The Arrival~*

The Lie Hurts, but then Truth Kills

{Seoul Airport}

Seohyun waits for Amy's Arrival; she glances at her cell phone.

"Amy said she'll be here at 2 o’clock, and now it's already 2:37 she should have been here by now?" Seohyun thought and starting to get worry if she gotten the wrong time or not.

Meanwhile Ryeowook knew that Amy was coming back, he knew the time and location from Seohyun, but he just couldn't resist not going to the airport and see Amy with his own eyes. As Ryeowook enters the airport he sees Seohyun appearance in the arrival area sitting on the bench waiting for Amy, he stares at a distance waiting, without letting anyone know he was there aswell.

Seohyun was having a headache since this morning and feels like she's getting a fever, as she ignores the pain and goes into deep thoughts thinking about Amy's words in the past.

~Seohyun Flashback~
{2 year ago}

It was exactly 2 year ago, Amy and I were both in the same airport where I'm at right now, I was there with her while waiting for her plane, that moment was still clear in my mind.

"Amy, why are you leaving?" I asked "Ryeowook's going to be heartbroken."

"My stepfather, he's moving his business to Canada and... yeah my mum and I are also moving there with him"

"Won't you miss Ryeowook... You do know how much you mean to him right? You're his first love and his best friend." I said trying to make Amy listen to me and stay.

"Look, I'm different than him, we practically in two planets; he's too nice to me. I don't wish to break his heart though. I know we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I still have to leave with my family. Seohyun you have to understand I can’t stay even if I wanted too."

"Please, don't leave! He needs you." I started to tear up.

"I have to... I think it's the best for both of us. He'll soon forget me anyways." Amy said with a half smile and turned her head way from me.

"How can you say that? Do you know how much you mean to him, He loves you, it'll take his heart forever to heal and forget about you!"

"If that's what it takes, then their is nothing I can do about it, let time do the healing itself. Seohyun, I want you to always be there to support me when making my own decisions, also I want you to support Ryeowook, you’re one of his closest friends. So take care of him for me..."

~End of flashback~


Seohyun shakes off her awful memory of that day and switches the topic, her head started hurting, she hadn't eaten anything. Yesterday at the dinner table she hardly touched her food because the thought of Kyuhyun frustrated her. She thought of Kyuhyun and realizes that he still hasn't called her yet. She continuously checks her phone, checking if Kyuhyun had called her or not.

~Ryeowook POV~

As I was stand far enough waiting I thought to myself, leaning beside the airports poster with my head up in the ceiling lights.

Why am I doing this, just to see Amy, and she's only my "friend"…now….

Why am I so gutless, how come I have to hide and not face her like a man.

Why do I care so much?

Why couldn't I just go there and wait with Seohyun, but instead I have to hide.

I am a cowardly man. I sighed and felt horrible. I made a fist and hit the poster right beside me. With all the thoughts of WHY AM I HERE…


It was 2 year ago, Seohyun and I said our farewells to Amy, leaving to Canada.
I suggested going to buy coffee for the both of them.
As I made my way back, I see Seohyun sniffing in tears and Amy with a sad smile that looked apologetic.

"Seohyun , why are you crying?"

"Nothing... Umm. I'm just upset that Amy is leaving already, us three had been friends for like forever, along with that both of you are going to be separate, and it seems like it's coming to an end." She wept.

"You'll be back right?" I asked Amy looking in her eyes for one last time till we meet again.

"Of course and we'll always remain in contact." She looked at me and was now holding on to my hand. It was time for her to leave. I didn't want to let go of her hand, all that time she'd been with me will all be wash away in time. I didn't want that to happen.

I wanted us to last forever,
I wanted to stay by her side,
I wanted to embrace her even more,
I wanted to love her.

"I love you, Amy"

"I love you too, Ryeowook." She gently placed her soft warm lips on mine for one last time, till we see each other again.
I hear Seohyun sobbing, it must be like watching a sad drama movie for her.

This was the last time; I'd be able to feel her...

She then let's go of me, and I already feel alone and gloomy like my world was coming to an end. She slowly glides her way through the gates.

"I'll come for you, I swear." I yelled

"Ryeowook, I... adore you, I'll be waiting!" She tilts her head.

Tears started to stream down my face. I didn’t want to show my weak side, but then I couldn’t stop my emotion from overfilling of not seeing her anymore.

Her image slowly fades away as she slowly disappears into the gate and I can’t see her sight anymore. At that very moment my heart just seems like it has stop, telling me that it's all going to be over, this is the ending, a sad ugly ending.

Every day, that had pass by grew pain on me, I suffered without Amy's presence.
Thank goodness Seohyun was there to support me. Just talking on the phone with Amy was not enough, still I needed more I needed her touch, her words, I wanted to see her.

As soon as school year was over, I decided to fly to Canada, to see her.

I can't forget that day I arrived at Canada and what I saw.


I saw my Amy with another guy. They were making out. My heart seem as though it got pierce by ten thousand knives. I felt hopeless. Like someone had just thrown all my hope and feelings away.

"Ryeowook, I'm sorry, but how'd you expected us to still remain as a couple when we're apart from each other all across the world. I am very sorry Ryeowook but then we can’t be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore causes we are simply too far apart. I didn’t want to hurt you but then we can only be friends… I do hope you will understand one day. We are friend’s right?” Amy said with little smile on her face.

I knew it, all this time I was being stupid.

In my heart, I knew "forever" was too strong of an word for us, but I still fraught and believed that we were meant to be together forever, I thought we were soul mates for life .

That day at the airport should've been clear to me.
But I was too naive and stupid to think she would actually wait for me...

~End of Flashback~

Just then I see a familiar figure walking out. It was Amy. I right away took myself to the telephone booth. She looked just like I remember, she seemed casual but she looked... pretty with her beautiful smile that I love the most. She always has a smiling face. Her hair was straight, copper coloured, she had a on a brown hair band, with a big brown bow that has shinny stone on it. She was wearing a light pink mini skirt, white see through shirt with a pink tank top inside that looked very beautiful, and to tie it up with pink and brown small heel sandals. As Amy wave her hand to Seohyun coming slowly across the gate.

I could see Seohyun approaching her. There was this woman who looked like her mum, a man I figured her new stepfather and a young boy walks up along the gateway aswell???? I recognized who he was; he goes to the same school as me, Yesung, the guy who’s dating Yoona. What's he doing here?

I manage to hear Amy's voice from a distance; I slowly turn hiding my face with a magazine.

"SEOHYUN!" Her voice was so loud and bright.

"OMIGOD OMIGOD!!!! AMY!!!" The two of them clashed into a hug.

"OMIGOD! You, look great!! I MISS YOU SO MUCHIE" Amy said tearing of joy to Seohyun.

"You. too! I missed you sooooooo much!"

After they break from their hug Seohyun stares at Amy's company.

"Oh let me introduce." Amy pointed out.

"This is my mom which you already know," Amy giggled
Seohyun greeted Amy's mum.

"And… this is my, um new step-father."
Seohyun greeted him as well.

"And this is my new step-brother, Yesung, whom I just met." She turned around to Yesung.

"Hi, step-brother I am your new step-sister so please be nice to me." Amy said with a bright smiling face that looked priceless.

Seohyun seems to also recognize who he is as well.

"I know him, he goes to my school." Seohyun said with a fake smile on her face.

"Hello, Seohyun." Yesung said flashing a smile and wink.

"I never knew you had my beautiful step-sister as a friend" He said winking to Amy.

"I was never your step-sister until last week, silly." Amy broke out with a smile with a little blush on her face. Why do i feel like they were flirting with each other?

I saw her parents leave for what I can hear to a party, and left the kids to hang out.

"Hey, since I just came back, I want to see how much Seoul had change since I left." Amy said and interlocking her arm around Seohyun and Yesung arms from each side. Both of them nodded their heads saying “ok.”

"You guys want to cruise around Downtown Seoul." Yesung suggested.

The three of them went off. I don't know why but I had the urge to tag along with them.

{Downtown Seoul}
~Amy's POV~

As we arrived to our destination, Yesung asked if anybody was hungry.

"You guys wanna grab something to eat?" As he was staring at me with his cute and somewhat creepy look in his eyes.

"Sure…! I am kind of hungry the food on the flight wasn’t good at all " I said, as he was touching the bow on my hair band, it along fiddling with my hair as I was giggling, I didn't mind him doing that. From the corner of my eye, I see Seohyun staring uncomfortably, her head seemed to be hurting.

"Seohyun, you okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a light headache."

~Narrator POV~

Ryeowook was across the street staring at Yesung and Amy. He felt his heart skip a beat as he look at both of them being so friendly together… and started to wonder why… it kind of hurt? He also saw the pain in Seohyun's eyes. 'Is she okay, I'm a horrile boyfriend for having Seohyun suffer and I am just standing here doing nothing.' Ryeowook thought.

Yesung brought the two to this really fancy and cute ice-cream parlour.

They all got ice-cream and fries.

Seohyun, got Strawberry frozen yogurt, Yesung got cookie dough. Amy got strawberry ice cream with a cherry on top.

As they were eating, suddenly Seohyun saw Kyuhyun walking in with Heechul and Hankyung.

"Kyuhyun, Omigod. Why are you guys here" Seohyun asks.

"Yo!" Yesung greeted the guys with a nod.

"Why, you don't want us to be here?" Heechul said smiling clinging on to Kyuhyun and Hankyung.

"Noooo... I'm just surprise an a little shock to see you guys here that is all." She said turning a light red on her whole face.

Heechul and Hankyung walks and takes a seat right next to us. Meanwhile Kyuhyun goes up to buy ice-cream.

"Who's this pretty young lady over there?" Hankyung said to Seohyun and Yesung, Heechul tugged him closer by the arm making a puff face.

"Hi I'm Amy, I just came back from Canada, and you’ll be seeing me in school soon."

"I'm Hankyung and that's Heechul" Hankyung introduced the boys. "Oh and him over there is Kyuhyun."

"Nice to meet you guys" Amy greeted politely.

Seohyun got up to take some napkin for the group.

~Seohyun's POV~

"Can I get one strawberry frozen yogurt, chocolate mint, and super kid with sprinkles and peanuts." Kyuhyun said smiling to the waitress, he then paused and noticed me standing behind him.

"Hey." he said, his voice was so calm and gentle.

"Hi," I reply with a soft and shy voice.
I wanted to ask him why he didn’t call me, but I was too gutless.

"Oh Ya… I wanted to call you last night but I couldn't, because my cell phone went for a swim and die on me after that. So I ended up getting a new cell phone today, right now I don’t have anyone’s number in it.” He reached in his pocket and grabbed out a new Blackberry and handed me the phone.
My heart started to race again... wow he readed my mind.

"Here is your order." The lady passed the tray to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun nods at the order and then stares at me.

"Strawberry?" I looked at one of the cups.

"Yeah, I couldn't have mine, yesterday... I saw you eating yours and I got jealous. He lowers his head to mine.” So I got it today, just to share the same taste with you." He beamed.

My heart flutter, my head was light, his head was now touching mine, and he was staring at me. I gripped on to his phone still holding it secure. Does he likes me?

"Well, aren't you going to insert your number?" He lifted his head back up from mine with a smirk on his face.

I could feel my face turning flaming red. My headache from this morning came back. My hand starts shaking touching the keys; Kyuhyun out of nowhere grabs my hands.

"Are you okay, you're shaking quite a bit and your face is really red? Are you running a fever?"

I feel myself trembling into Kyuhyun's arms.

{Scene with Amy and Yesung}
~Amy's POV~

"What's taking Seohyun so long with the napkins?" I asked in a soft voice.

Yesung takes a look.

"Looks like she and Kyuhyun has something going on."

He started breaking out with a little laugh.

"What are you laughing at la?" I asked confused.

"Haeehehe. There's some ice cream on your face." He said through giggles.

I dab my finger across my mouth and my finger.

"It's still there."He sniggers more.

"WHERE, I CAN'T SEE! I wish I had a mirror with me rite now.” I made this cute puff out face.

He lightly touches the area above my lips with his fingers and wipes it off, he then his finger.

"Hmmm… pretty sweet, what did you order again? I should have gotten the same thing as yours too."

I began to blush.
That was quite spine-chilling of his action, but I got to admit, very seductive act.


I turn around and see what was the yelling was about.
I see Seohyun collapsed into Kyuhyun's arm.
We all run toward them.
I pat her head slowly
"Seohyun are you okay?" I shake her lightly.
I felt her head. She was definitely running a fever.

"Aaamm-y-yyyeeee." She whisper and got up, Kyuhyun still securing her tightly.

"I think you're having a high fever, let me to take you home?"

"It's okay I'm fine myself, I don't want to bother you guys."

“I’ll take you home." Kyuhyun suddenly put forward.

"But, Kyu we're supposed to meet, Sunny and Tiffany afterwards" Heechul moaned.

"I'll come later. Or I'll just see them at school tomorrow."

"Buut-t-t..." Heechul was cut off by Hankyung. "It’s okay just go, I'll tell the girls" He gave Heechul the *shut-up already* look.

"Kyuhyun, you don't have to do this." Seohyun said in a weak voice.

"Don't worry, I want to."

~Ryeowook's POV~

OMG…! Seohyun just fainted and why is that Kyuhyun guy there. I'm supposed to be the one over there holding on to Seohyun. I'm a spineless loser. Why was Yesung flirting with Amy when he already has Yoona? I wanted to run over there to support Seohyun, but I can't reveal myself. I see Kyuhyun lift Seohyun gently on his back and walks out of the parlour. They then got into his car. I banged my fist into the pole.

Should I follow Seohyun, or I stay and continue to watch over Amy with Yesung?


But I had too I am tried to shorten it but then I need to explain each character and detail is somewhat needed……

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@meggy15990: thank you 4 liking my story and ur comment is making me work hard n keep me going. there is alt of drama in seokyu lol but then u will have to wait n c what will happen.<br />
<br />
@TrannLennaa: i will try to up-date soon n thanks 4 reading ^.^
updateeee soon~ always supporting ur story~ please try reading my sstory~ its called 'better not to know' ^^
it was great seokyu story.. and i love it so much... juast keep writing... cuz i always curious about this story...
@TrannLennaa: thz 4 reading i will up-date soon ^.^<br />
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@luckyme176: hmm.... mayb it will b seokyu or yoonkyu or mayb both lol u will just have to c....xD thz 4 ur comment ^.^
I was wondering if this is going to be seokyu or yoonkyu? but i love them both, so it's fine with me. :)) Update soon!
Update sooooooooon~
@meggy15990: thz 4 reading n ur comment means a lot to me...i will try to up-date soon <3
keep update... i'm so curious....
seokyu couple.... i love it... love love love
@Yesungkiee: i hope u will like my story and thanks 4 reading. yesung will b in this story soon.<br />
ps...but in my story he is kind of creepy la lol.... but i like his cute creepy way lol ~big fan of K.R.Y & D.S~