chapter 1

love you? a playboy like you?! never....

I hate you kim heechul 


I groaned as I heard a knock outside my bedroom door, who the hell would wake me up on a weekend and at…I stopped to look at the alarm clock on my bedside table…it was still 7 in the morning. I didn’t bother answering the knock somehow wishing that it will just go away.

‘miss samantha? Wake up miss…you have a phone call from miss ria’

I recognized the voice of our housekeeper Mrs. Gruen from outside my room…a phone call from ria at 7 in the morning on a Saturday?? When she knew that she could have called me on my mobile phone. Wait…we were out drinking last night and we all went home late, why would she be calling me this early??

‘its okay mrs.gruen, I got it’ I called out and reached for the cordless phone on my bedside table ‘this better be good ria-san, you better have a good excuse for calling me at 7 am’ I groaned as I answered my bestfriend

‘sammie-san gomene for waking you up, but can we have breakfast together?’ ria said and I couldn’t decide whether she sounded happy or worried about something.

‘daijobu desu ka ria-san? Is your hangover worst than mine?’ I asked her as I carefully stepped out of my bed and moved to open the curtains in my room.

I squinted my eyes at the early morning sunlight danced across my room, it proved to be another warm sunny day in Tokyo and I planned to go biking or drive around the shopping district looking for the perfect buys, or go shopping for books or try out the flea market with my best buddies…looks like my dream of a quiet weekend just went down the drain hearing the worry in ria’s voice.

‘sammie-san I need to talk to you and aia’ ria said in a desperate whisper

I sighed and bid those plans goodbye ‘okay…where do you want to eat breakfast?’ I asked her as I grabbed my towel on the couch in my bedroom.

‘at the coffee shop…I’ll see you and aia in 30min, arigato Sammie-san’ she said hurriedly said  goodbye

‘did she just say 30min??’ I shouted in surprise. I’m not a miracle worker and there’s no way in hell that I’ll make it there in 30min.

‘goodbye plans for a quiet weekend…hello chaos!’ I said as I hurriedly took a shower

-45min later-

‘sammie-san you’re late!’ ria told me as I slid into the seat next to a sleepy aia who was yawning almost every minute

I gave ria a what I hope was an apologetic smile and took a sip from her latte ‘gomen. I tried to make it on time but its close to impossible ria-san’ I said as I called the attention of one of the waitresses ‘why don’t we order first and we can discuss whatever’s bothering you while we wait’

Aia nodded her agreement and yawned again ‘I’ll order first…im starving. I’ll have 2 french toast and a sausage and a café machiatto’

‘I’ll have chocolate chips pancake, a toast and black coffee’ I said as I leaned back on my chair

‘a chicken sandwich and another latte’ ria said as she waited for the waitress to leave before letting out another sigh

‘what’s up ria-san? You’ve been sighing non-stop since I got here’ aia asked our bestfriend who was beginning to turn into a nervous wreck these past few days.

I looked at her and noticed the dark circles around her eyes and she seemed restless about something, knowing her condition I know I too would feel the same. Being engaged to a man she barely knew wasn’t my cup of tea and I’d die first if ever my mom tries to pull that trick on me…

‘is it about cho kyuhyun?’ I asked in a whisper

She looked at both aia and I and nodded ‘hai…how do you feel of going to Seoul for the weekend?’ she asked as she handed us airline tickets

‘Seoul?? You mean Seoul, korea??’ aia asked in surprise as she checked the ticket

I just looked at her not sure of what to say ‘why are we needed there too ria-san? It should be between the 2 of you’

She sighed ‘ I have no idea, but im not going there alone…please girls you have to come with me’ she pleaded

Aia and I both looked at each other and we both knew we really didn’t have a choice but to come with her…

‘what time are we leaving?’ I asked ria with a smile seeing the relief on her face as she smiled back at me


‘im going to kill that dork when I see him’ ria grumbled as we walked around the busy corridors of Seoul Intl Airport.

I adjusted my bag and giggled ‘I see your prince charming now ria-san’ I told her with a grin as I pointed a certain direction of a princely looking guy in aviator shades walking towards us…


‘you! Cho kyuhyun!! Why didn’t you tell me that we have to go all the way to korea just to have a date??’ ria hissed

Cho kyuhyun looked at us, smiled then bowed to intoduce himself as if it was still necessary. We already knew who he was and him being a member of a well known boyband named super junior. After the brief introductions, he led us back to his  car for he said that he was with some of his hyungs, upon hearing that aia and I exchanged excited smiles…good looking guys J

‘look Sammie-san isn’t that Kim Heechul and Kim Jongwoon?’ aia told me in a whisper

I turned around and my eyes caught sight of a handsome, no I meant beautiful young man leaning beside a sports car with a psp in his hands. The word handsome wouldn’t be the proper adjective to describe him, he was downright beautiful.

‘kyuhyunnie….what do you have there?’ he asked ria’s fiancé as he stepped infront of me and much to my surprise he smiled and added ‘pretty…im heechul and you are?’

I bit my lip and tried not to roll my eyes…good looking men are playboys…! Too bad he was too beautiful…but one thing I hate is a pick up line from a playboy…he reeked of self-confidence and that annoyed me…

‘I’m afraid my name doesn’t come for free’ I told him

He just smiled and moved closer ‘I can pay beautiful’

His friend smiled apologetically at me and said ‘forgive him, he hasn’t taken his prescribed medicines lately’

‘I know a mentally challenged individual when I see one’ I retorted damn this would be one long weekend…I just wished I didn’t have to see kim heechul often, he irritated me to the point of no return.

I didn’t get what I wanted though for I found out that we were staying with them the whole weekend and to torture me even more the jerk sat beside me in the car…damn it!

‘why wont you give your name sammie-ah?’ he asked me with that smile of his that I found adorable the first time I saw him on tv…yes, as much as I hate  to admit…I had, repeat had a huge crush on this moron beside me

I rolled my eyes and faced him ‘only my friends are allowed to call me Sammie…and you are not one of those privileged few kim heechul…wakarimasuka??’

‘you’re right because im not your friend…I’ll be your namjachingu and you will be my yojachingu’ he said with a smile showing his beautiful white teeth

‘go  to freakin hell and never come back!’ I told him

He just chuckled and answered me again with a smile ‘I cant jagiya you’re not there’

I gave up trying to have an intelligent and decent conversation with this man, he was too full of himself…what did I get myself in to…


as promised the first chapter of the hate at first sight then blossomed into love..the story of sam and the handsome heechul of super junior :) comments..suggestions...are appreciated <3

^_^ hope you guys will like it :)

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@anj_yesung: i'm working on yesung's story :)thank you soo much for reading all of my stories...i'll have a sneak peak of his story on wookie's love story :)
im to next story.. woah.. haha im loving it.! :)
woah.. here i am on the 2nd part of the trilogy.. i already subscribe on all your fics.. but i dont think the 3rd part Yesung..? is it done or not yet.? haha excited :) coz Yesung is my bias ^^,
@suju26kamz: donghae is the next lead in my next story :) you can be eunhyuk's partner :) just give me a name and i'll work on it <3 thanks for the sweet comment...i'll keep on writing and i'll continue to share it :)
ah~~ it's so cute! i love it. i started to read it a week ago but i didn't have time to finish it quickly like your first story because of my studies. anyway, i really like it. it's so, so, so cute!! i was grinning so wide when i'm reading it. i can't stop myself, how can your story be so cute? hahaha! it's so great that you can share your stories with us. i'll read your other stories when i have time. thanks for sharing them to us.<br />
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~and yeah, can i make a request? can you do a eunhyuk story for me or donghae story? or maybe eunhae? lol. tnx ^^
It's so CUTE!! ^^<br />
great fan fiction!
darexvyn #7
Great fic! I can't wait to read the next one ^_^
awww theyre getting married! yay Leeteuk is getting a love story!!!!
thank you so much :) arigato :D im glad you liked the story..i'll write teukie's story next and yesung's too <3 <br />
keep reading...and i do need ideas for the names of their partners <3
Ur story was so cute... ♥<br />
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I enjoyed the little part of my bias Leeteuk (hehe Love him)<br />
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hope ur next story would be about him & then Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin.... all of them!!!<br />
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ur storoes are awesome!!! :D<br />