Amy's First Day*

The Lie Hurts, but then Truth Kills

{Amy & Yesung House}
~Amy POV~

That night I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep, thinking about Ryeowook…..and my first day back to school. Thinking what should I say to him when I bump into him? I didn’t think I would come back …. As I went in to deep thought I manages to fall asleep.

The very next morning I got up early brushing my long hair adding some nice curls coming down half way to my back and putting some mousse to hold it in place. Then I turns around look at my new uniform which the maid just bring in earlier, I slowly put it on looking at myself in the mirror, and with a finishing touch I put on my pink rhinestone hair band.

*Knock Knock*

I yelled “its open come in.” Yesung came in as he froze looking up and started starring at me. “Good morning Oppa, I think I’m ready for school, don’t you think?” With a big smile on my face, but I was so nervous in my heart.

{SM High School}

I walked into school with Yesung Oppa. As I made my way in the hall way I could feel the students eyes looking at me, I didn’t mind the attention at all, I enjoyed it. I slowly grabbed onto Yesung arm trying to act all cute and shy while he shows me around the school. Yesung looked over and smiled saying “they just want to know you, cause your with me.” I smile back to him and nodded.

"Okay sis, your first class is math… Room 101."

"Lucky I love math!" I kissed him on the cheek “see you later Oppa” and ran off to my classroom.
“Amy today school finish early at lunch time today so becarefully, see you then.” Yesung yelled, as I wave to him. “Ok Oppa …biiii”

{Math Class, Room 101}

I walked into the room the first thing I see was Ryeowook sitting in my class my heart stopped for a few second, I notice there was an empty seat beside him, and decided to take a seat beside him.

"Hey Wookie! Can I sit next to you?" I pat him on the shoulder.

He flinched. He probably hated my voice and didn't want to answer me. I knew it, I was off to find another seat, but he stopped me.

"Hi, you can sit here if you want...Amy." His voice was low and shaky. He didn’t even try to look at me when we talked.

The teacher was slacking off, it's been ten minutes into class and she still hadn't show up yet. I was getting bored as hell. I wanted to break the tension between me and Ryeowook; he probably hates my guts...



"Do you... hate me?"

"No not really."

I didn't know what to say.
"I'm... sorry" I had a mental flash-back in my head of what I and Ryeowook have been through and what I had done to him. Tears started forming in my eyes as they start to fall.

"Don't be sor…” Ryeowook said trying to stop me from crying as he wipes my tears using his sleeve. I could tell that he still care about me, with his worried look on his face, I can read him like an open book.

“I'm a babo. I still want to remain as friends like we were in the very beginning and never end.” My tears continue to slowly fall.

"Amy please don’t cry. I forgive you really, and we are still best friends like before."
Ryeowook hugged me real tightly trying to make me stop cry, it's been such a long time since I hugged Ryeowook, as I slowly stopped crying. I loved him still, even as a friend.

"I'm sorry" I whisper.

As time goes by we were less awkward, Ryeowook had a lot of classes with me.

"How have you and Seohyun been doing since I was gone?" I asked Ryeowook.

"We’re dating, well at least I think we're dating."

{Lunch Time/ End of School}

The lunch bell went off we all got up leaving the class room, I was still a little shock from the news that Ryeowook and Seohyun were now dating, but then I guess I should be happy for them…but why do I feel a pain in my heart…. Why?
We both made our way to the lunchroom and met up with Seohyun.
When Ryeowook got near Seohyun he held her hand and me clinging on to Seohyun other side.
We walked in the lunchroom together. It was very loud.
I see people walking in and out.
We took the table near the windows.
There was an awkward silence between us three.
Yesung and this really cute boy walked up and join us at our table.

"Hey my baby sis, how was class, did anyone make you cry?" He sits down with his handsome friend.

"It was fine” I giggled as I was looking at Ryeowook, we both smiled at each other. I can tell that Yesung was wondering why me and Ryeowook know each other, with that jealous look on his face.

"So who's your cute friend over there Oppa?" I asked showing my best smile.

"Sungmin, Lee Sungmin, your Amy right, Yesung's new step sister. You are very beautiful Yesung was telling me the whole time in class. He was right though." He took my hand and gave it a kiss. He slowly looked up with his seductive eyes and face of his.

"Hi Sungmin. Yes my name is Amy, nice to meet you too." I greeted with a pink blush on my face and giggle.

I saw Ryeowook staring at him intensely...

~Seohyun's POV~

Why was Ryeowook staring so deeply, it seems like he still likes her, when... he's supposed to be with me, which made me kind of happy a bit if they did get back together.
Because I think my heart is not on Ryeowook, in my heart I was still thinking of that one person, Kyuhyun...
I scan the lunchroom while the rest were talking.
I see Sunny clinging on Kyuhyun walking in; I was upset to see her with him.

"Lets all go out for a walk it is so nice out.” Amy said I really didn't want to; the sun makes my headache come back.

"Seohyun aren't you coming?" Amy asked me.

"Nah, you guys go, get some fresh air" I tell them.

"I'll stay with you." Ryeowook offered.

"No, Ryeowook you can go its nice out, it's too crowded in the lunchroom, and it’s not good for your asthma." But he insisted on staying with me, you can tell his heart wanted to go out as well.

"I'll come with you Amy." Sungmin said and got up walking over helping Amy out of her chair. He then let his arm out waiting for Amy to respond. Amy understood what he wanted, she then cling to his arm with both hands “then shell we go” Sungmin said “yes let’s go, come out later ok you guys” Amy turned her head around saying with a smile.

"We'll come out later" I told the two.

"Okay then, we'll just be outside walking,” I watch them walk out the doors.

I breathe heavily and lay my head on Ryeowook shoulder and turned around, shocked.

"Woah!!! Yesung, you're still here, I thought you went with them."

"Nahh... Imma vampire, can't face the sunlight and...." He was cut off with a pair of hands covering his eyes.

It was Yoona; she gave me a sign telling me not to say anything. I gave her a thumb up.

"Hmmmm… I wonder who it is." He began to tickling her. My eyes then wonder off somewhere else.

I see Kyuhyun and Sunny sitting on the other table, my stomach was hurting

I heard them speaking. Ryeowook seemed odd and holds my hand.

"Opppaaa. Where were you yesterday??" I heard Sunny whine.

"Oh umm a girl fainted and I brought her home." Kyuhyun said humbly.

"Seohyun!?!!?" She said it so loud, even Yoona and Yesung heard.


I ducked my head down pretending not to hear. Yoona stared at me and seemed like she knew I could hear, and saw my face turn blue.

Yoona and Yesung left the table and started to walk to where Tiffany and the others are sitting next to Kyuhyun. He was very glad to see someone that understands him.

"You guys are dating now, Kyuhyun you need to spend time with your "girlfriend" instead of someone else that's not your girlfriend, you know" Tiffany babbled staring straight at me.


"Chill Tiff, it was just a date, and Kyuhyun never confirmed anything." Yoona said, she seem to disprove them being together.

"Shut up Yoona, you should be defending Sunny. Not... someone else" She stares angrily at Yoona, I can feel a bad aura from my back.

"Come on let's go " Kyuhyun pulls Sunny away. Then the rest of the clique except for Yoona stays.

They both made there way back to our table, standing with Yesung arm still around Yoona waist.

"What a , eh?" Yesung said.

"Ignore what Tiff says, she bulls a lot." Yoona said to me. She continues," I'm guessing you must be Seohyun then right? I've heard about you a lot lately good and bad."

"Yeah, really…?"

All of a sudden Ryeowook stood up and pulls me up, he had a mad/worry look on his face, "let's go outside for a walk.” I was so shock that I didn’t know what to do and thought maybe it is better to get some air.

“………” everyone was shocked

{At that time Ryeowook was in deep thought, he didn’t know what was going on around him}
~Ryeowook POV~

Seohyun was on my shoulder leaning on me it felt really nice, but I couldn’t help starring outside the café window looking at the beautiful weather. Out came though the door was Amy giggling, with Sungmin and Amy arms crossed together as he shows her around the back field of our school. My eye was fix on her every movement my heart felt like it was about to pop out. The more I look the more I keep questioning myself over and over again; I close my eyes telling myself….. Amy is my friend ….!!! MY BEST FRIEND…… I am with Seohyun now!!!!!

When I finally opened my eyes Amy was gone with Sungmin, I started to worry cause I don’t trust that guy at all.


We all made our way outside the sun were so bright and blinded my eyes, walking to the field with the wind blowing lightly at us. I was trying to see if I can find Amy at the same time trying to be with Seohyun holding my hand. I said “why don’t you sit here in the shade I will go and buy you something to drink, I also ask if Yoona and Yesung wanted anything too.”

They both said sure, one said “orange juice please” and the other said “cola, thz man” I knew what Seohyun wanted already “and you want water right?” she nodded.

Even though I said I wanted to go buy those drinks, I lied. I was really worried about Amy, trying to use my time well, when I didn’t even know where to start. For some reason I had a feeling Sungmin took her into the woods at the back of the school, I really had a strong feeling about this!
I quickly ran over there, I was right I could see Amy leaning on the tree laughing. As I was trying to catch my breath looking up, I saw Sungmin placed one of this hand on the tree where Amy head was, blocking her face as he then lend in which looked like he was going to kiss her on the neck.

"Aaaa……mmmmMM…..YYYY!!!!” I yelled they both looked over at me. I quickly went over and said “everyone is outside waiting for you” I lied, “let's go buy the drinks and meet up with them,” as I said out of breath; I think I really need that drink.

"Wookie are u ok? You look really tired.” Amy asks me with her worry look on her face.

I pulled on her arm lightly whispering in her ear “did Sungmin do anything to you? Diiid… he try to… you?” Amy gave a confuse look on her face and said “no, he was telling a scary story about the forest.” I let of a big breath, thank god.

"Thank you Wookie for still caring about me,” just then Amy place a light peck on my cheek. I couldn’t stop my heart from beating faster as my face turn bright red, why is this happening to me?

"Sorry I took so long with your drinks,” my face was still red, I can still feel it burning.

"Wow….. man we thought you got lost or something” Yesung said with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry it was cause of me, I didn’t know what I wanted to drink…. Sorry Oppa that I made you wait,” Amy said making a sad face.

"It is ok baby sis, I would wait for you forever” Yesung reply with a smile, while Yoona face start to grow sour. Then Amy turns her face facing me with a wink and made a peace sign. I couldn’t help but to laugh, she was just too cute.

"I am so looking forward to tonight party” Amy said as she looked up into the sky with the wind blowing between her hair along her sent of smell traveling though the wind as it blow past me. I can feel my heart shifting….. I closed my eyes. I then felt a warm touchnext to me, I slowly opened my eyes, and it was Seohyun.

"Tonight party will be fun, don’t you think?” Seohyun asked.

I nodded with a smile “Yes…. I think so.” As my head turn back to face the front looking at Amy’s back……… I hope nothing bad well come out of this party…..????


So sorry I wanted to bring the “party” in this chapter but then not happening lol
If I did I think u will be like tooooooo long……….. XD

I hope it makes sense …… please comment on what I need to improve……<3

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@meggy15990: thank you 4 liking my story and ur comment is making me work hard n keep me going. there is alt of drama in seokyu lol but then u will have to wait n c what will happen.<br />
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@TrannLennaa: i will try to up-date soon n thanks 4 reading ^.^
updateeee soon~ always supporting ur story~ please try reading my sstory~ its called 'better not to know' ^^
it was great seokyu story.. and i love it so much... juast keep writing... cuz i always curious about this story...
@TrannLennaa: thz 4 reading i will up-date soon ^.^<br />
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@luckyme176: hmm.... mayb it will b seokyu or yoonkyu or mayb both lol u will just have to c....xD thz 4 ur comment ^.^
I was wondering if this is going to be seokyu or yoonkyu? but i love them both, so it's fine with me. :)) Update soon!
Update sooooooooon~
@meggy15990: thz 4 reading n ur comment means a lot to me...i will try to up-date soon <3
keep update... i'm so curious....
seokyu couple.... i love it... love love love
@Yesungkiee: i hope u will like my story and thanks 4 reading. yesung will b in this story soon.<br />
ps...but in my story he is kind of creepy la lol.... but i like his cute creepy way lol ~big fan of K.R.Y & D.S~