Welcome Party {Part 2}

The Lie Hurts, but then Truth Kills

*Mini Flashback* (When Ryeowook and Amy was sitting inside the party talking)
~Ryeowook POV~

My heart was pounding as I heard those three lovely words coming out of Amy’s mouth; I was so happy that I couldn’t help myself as I whisper back to her “I love you too.” But as I look up across the room I saw Seohyun. My heart stopped, what is wrong with me! I am with Seohyun now I can’t be unfaithful to her, when she was always there for me. I have to shake this feeling off, I LOVE SEOHYUN….!! I said it in my mind over and over again.

"Ryeowook are you ok?” Amy said with a worried look on her face, as she reached and hold on to my hand.

"Ya I am fi-ne… great…!!” I said as I stuttered my words a little. But then Amy didn’t buy it one bit.

"Ryeowook don’t try to lie to me I’ve known you too long to not know when you are lying to me or not la”

"No, really Amy I am fine I was just thinking of how pretty you look tonight.” Trying to change the topic, but she did look very beautiful in her hint of pink dress.
It was strapless that had little shinny bead works across the edges, the dress was made out of silk like fabric that flow all the way down with a cut on the side and laces coming out from the split. On the side of her waist was a white fluffy ribbon to make the dress stand out. She really looks like a princess out of a fairy tale.

"Thanks Wookie, I was hoping that you would like it, I thought you didn’t notice.” She smiled happily as I smiled back; my face turned a bit red and started feeling a bit hot.

I then notice Seohyun stepping outside with her face bright red. “Amy I am going to step out for a little bit for some fresh air, you rest a little bit and I will be back later.” I was worried about Seohyun, why was her face that red? I slowly walked across the room as I got to the big glass door I saw a drunk Kyuhyun and Seohyun talking. I wanted to go to her but my legs stopped. And what I saw and heard….
Why did this happen……

*End of Flashback* (end of Ryeowook POV)

{Back to the Party}

Back inside the party was filled with people talking and dancing. Amy felt bored just sitting around so she got up and started to walk towards the garden glass door to get some fresh air too, there was just too many people that made her feel hot and stuffy. As Amy reaches the door she saw Ryeowook running past her, she manages to catch a glance of Ryeowook's face as the tears blew off his eyes.
Amy was confused and ran outside to see on the floor was a fainted Seohyun and Kyuhyun holding her in his arm with a kiss. She also notices Heechul running off into the garden, but she didn’t care what was really going on and quickly turn back around trying to catch up with Ryeowook.

After around 30 minute of running, Ryeowook was finally out of breath and fell to the ground. All around him was darkness and his only light was the stars in the sky. He then started to punch the grass on the ground, till his hand started to bleed. He didn’t feel much pain in his hand as he lay on the grass starring into the clear sky with his thoughts.
In Ryeowook mind he wasn’t really mad, he kind of knew in his heart that him and Seohyun was missing something that was not love, he slowly tries to understand his pain and confusing relationship.

"RYEOWOOK WHERE ARE YOU…” he heard someone yelling his name as he sat up, he knew that voice. About a block or two away he could kind of see an Amy figure, she seems to be out breath as well.

Then out of nowhere Ryeowook could see two guys walking towards Amy. His heart started to hurt and started to run towards her. Mean while Amy didn’t notice the two guys coming in front of her, because she was trying to catch her breath from running all that time looking for Ryeowook.

Amy then realizes someone was in front as she slowly looked up. “I don’t know you guys” she said and started to back way. She was very scared with tears in her eyes, as they slowly walk closer.

"Hey don’t worry princess we don’t bite much, do you want us to comfort you tonight” one of the guys said with smiles on their faces.

Amy was very scared “RYEOWOOK HELP ME…” she yelled, at that time all she could think about was Ryeowook as she started tearing. She knew that was stupid to just call out in the middle of nowhere.

"Who is this Ryeo-wo-ok guy? He isn’t your boyfriend now, don’t worry we will be your boyfriend and take good care of you sweetheart. Let’s stop these tears first.” The other guy said with a smirk on his face.

"Don’t you dare touch her!” a deep voice coming from the back. Ryeowook's face had a very scary mad look, from hearing what kind of they were saying to Amy earlier.
The two guys looked at the angry Ryeowook with his hand closed tightly making a fist in both hands, they also notice that it was bleeding on one side of his hand, and got kind of scared. “You’re lucky we don’t want to fight today” as they slowly turn around and walk away.

During the mean time Amy was shock to see Ryeowook so mad, she has never seen this side of him, but she was so happy to see him as her tears flow out, he looked so manly and handsome.

"I don’t think I can let you walk away like this…!! After what you said to Amy” Ryeowook said with a very deep mad voice. The guys turn around to look at Ryeowook in shock and this time they ran for it.

After Amy seeing the two guys running, Ryeowook felt Amy’s arms around his waist hugging him tightly and also started to feel his back getting a little bit wet. Ryeowook turned around looking down at Amy’s face with tears coming out; his heart couldn’t stop beating faster just by looking at her and it hurts him so much just knowing she was in danger.

Amy tried to stop herself from tearing and looked at Ryeowook's hand. “Ryeowook your hand is bleeding yo-.” Amy couldn’t finish what she wanted to say.

At that moment Ryeowook couldn’t control himself anymore he knew the one he really love was not Seohyun, it was Amy all along, he finally understand!
Ryeowook pulls Amy up and forced a deep passionate kiss, Ryeowook slip his tongue into Amy’s mouth. Amy was shocked to see Ryeowook like this, she tired to break free with a soft push, but at the same time she enjoyed every minute of it and like this new side of Ryeowook that she has never seen before. “Mm…” Amy let out a very soft moan. Ryeowook then slowly backed Amy to the wall while their tongue dance around their mouth and not letting any air going in or out.
Finally after 5minute later Amy breaks free from the kiss and gasp for air, and Ryeowook also realizes what he was doing.
Ryeowook looked at Amy’s face and said “Amy I love you, I knew it in my heart you were the only one for me, whenever I am with or without you my heart started to hurt. At first I didn’t want to be unfaithful to Seohyun but now I think we both understand who we really love, I love you Amy can we start all over again?”

Amy was speechless as she looked into Ryeowook's eyes and nods her head. While she was nodding her head she saw Ryeowook hands once again, “Wookie does it hurt? It is still bleeding.”

"No it doesn’t hurt not as much pain knowing that you were in danger, that feeling kills me even more.” as he lift up his hand up looking at the cut that he had done to himself.

"Let me try to heal it all better.” Amy said taking Ryeowook's hand to her cheek holding it softly and placed it gently on her face. Ryeowook could feel her warmth coming from her hand and face, his heart beated ever so fast but this time it was not painful. Ryeowook leaned in closer and said to Amy. “Just with your kiss I will fully recover, I just need you.”

They both smiled as they kiss and stay out that whole night watching the stars.

{Outside the Garden}

Meanwhile Heechul was making his escape from Kyuhyun and Seohyun earlier; he made his way into the garden and notices someone talking.

"Sungmin stay away from Amy, she is not like your other girls you can play with.” Yesung said with an angry voice starring right at Sungmin face.

"What are you talking about? Can’t I be in love with her? She is cute, pretty, and I don’t think I am playing around. I think we will be great together don’t you think?" Sungmin said with a smirk on his cute face and smiled evilly.

"And I think she is the one that is hitting on me and I am just going along with her. So that mean we both know what we are doing, don’t you worry big brother Yesung of Amy’s trying to protect your baby sister.” Sungmin added as he turns around to walk away waving his hand at Yesung.

Yesung slowly walked up to Sungmin grabbing him on one side of the shoulder holding it tightly and whispered into his ears with a deep mad voice. “If you dare or even attempt to hurt my Amy, I will kill you! Take that as a warning, no one can touch her other than me, Amy is mine!”

"Oh… now how interesting Yesung I’ve never seen this before, then we will have to see because as of right now I’m really interested and love Amy even more. I think I need to make her mine now. She really is something, Yesung thank you for showing me that. Amy is someone that I must have….” Sungmin said with an evil smirk and a smile on his face saying, let the games begin.

Both Yesung and Sungmin looked at each other in the eye with a death aura around them. While Heechul was hidden around the tree listening to them having a fight, but then he couldn’t hear what Yesung said to Sungmin last so he didn’t totally understand what the fight was about. “So Sungmin likes Amy.” Heechul said in his mind as he slowly make his runaway once again, but this time without anyone finding out he was there.

"Wow tonight I have saw and heard a lot of interesting things……” Heechul said with big smiles on this face as he took a deep breathe and said “this is going to be fun.”

{Guest Room}
(After 1 hour later finally Seohyun woke up)

Seohyun slowly opened her eyes with her head still in pain, she blinks a few times trying to figure out where she was. She then pulled herself up from the bed and saw Kyuhyun standing at the door. Then Seohyun eyes widen with Ryeowook in her mind.

"RYEOWOOK….. Where is he….!!! I need to find him it is my entire fault, what am I do-in---- I-I need to fin-d hi--.” Seohyun said as she started to feel very dizzy again from the rush of thoughts.

"Seohyun don’t try to move that much, you just woke up from fainting. You need to take it slowly, please just stay down for a few minutes then get up.” Kyuhyun said in a calm voice as he holds on to her hands.

Seohyun slowly sat up with her head down sliding her hands away from Kyuhyun hands. Kyuhyun quickly sat on the bed and grabbed her hands; Seohyun looked up as they both starred into each other eyes.

"Kyuhyun I-I can’t do this…. I don’t thi-nk we should see each other…. I have hurt Ryeowook too much right now, so can you please leave me.” Seohyun said with tears falling on both of our hands.

"Seohyun what happen to us right now….. Pl-please don’t run away from it, I love you and I-I know you love me too. So let’s just find Ryeowook and clear this up like adults.” This time Kyuhyun voice started to shake a bit. He places his hand on her face to wipe the tears that was falling on their hands.

"But then how can I be so selfish and only think about us, even though I know the one I love is not him I still can’t hurt him…. Ryeowook is my best friend and my boy-boyfriend; I am the one that betray him in both. All I want right now is him to be ok and that he can forgive me.”

"But Seohyun you don’t love him…….!”

"Pl-please stop-p…..!! You’re right I don’t love him that way, the one I love is in front of me I love you Kyuhyun but then can you please try to understand how I feel….. Can you plea-se pl-lease leave me.”

"Ok Seohyun I will leave you right now. But just to let you know I am not giving up, I know that we will be together sooner or later, you will realize it.”
Kyuhyun left the room leaning on the door and Seohyun on the bed. They both started to cry.

"Why did this happen…..!!” they both said.


I hope that everyone likes my story so far …T.T I feel like it is boring.
Please give me comment so I can improve on my story ~ o ~
Your comment is important to me right now<3

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@meggy15990: thank you 4 liking my story and ur comment is making me work hard n keep me going. there is alt of drama in seokyu lol but then u will have to wait n c what will happen.<br />
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@TrannLennaa: i will try to up-date soon n thanks 4 reading ^.^
updateeee soon~ always supporting ur story~ please try reading my sstory~ its called 'better not to know' ^^
it was great seokyu story.. and i love it so much... juast keep writing... cuz i always curious about this story...
@TrannLennaa: thz 4 reading i will up-date soon ^.^<br />
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@luckyme176: hmm.... mayb it will b seokyu or yoonkyu or mayb both lol u will just have to c....xD thz 4 ur comment ^.^
I was wondering if this is going to be seokyu or yoonkyu? but i love them both, so it's fine with me. :)) Update soon!
Update sooooooooon~
@meggy15990: thz 4 reading n ur comment means a lot to me...i will try to up-date soon <3
keep update... i'm so curious....
seokyu couple.... i love it... love love love
@Yesungkiee: i hope u will like my story and thanks 4 reading. yesung will b in this story soon.<br />
ps...but in my story he is kind of creepy la lol.... but i like his cute creepy way lol ~big fan of K.R.Y & D.S~