Frozen Yogurt

The Lie Hurts, but then Truth Kills

{Seohyun’s House}

"Amy's coming back to Seoul tomorrow. She’s going back to school."
... ... ...

"Whaa-t-t-t-t-t?" Ryeowook stuttered trying to find his words.

"She's coming back from Canada tomorrow... back to school with us. She told me that she'll call me later tonight because she's too busy packing."

"Whhhy-y-y?" Ryeowook was so stunned.

"HHEEEEE HAAA HEEEEE" Ryeowook was having an asthma attack.

"RYEOWOOK!!!!!!! HELP!!" She immediately grabbed Ryeowook's bag and poured everything out.
She found his inhaler and panicked in terror.

"HOW MANY PUFFS!?" Seohyun yelled with tears streaming down her face.
Lisa ran upstairs to see what happened and was shocked. "I'll go call the doctor!" She ran back down the stairs to use the phone.

"NOW!" Seohyun shouted, still alarmed.
Ryeowook was lying on the ground and reached up with two fingers, still breathing raggedly. Seohyun was shaking, but managed to push two puffs into Ryeowook's mouth. She instantly erupted into tears after seeing Ryeowook breathing properly again.

"I'M SO SORRUYY." She sobbed. "I'm horrible. Ryeowook?" She continued to sob and placed her head on Ryeowook's heart to feel if it was still beating.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have told you that she was coming back, and I'm terribly stupid for not knowing how many puffs. I'm sorry and I did not want to lose you and I'm soooo…Gahh" She managed to verbalize through all her whimpering.
Ryeowook slowly lifted her head up and told her "I don't blame you, I never wanna lose you ether, as long you stay by my side, I'll be alright. Thank you."

"I.." Seohyun was cut off with Ryeowook's lips sealed to hers.

Lisa came up and saw the two, but they didn't seem to notice her as she slowly and without making a peep, crept away from the area.

"I love you, Seohyun. No matter what happens, not even Amy can change my feelings I have for you because you were always right next to me." Ryeowook managed a hint of a light smile.

"I… I love…. you too, Ryeowook." Though Seohyun had said that to Ryeowook, but deep inside her feelings fluttered frantically all over the place. She didn’t know where her true feelings lay but it did not center on Ryeowook. She also wondered if this love was going to last…

"You guys okay?" Lisa said smiling.
“Seohyun, you have to go to work soon."

"Omigod, I forgot!" As Seohyun snapped out of her thoughts and quickly ran to get ready for her part-time job.

"Imma going home anyways, I'll drive you to the theaters." Ryeowook replied with a smile as he went to start up his car. As he sat in his car he froze for a moment. “Amy is coming back. What should I do?”

*DING DONG* Back to school

"Finally, LUNCHTIME!! I'm starving!!!" Heechul whined in agony.

~Kyuhyun's POV~

The sun was shining. Thank God it was Friday! I thought nothing could ruin my day. I was walking with Heechul, Hankyung, and Yoona. I’ve only known her for a week and already I felt like I knew her for ages.
We sat down with the "group" .

"Oppa, you're here" Sunny quickly pulled Kyuhyun to sit beside her. Yoona took a seat next to Kyuhyun.

"You know, you guys should totally go out." Heechul started a topic.

I felt tongue-tied and slowly shrugged.
Yoona seemed to notice my strangeness and nudged me. Just then Yesung popped up and placed his arms over Yoona.

"YA, TOTALLY! WHY NOT TODAY? YOU GUYS CAN GO FOR A MOVIE OR SOMETHING." Yesung said as he looked at Sunny and Kyuhyun with a creepy smile on his face, laughing.

"Only if Oppa doesn't mind then I’m okay." Sunny seemed humble.

"You guys are so eager for them to go out." Yoona pointed out. She was trying to help, but it didn't seem to work. Tiffany’s deadly glare quickly made Yoona quiet.

"TOTALLY, KYUHYUN." Sooyoung cheered.

"Okay, that's settled. You guys are going out today after school." Tiffany ordered.
Sunny looked at me with a grin on her face, I forced myself to smile back, Yoona giggled at me.



School had finally ended, however my nightmare had just began.

"Yoona!" I called as I walked up to her.
"So, how's our Mr. Sunny doing?" She smirked in such a terrible way that made me gag.
"I'm just kidding."
"This is not a joking matter.”
"I tried to save your , but sorry I failed."
"It's okay. It’s just that I... don't like her." I whispered with my head down.
"I'll try my best to cover you." She tip-toed and gave me a kiss on my cheek before running off.

I put my hand on my cheek, it felt very nice.
I saw her diving her way into Yesung's arm which made me a bit uncomfortable to watch for some reason. Something in me just didn't feel right.

{At Sunny's House}

I stood in front of Sunny's door. I knocked and her maid answered.

"Hello, and who may you be looking for?"

"Is Sunny here?” I asked nervously.

"KYUHYUN, that's the wrong door." Someone yelled behind me. I turned and saw Sunny running towards me.
She was wearing a nice blue and purple plaid dress with black flats. She tied her hair halfway up with voluminous curls trailing very nicely down her back. Her hairstyle made her appear a bit taller.

"Oppa, that's the wrong door. It's 1110 not 110." she pointed out.

"Oh. I'm sorry..."
I felt already as though the day was going to get worse.

{At the Movie Theatre}

"Oppa, what do you wanna watch?" She glanced up at me blissfully blinking.

"Anything you want. "
It turned out to be exactly what I expected: a romantic chick flick.

"Sunny, I'll go buy some snacks, ok?"
The fast-food line was way too long. I looked around and decided to go get myself some frozen yogurt. I stepped up to the counter.

"Um, hi. Can I get a large strawberry frozen yogurt?"

"Surrr. Uhh…"

I looked up and saw that it was the girl that bumped into me multiplies times during school.
She was wearing a black collar shirt with a name tag that said:


"Aren't you that girl who constantly bumps into me at school?"

"Uhh, yes I'm so sorry” She looked embarrassed.

"So, about my order... "

She quickly hurried to make my order. She was so wobbly and messed up the order two times. Thank goodness not a lot of people likes frozen yogurt, or she would have been fired already from the amount of mistakes she had made. Or maybe she was just messing up my order only? But I had to admit, it was cute seeing her make mistakes.

She finally came up with a wrong, sloppy order of chocolate frozen yogurt. I really wanted strawberry but I knew she was going to panic even more so I just left it.

She handed me the order. I smiled and took out my credit card.

"No, please don't. I want to repay you for returning my journal." She spoke softly with her head held down. Her hands were fiddling with the towel she was using to clean up the crazy mess she had just made.

"Okay then…By the way, I originally asked for a strawberry frozen yogurt." I smiled and gently patted her head.
Sunny came rushing to me.

"EWWW, what is that?" Sunny said with a disgusted look on her face. At hearing her words, Seohyun scrambled to clean the messy counter.

"It's frozen yogurt. You want?" I scooped some into my mouth. It tasted kind of funny, but I just stuck with it.

"Yes please, Oppa" She looked pleased. "Ahhhh, feed me."
I fed her and Seohyun was now staring.


"Hey, don't you go to our school?” Sunny stared straight at Seohyun.

"Yeah." Seohyun looked up and nodded.

"Oh, well then. Okay. Odd that you're working here but alrighty. Come on, Oppa. Let's go."
She tugged my arm and guided me into the theater.

When the movie was finished, I realized I knew nothing about the movie. I slept through most of the scenes.
We walked out and I saw Seohyun still working. Except this time, this really old guy with a grumpy tone was yelling at her. I saw her face looking discouraged and sad. She seemed like she was about to cry any moment.

Sunny and I walked out the theater and I receive a phone call.

my Shinee ring-tone

It was my sister calling, asking me to come home for dinner. I decided to take advantage of this and use it as an excuse to ditch Sunny.

"But… why?….. I was hoping that us two could have dinner together tonight." She said with her childish voice trying to be cute and all that.

"I’m really sorry, how ‘bout next time?" I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay I guess. Bye, Oppa" She seemed to be satisfied.

I waved goodbye and began to walk away. A sudden thought came to my mind: Seohyun. I had the urge to go back to the frozen yogurt place and see her.
I went back and I saw her still in her little counter box cleaning up. It looked as if she had just finished crying a few moments ago.

"Hey" I said
She looked up with puffy red eyes.

"Come, let's leave and go somewhere. You don't even want to be here anyways, right?"

"Bu-u-t, I’m working right now."

"So….come on…" I clutched her hand and she just came with me so naturally.
We walked into the mall, she was still in her uniform.

"Why are you doing this for to me? I mean you hardly even know me." She bowed her head down, hiding the red blush that was forming on her cheeks.

"I saw that you were suffering. I also saw you getting yelled at and knew you weren't happy." DID I JUST SAY WHAT I THINK I JUST SAID!?

"Thanks. I blame myself though. You have to admit I'm useless. I couldn't even make your order right. You wanted strawberry, instead I gave you chocolate, and even then it wasn't right. I also got kiwi mixed into it!" She said, tears started to stream down her face.

"It's okay. People makes mistakes." So she knew there was kiwi in the mix, I couldn’t help but let out a smirk.
I decided to bring her to the nearby café to sit down and brought us both coffee.

"So… I was just wondering why a rich girl like you would be working at such a crappy place like the theater."

"My parents forced me. They said that I needed to learn how to be independent and not to rely on them for the rest of my life. Oh ya…. What happen to the girl you were with? If I'm correct her name is Sunny, right? Were you guys going on a date? Do you need to go back with her? I am fine now."

"Long story short, just like you I was 'forced' to go out with her."

"That's different though, it's your feelings we're talking about. Did your parents make you go out with her?"

"No, my parents are not here... anymore, and my friends are the ones who put me into this mess."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Still, you shouldn't give into peer pressure!!"

"Oh wells. What's done is done."

"Why aren't you with her anymore?"

"Oh, well I originally had an excuse to go back home for dinner so I could leave her, but I ran into you and...”

I couldn't finished my sentence I saw Sunny walking passed the window. I right away took Seohyun's hand and ran into this tight little photo booth, inside the café shop.

~Narrator’s POV~

Sunny walked pass the café shop and saw what appeared to look like Kyuhyun and Seohyun. She dropped her shopping bags and, without delay, picked them back up and stared straight into the café. She ran in and intently look around the area.

While Kyuhyun and Seohyun crammed into the booth, Kyuhyun would constantly peak through the slim curtain’s edge. He swiftly ducked back in when he saw Sunny. "Oh , Sunny's out there" he whispered to Seohyun. "A.." Just then Kyuhyun placed his finger over Seohyun's mouth. She then felt heavy breathing on one of her cheeks as he leaned in close. His other hand was grabbing a hold of her waist, securing her. Seohyun felt protected.

Sunny still couldn't find any sign of Kyuhyun or Seohyun. She soon gave up and went to buy a coffee for herself. She then began to reach for her cell-phone to call Kyuhyun.

As soon as Kyuhyun saw her distracted, he realized it was his chance for him and Seohyun to escape the café. He took a hold of Seohyun's hand and attempted to run out of the restaurant without Sunny noticing them.

Kyuhyun's phone rang.

While Sunny held her phone with one hand, she turned at the sound of Kyuhyun’s ring-tone. She saw a blur of Kyuhyun and Seohyun running out of the café.

"Kyu!!!" she screamed. They were already out of her sight.
Kyuhyun and Seohyun dashed out the mall and ran to the back alley. Both of them were out of breath, leaning on the brick wall. They faced each other and broke out into laugher.

Kyuhyun's phone rang.

"Oh my gosh, who can this be now?…… Why am I getting so many calls today?” Kyuhyun said as he checked his cell-phone. He leaned heavily on the wall, still out of breath.

[checks phone]

1 new text message: Heechul:
HEECAT.>.< <3

Seohyun giggled glancing over at the text.
"You’re just full of anticipation, aren't you?"

"That’s not funny."

"Well, I think it's time to go. It's getting kinda late. My mother should be in the theatres by now to pick me up from ‘work.’"

"I'm sorry" Kyuhyun said scratching his head.

"For what?"

"Dragging you out of work, and possibly getting you fired. I'm so stupid."

"No, you're not, I'm actually thankful you did that. I hated that job. I'm a failure at it anyways. Sooner or later I was gonna get fired, yet I didn't have the guts to leave..Until you came along."

"Well, I'm glad I made you happy, and well um then I guess... bye for now. Umm…Can I get your number, you know if you want to be friends and stuff?" Kyuhyun asked awkwardly with a sense of wit.

"Sure." Seohyun entered her number in Kyuhyun's cell-phone.

"Mmkay... Bye." Kyuhyun began to walk away.

Seohyun started to walk back to the theatre, with rosy pink cheeks and a big smile on her face.
Kyuhyun turned around to get another glimpse at Seohyun.
Seohyun had the urge to look back but was afraid. Something in her heart just wanted to get one more peep of Kyuhyun. She didn't know what it was and she turned back.

"Kyuhyun- sshi."
Kyuhyun quickly turns around, "Yes?"

"Call me..."

"I will." Kyuhyun smiled, turned and continued to walk with a sigh of relief.

As the two of them were walking, both seemed to have a sense of relief. It was some sort of magic. Seohyun and Kyuhyun felt as though a bright rainbow had hit them in the face. It made their day, seamlessly meeting each other, even though there were a lot of imperfections along the way.

{Seohyun’s house}

After dinner Seohyun ran up to her room.
She flopped on her bed and Shinee's ring ding dong song.

~Seohyun's POV~

I wonder if he's going to call tonight. I rolled around on the bed relentlessly, constantly checking her phone seeing if Kyuhyun's had called yet.
I started to fiddle with the charm on my phone... Maybe he was not going to call, I gave up and place the phone on my nightstand.

*Oh oh only for you oh oh only for you, Neorago* Seohyun cell phone rings

My thoughts went blank and my heart started to pound, OMIGOD could it be Kyuhyun...
I picked up the phone and said in a soft, cute voice.


"Hello. Uhh. Is this Seohyun?" I recognize Amy's voice.

"Oh! Amy it's me, Seohyun, of course." My voice became mellow, noticing that it wasn’t Kyuhyun whom I was talking to.

"Why do you sound so weird in the beginning?" She said to me.

"What are you talking about? I always sound like this."

"Uh. okay then if you say so la” she said slowly. “Oh I just wanted to let you know that my flight back to Seoul tomorrow will be at 2pm."

"Really? That's great! I'll be there to pick up, and we can do some catching up."

"Oh ya, my step brother is coming as well to pick us up, but yes let's do some catching up." Amy said cheerfully.

"Sure, I'd love to meet him! We can all hang out together."


"Amy, can you hang on? There’s someone calling on the other line."

"Oh it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow. I still have a lot of packing up to do anyways. BAIII."


As I was switching the lines, my heart started beat faster again, along with my face turning bright red. Please let Kyuhyun be the one calling!
I picked up and was speechless.

"Hello... Seohyun are you there?" I knew that voice: it was Ryeowook. My heart-beat started to calm down, yet I was faced with another disappointment.

"Oh... hi, Ryeowook."

"What took you so long to pick up the phone? And why didn't you say anything when you picked up?" a worried voice came out from Ryeowook’s side.

"Umm I was just talking to Amy about what time she was coming tomorrow."

" were talking to A-m-m-y?" I could hear Ryeowook's voice sounding depressed.

"Sorry.." I said.

"NonnonoNononono, why are you being sorry? Me and Amy are just fri..ends, you and I are together now. So when is she arriving tomorrow?"

"2pm. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." As Ryeowook went silent, I started to question: why did he want to know?

We soon hung up on each other and said our goodnights.

I sighed and fell into a deep sleep.


Please comment, to let me know how u think of the story so far.

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@meggy15990: thank you 4 liking my story and ur comment is making me work hard n keep me going. there is alt of drama in seokyu lol but then u will have to wait n c what will happen.<br />
<br />
@TrannLennaa: i will try to up-date soon n thanks 4 reading ^.^
updateeee soon~ always supporting ur story~ please try reading my sstory~ its called 'better not to know' ^^
it was great seokyu story.. and i love it so much... juast keep writing... cuz i always curious about this story...
@TrannLennaa: thz 4 reading i will up-date soon ^.^<br />
<br />
@luckyme176: hmm.... mayb it will b seokyu or yoonkyu or mayb both lol u will just have to c....xD thz 4 ur comment ^.^
I was wondering if this is going to be seokyu or yoonkyu? but i love them both, so it's fine with me. :)) Update soon!
Update sooooooooon~
@meggy15990: thz 4 reading n ur comment means a lot to me...i will try to up-date soon <3
keep update... i'm so curious....
seokyu couple.... i love it... love love love
@Yesungkiee: i hope u will like my story and thanks 4 reading. yesung will b in this story soon.<br />
ps...but in my story he is kind of creepy la lol.... but i like his cute creepy way lol ~big fan of K.R.Y & D.S~