chapter 5

love you? a playboy like you?! never....


i'm in love...hell no i'm not :)

‘we kissed Sammie-san…it was unexpected..and I didn’t mean to love him, I really didn’t mean to’

I sighed as aia and I listened to ria early that morning. We were back in Tokyo and back to being students and hopefully back to normal.

I thought wrong…ria’s heartbroken and I couldn’t bring myself to forget about that jerk back in korea. After that lunch with his parents we didn’t talk much when we got home, he got what he wanted and all I got was a weary heart because of that kiss and the way he treated me. I couldn’t tell my friends yet what was going on or I wasn’t sure anymore of what’s the score between me and heechul. I mean nothing is going on really…we were back to being mortal enemies again after that Sunday and I left Seoul with the thought of plotting his murder the moment I have the chance to.

‘nothing is right or wrong when it comes to love ria-san’ I told ria as she continued to cry

I didn’t want to cry like her…damn that cho kyuhyun, if I see him I’m going to lose my head and he’s going to lose a couple of his teeth, and what did I just tell ria?? Nothing is right or wrong when it comes to love?? Ehh…since when did I become an expert of love?? !! Don’t tell me…no..hell no!! I didn’t fall in love with that moron?!!

‘kim heechul!! You’re a dead man!!’ I screamed in outrage making ria and aia cover their ears

‘what?? What are you talking about Sammie-san??’ aia asked me after my sudden outburst

Ria looked at me and I knew somehow she knew of my feelings ‘are you in love Sammie-san??’

‘who?? Me?? In love?? Never!’ I said and looked away

‘what happened last Sunday? What happened when you came back to Seoul after that date with heechul-oppa’ ria asked me

I sighed and started telling them what happened, I left the part that we kissed, I didn’t want to add more to ria’s burden…

‘he’s a playboy…he just used me so his parents would get off his back for awhile because of his affairs with numerous women’ I told them

Aia patted my hand and asked me ‘so you still hate him?’

I nodded ‘I hate him with a vengeance and I’ll be plotting his murder real soon and you guys will help me with it’

They both laughed at me, they were used to my threats but then again I was half sure that I’m going to find a way to make that plan come to reality…’should I hire assassins??’

‘iie…just get a gun and kill him, while you’re at it…find me another gun too..i’ll kill cho kyuhyun myself’

I looked at her and looked at aia ‘oohh getting violent aren’t we now?’

She just stuck her tongue out and told us that we should get going before we’d be late for our classes, looks like she’s really in love and that reminds me to murder the idiot who broke her heart. I moved to stand up when I saw aia mouthed that she’ll see me privately after our first class…

‘library…alone’ she mouthed and I nodded and gave them both hugs and a wave…

‘ill see you at lunch girls…’  I told them and went ahead

My first class proved to be a drag, usually I enjoy my classes but today I felt everything was a total bore. I looked around the noisy room and my classmates. We had a group of girls in the class that was a diehard fan of suju I gave them the nickname wallflower girls for they all had the same hairstyles, the same outfit, bags and even shoes…today they had knee high pink socks and they all had a big pink ribbon on their way, they reminded me of a rag doll at a toy store.

‘oohh heechul oppa is soo kakkoi and y!! I wish I’m the lucky girl he kissed’

That statement made me look at the wallflower girls intently…did they say kissed?? Don’t tell me that the media somehow took a picture of me and that moron kissing?!! Hell im going to make sure that jerk rot in hell if I saw that picture out on the world wide web for everyone to see…

‘do you know who the girl is??’ wallflower girl 2 asked

I sat there and tried to listen more to what they were saying and hoped against all hope that I’m not the girl they’re talking about…

‘oh? Her? She’s a Korean singer…’ wallflower girl 3 answered

I almost fell off the floor upon hearing what she said…what did I expect, he’s a playboy for crying out loud and that kiss we share probably meant nothing more. I looked outside the window as I tried to black out every noise inside the classroom and tried to focus on my breathing. I should’ve said no…I should’ve kept my distance from that idiot…

When the bell for the first period rang, I quickly grabbed my bag and hurriedly went out of our room and ran to the library to meet with aia. I didn’t want to cry but I could feel the tears starting to fall. I found myself sitting at our favorite spot inside the college library, it over looked part of the campus and it was between shelves of history books and most students never went thru that area…

I inhaled the smell of books and dropped my bag on the floor and slumped down…I had my head over knees and slowly, ever so slowly I let my tears fall…

‘damn you…I so hate you kim heechul’ I whispered

I knew from the start that what we had was nothing, I meant nothing to him and that kiss should’ve never happen…playboys should really rot in hell. I wiped my tears and got my phone from my jacket…

‘aia san I’m at our favorite spot in the library…ato de’ I texted her that and put the phone in my bag and applied an eyeliner and face I waited for her.

I was about to stretch my arms when my phone rang, I quickly got it from inside my was an unregistered number…

‘hello? Dare desu ka?’ I asked

‘sammie-ah it’s me yesung’

I raised my eyebrow…now why would yesung oppa call me ‘oppa…hello, umm-do you want aia’s number?’ I asked him

He laughed and said ‘sammie-ah I know her number, I called her a few min ago and asked for your number’

‘oh alright…is there something wrong yesung-oppa? You sound funny’ I told him finally noticing the weird tone of his voice ‘are you sick oppa?’

‘aniyo Sammie-ah…im, well…im kinda drunk’

‘drunk?? This early?? Why?’ I asked…so that explains his funny voice

He was about to say something when I heard a familiar voice on the background ‘are you drinking with heechul??’

He then gave off a laugh which I translated to a yes and without any warning a familiar voice was talking to me on the other line

‘sammie-ah…I miss you’

I blushed as I heard him say that and I knew just by the sound of that voice it was no other than the man who was responsible for my sudden misery.

‘you idiot! Why are you drinking this early?? And why did yesung oppa call?’ I hissed at him ‘weirdo’

‘why are you always mad at me Sammie-ah?? Why can’t you like me even once?’ he said and I could hear him hiccupping on the background ‘I’m not drunk yo-bo’

I rolled my eyes and forced my heart to stop feeling weird…like duhh as if I can, if I can only tell my heart to stop beating erratically everytime this moron talks or looks at me I would. If only I can…

‘whatever…you’re drunk, you sound like one and remember this…I don’t talk to drunks and drunks cant be trusted…’ I told him


‘I’m not your honey…go talk to a Korean actress or a singer, I’ve done my part…’ I almost shouted before I saw aia and just ended the call not bothering to wait for his response ‘’

‘who was that Sammie-san?’

‘an imbecile from south korea…you probably know him’

She smiled and didn’t ask for further information but sat beside me ‘we need to go back to Seoul’ she announced as if the place she said was just a bus ride away

‘can we ride a car going to that place you’re talking about?? Wait…seoul?? As in Seoul the capital of south korea?? What for?’ I asked her

‘for ria…we neeed to find something out, do you know about a Park Haneul??’

I shook my head ‘is that a name of a certain park in korea or is that a name of a person?’ I asked as I got one of the books across the shelves…it didn’t make any sense to me why do we still have to go back to korea ‘tell me…why? And who is park haneul?’

She sighed and took a picture out of her bag and I recognized the guy, it was cho kyuhyun kissing another girl ‘the ex girlfriend, we need to talk to her…ria loves kyuhyun-san’

‘aia-san we have no right to interfere…if we do talk to this haneul girl or whoever she is what do we tell her??  Stay away from kyuhyun?? We cant do that’ I argued

She sighed again and nodded ‘I know you’re right…I just cant stand seeing ria cry like that’

‘I cant stand it either…but the only thing we can do is be there for her…she needs all the support we can give her’

‘her wedding is near…and that jerk is still in love with his ex’ I added

We both remained silent, lost in our own thoughts. I was thinking about ria and kyuhyun…and as much as I’d like to forget about what heechul said earlier I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. He has become special to me no matter how hard I try to deny it, the playboy found his way into my heart.

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@anj_yesung: i'm working on yesung's story :)thank you soo much for reading all of my stories...i'll have a sneak peak of his story on wookie's love story :)
im to next story.. woah.. haha im loving it.! :)
woah.. here i am on the 2nd part of the trilogy.. i already subscribe on all your fics.. but i dont think the 3rd part Yesung..? is it done or not yet.? haha excited :) coz Yesung is my bias ^^,
@suju26kamz: donghae is the next lead in my next story :) you can be eunhyuk's partner :) just give me a name and i'll work on it <3 thanks for the sweet comment...i'll keep on writing and i'll continue to share it :)
ah~~ it's so cute! i love it. i started to read it a week ago but i didn't have time to finish it quickly like your first story because of my studies. anyway, i really like it. it's so, so, so cute!! i was grinning so wide when i'm reading it. i can't stop myself, how can your story be so cute? hahaha! it's so great that you can share your stories with us. i'll read your other stories when i have time. thanks for sharing them to us.<br />
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~and yeah, can i make a request? can you do a eunhyuk story for me or donghae story? or maybe eunhae? lol. tnx ^^
It's so CUTE!! ^^<br />
great fan fiction!
darexvyn #7
Great fic! I can't wait to read the next one ^_^
awww theyre getting married! yay Leeteuk is getting a love story!!!!
thank you so much :) arigato :D im glad you liked the story..i'll write teukie's story next and yesung's too <3 <br />
keep reading...and i do need ideas for the names of their partners <3
Ur story was so cute... ♥<br />
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I enjoyed the little part of my bias Leeteuk (hehe Love him)<br />
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hope ur next story would be about him & then Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin.... all of them!!!<br />
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ur storoes are awesome!!! :D<br />