your doctor about that part itoshii…I didn’t ask him about it’ she said with a smile and handed me an apple ‘remember the next time you have rehearsals…an apple a day keeps the doctor away…ok??’

I just cant believe how lucky I am to have fallen in love with an angel. I moved to touch her cheek when I saw the pendant on her necklace it was the key I gave her…

‘I see you made it into a pendant’ I told her as I touched it

‘you never told me what it was for…’ she pouted

I laughed at her for she was suddenly acting like a child who wasn’t given the lollipop she so wanted. ‘I’ll tell you when we get back to korea jagiya’ I answered with a wink

She rolled her eyes but nodded just the same ‘hmmp such a dork! Fine…fine I’ll wait, but I wont be happy during the waiting period’

‘my angel…my sunshine’ I told her with a smile as I hugged her close

‘duhh…if you plan to sing and dance gee again wearing a dress its not going to work’ she told me as she snuggled closer

I looked at this woman in my arms…she was very impossible to find, and I’m glad she’s mine.


I waved at him from the front seat of the venue of their final concert in Thailand. It was a miracle on how he was able to manage to still perform with his hyungs despite his delicate condition, I’m guessing he pushed himself to do his best to dance with his hyungs and perform for his fans.

I was sitting beside ria and aia who was smiling at our oppas on the stage, doing what they love most, making their fans happy. Their manager was their too and so was the big boss of SM Entertainment, the latter even gave us all flowers as a sign that he was supporting our relationships with his talents

‘you girls brings out the best in suju…for that we don’t know how to thank you’ he said

We smiled at him and continued cheering for our dearest super junior.

‘heechul oppa recovered so fast’ aia said in between giggles as she waved at yesung who winked at her

I rolled my eyes and gave her a grin ‘im no medicine aia-san…’

‘he just needed your TLC and he got back on his usual self again’ ria added as she looked at us

Aia and I nodded at what she said…and by his usual self we meant that he was up to his tricks again and usually plotting some cute tricks with his partner in crime donghae oppa or if donghae oppa isn’t around he’ll plot the end of the world with eunhyuk. Boys will always be boys and there’s no stopping them when they want to play around and make us their victims.

Heechul winked at me as he sang his line from the song all my heart and I gave him another wave. He was singing infront of me now and I didn’t have to guess that he felt happy hearing their fans shout their names and cheer for them as they dance and sing. Performing is their lives and they would do it for as long as they can and for as long as their fans would keep supporting them.

‘I love him…’ I whispered as I touched the key hanging at a gold chain on my neck. I still don’t know what it was for he told me to wait til we get back to korea…it was a long wait but he said it was all worth it.

Ria looked at me and touched the key I was touching ‘you still don’t know what that key is for Sammie-san?’ she asked

I nodded ‘hai..that dork on the stage wouldn’t tell me, he told me to wait til we all get home to Korea before he finally reveals what this key is for’

‘its probably a key to your own love nest! Kyuhyun gave ria a key to their love nest remember?’ aia guessed as she took a drink from her water bottle.

‘eh? A love nest?! He didn’t even propose yet…and we haven’t talked about marriage and the likes…we haven’t been together that long’ I told them

‘it doesn’t matter how long you guys have been together, what counts is how deep are you feelings for each other..’ ria said with a smile

Aia nodded and gave me a grin ‘listen to the love guru…she knows’

I just laughed at them and looked at heechul on the stage, he was dancing his part on sorry, sorry. I still couldn’t believe that the key he gave me was for a love nest…hell my friends can be weird at times.


the final chapter is up next guys :) send me any request for a story that you might want me to write. <3 hope you liked this story..and thank you for reading :)

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@anj_yesung: i'm working on yesung's story :)thank you soo much for reading all of my stories...i'll have a sneak peak of his story on wookie's love story :)
im to next story.. woah.. haha im loving it.! :)
woah.. here i am on the 2nd part of the trilogy.. i already subscribe on all your fics.. but i dont think the 3rd part Yesung..? is it done or not yet.? haha excited :) coz Yesung is my bias ^^,
@suju26kamz: donghae is the next lead in my next story :) you can be eunhyuk's partner :) just give me a name and i'll work on it <3 thanks for the sweet comment...i'll keep on writing and i'll continue to share it :)
ah~~ it's so cute! i love it. i started to read it a week ago but i didn't have time to finish it quickly like your first story because of my studies. anyway, i really like it. it's so, so, so cute!! i was grinning so wide when i'm reading it. i can't stop myself, how can your story be so cute? hahaha! it's so great that you can share your stories with us. i'll read your other stories when i have time. thanks for sharing them to us.<br />
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~and yeah, can i make a request? can you do a eunhyuk story for me or donghae story? or maybe eunhae? lol. tnx ^^
It's so CUTE!! ^^<br />
great fan fiction!
darexvyn #7
Great fic! I can't wait to read the next one ^_^
awww theyre getting married! yay Leeteuk is getting a love story!!!!
thank you so much :) arigato :D im glad you liked the story..i'll write teukie's story next and yesung's too <3 <br />
keep reading...and i do need ideas for the names of their partners <3
Ur story was so cute... ♥<br />
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I enjoyed the little part of my bias Leeteuk (hehe Love him)<br />
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hope ur next story would be about him & then Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin.... all of them!!!<br />
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ur storoes are awesome!!! :D<br />