
Perhaps Love

They say that you can't have everything you want in life. People you love just come and go. But what if it was suddenly taken away from you?


"WAAAAAH!!" the girls screamed outside of our front gates as I peeked out of our window. I can't believe these people. Can't they do something good in their life? They've been there for 3  hours now. I sat down to eat my breakfast but was destroyed by more screaming.

"JINKI OPPA SARANGHAE!" they shouted like crazy fans do when they see their favorite idol. "Urgh!  Can't you do something about them?" I asked my butler sarcastically. "Mianhe, young master. Our bodyguards have tried to make them go away, but the fans still stayed there." He answered. I can't believe this. My mother left me alone here in Seoul and now give me this kind of security. "There are only like 15 girls out there, and you can't make them disappear?" I scolded back. "Well some of them are not pure girls, young master." I gave him a confused look that suddenly made me lose my appetite.

"Onew Oppa, Saranghae!" a man's voice came from behind. There's only one person who will call me that. I looked up to see if my guess was right. Jonghyun came up to me smirking.

"Yah! Don't tell me you're my fan too." I told him as I stood up and punched him lightly in his right arm.

"Psh! Nice crowd you got there." He looked at me with a smirk. I gave him a confused look and smirked. I don't know what's good about having crazy fans staying in front of your house.

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you don't like being as perfect as me. At least now, I won't be the only one having all the girls follow me."he said as he rest his arms on my shoulder.

"Oh just shut it. I'm having a hard time thinking on how could i get out of this place." I glared at him.

"Yah! You and your dumb head." he said trying to push towards the back of the house. I suddenly stopped my tracks and put my palm on my face. "You forgot it, didn't you" he said as he give me a I-know-you-so-well look. Aish! how can I forget that we have a backdoor!

"Young master, you will be riding with the bod-" my butler said as he was cut off by Jonghyun.

"No need sir. I will ride with him, so that he will learn the direction going to Kirin U."

"O-Okay as long as I'll drive in my Cadillac" I told him patting his shoulder as I continue walking through the back door avoiding complains from him.


We drove through the city, as he did mostly of the talking. well I wasn't really paying attention to him. I just really need to get to Kirin U.

"So the only thing you should remember now is go straight when you pass the EXO cafe, arasso?" He said looking at me.


"Yah! Are you even listening to me?" he said as he poked my shoulder.

"Huh? Oh yeah sure." I said as i snapped out of reality.

"Never mind." H said as he settle back and relaxed himself on the car. "So, I was wondering why are you awake so early since it is a school day." he said looking at me for an answer.

I looked at him with an innocent look. Is he really a stalker? How come he knows about her? "Uhmm you know. the fans had been screaming outside for like forever." I tried it for an excuse.

"REALLY??" he said as he neared his face at me with really big eyes. "Or is it because of her. Don't think that I don't know about her. Do you think it is a good idea. Do you think she still has feelings for you?"

'I don't know. But what I know is I'm going to try it again' I thought to myself. There was a complete silence in the car. Before I knew it, we already arrive at Kirin U. I quickly got my stuffs and got out of the car, ignoring Jonghyun.

I was about to walk away when I heard a crash behind my car and a voice groaning in pain. I looked back seeing my Cadillacs' front lights flashing and the alarms on. I walked to the back of the car, and can't believe the view in front of me.



So hey this is my first chapter. yeah I know it and it's boring but I'll make sure to make better chapters :))

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Pretty good.
Please continue.! [[;
omnomnomcereal #3
It's good so far(:

Can't wait for the next chapter!~